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Caption Text
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Caption Two
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Caption Three margin testing

Sunday, May 31, 2009


来源: 免费代理服务器地址和使用设置-月光博客




用SSH构建加密通道达到代理服务器的目的。来源: 把Dreamhost用作代理服务器


plink username@xxx.dreamhost.com -D 8000




点确定。试着访问一些页面,你应该已经位于加州了 :)。firefox还有一些方便设置代理的插件,可以去找一下。

Saturday, May 30, 2009


PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources (i.e. blocked websites). If the server this script is run on can access a resource, so can you!

The source code which runs PHProxy is available here.

Using OpenDNS to Improve your Network

OpenDNS is a free service that works for networks of all sizes, from home networks to K-12 schools, SMBs and large enterprises. Learn more about how OpenDNS can benefit you by selecting your network type on the left.

Here are just a few reasons millions of people have already made the switch:


  • Industry-leading anti-phishing protects everyone on your network from fraudulent phishing scams.
  • Award-winning Web content filtering gives you the power to block up to 50 categories of content.
  • Detailed statistics empower you to understand your network traffic and spot trends before they become problems.


  • Our globally distributed network makes Web sites load noticeably faster on your network.
  • Anycast routing technology makes your Internet more reliable, freeing you of intermittent outages.


  • Browser Shortcuts let your users map a short term to a long URL via the address bar.
  • Typo correction auto-corrects the most common typos in top-level domains.
  • OpenDNS Guide provides helpful search results when your users try to visit a Web site that isn't resolving.

Adobe's New Flex Presentation Tool

Acrobat Presentation is a Flex application that creates stunning presentations right from your browser. Work with others online on the same presentation at the same time. No more emailing attachments back and forth, combining comments or wondering who has the latest version. Learn more.

Friday, May 29, 2009

AMFPHP and MySQL character set

sephiroth.it: Flash send and expects data from and to the outside world using unicode UTF-8 (see technote). The gateway.php file in AMFPHP folder is the bridge between your flash .swf file and your service php class.

You need to choose right parameters for the setCharsetHandler method to match your MySQL(server) and AMFPHP service class (client) environment.

You may also want to change client charset in your service PHP class:
mysql_set_charset() - Sets the client character set
mysql_client_encoding() - Returns the name of the character set

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Best Open Source Resources for Schools

From Tech & Learning: When Free Isn't Free: The realities of running open source in school

1) openSUSE: Licensing-free way for schools to provide authentication services, file and print services, database and Web server systems as well as application delivery services.

2) Dan's Guardian Internet filtering and proxy services: This projects replaces the customary subscription model filtering system with and "add on" module to the popular SQUID Internet proxy and cache system deployed with every major Linux distribution and frequently installed on commercial Web sites.

3) Elgg: social interaction site like Facebook, but for the purpose of schoolwork collaboration.

4) openBiblio: A library automation system that is flexible enough to handle DVDs, online, or e-book subscriptions and credentials, and a list of other tangible and intangeble learning assests.

5) Joomla: an easy-to-manage replacement for the traditionally farmed out, usually static, one -directional, Web page most schools project. It presents a very easy to understand word processor interface known as a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) that make it very easy for a teacher to learn to modify their Web presence with a few minutes a week, or day, to keep the public informed as to assignments and events.

6) Moodle: This project replaces products like "Blackboard" and makes it possible for small private and public schools to offer an online classroom. It works like many of the modern social networking sites yet is very organized and manageable like a real classroom.

7) openSIS: an open source student information system that costs $1 or $2 per student.

The following items came from Linux in U.S. Schools :

8) "ClaSS" provides the teacher with everything they need to manage attendance, grades and student performance.

iTALC is a viable alternative to closed source software Master Solution Vision (a.k.a. Altiris Vision) that allows the teacher to present, teach and to a degree, control what the students are doing during class. ( see another classroom management software: Netop School)

10) student management software Open Admin for Schools

11) more applications providing computer learning for the sciences

Online school grading & report card system: gradesheet.

Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers

iTALC is a powerful didactical tool for teachers. It lets you view and control other computers in your network in several ways. It supports Linux and Windows 2000/XP (Vista support will come) and it even can be used transparently in mixed environments!

In contrast to widely used commercial equivalent software, iTALC is free! This means you do not have to pay for expensive licenses or things like that. Furthermore the source-code is freely available and you're free in changing the software to fit your needs as long as you respect the terms of iTALC's license (GPL). Freedom in two ways!


iTALC has been designed for usage in school. Therefore it offers a lot of possibilities to teachers, such as
  • see what's going on in computer-labs by using overview mode and make snapshots
  • remote-control computers to support and help other people
  • show a demo (either in fullscreen or in a window) - the teacher's screen is shown on all student's computers in realtime
  • lock workstations for moving undivided attention to teacher
  • send text-messages to students
  • powering on/off and rebooting computers per remote
  • remote logon and logoff and remote execution of arbitrary commands/scripts
  • home-schooling - iTALC's network-technology is not restricted to a subnet and therefore students at home can join lessons via VPN-connections just by installing iTALC client
Furthermore iTALC is optimized for usage on multi-core systems (by making heavy use of threads). No matter how many cores you have, iTALC can make use of all of them.

Linux in U.S. Schools: Why the Resistance?

By Matt Hartley From Datamation
More by Author »
September 4, 2008

“Software alternatives are just not available for Linux.”

I hear the statement above almost everyday. What makes the statement so ridiculous is that it is completely inaccurate 99 percent of the time. Normally I would dismiss this as the loss of the person or the business that has opted to limit their horizons with their platform decisions, but when I hear this coming from schools...I find myself shaking my head in complete disbelief.

Surely I am misunderstanding their perspective?

All over the world, there are schools that have saved tremendous amounts of money spent on education simply by switching to Linux. Despite the common belief here in the U.S. that there is a "software shortage" for this open source platform, schools in other countries have managed to make the switch to Linux with very little sacrifice.

So what is the hold up here in the States? Surely the ongoing teacher strikes and the frustrated budget managers for various school districts – among other challenges – are reason enough to at least explore the possibility of switching platforms?

Recently my own research indicated that schools are interested in hearing more about open source, despite most of these same schools finding themselves at a loss as to where to begin making the transformation.

Despite what you might read elsewhere, I believe it is not a lack of software or solutions that have prevented school-based Linux adoption here in the U.S. It’s that schools find that they lack the level of support that they believe they need – at a price point they can afford.

So even if Red Hat and Novell and others are able to provide them with viable solutions, the perceived cost for needed help for the switch is still too high in the short term, due to switching from the often dated solutions still in circulation today.

Regardless, I have found that there are indeed Linux for school solutions out there that do not require a new IT staff or cost the district a costly new contract to implement them. And in this article, I will highlight what they are and where to find them.

Student grade & curriculum management software

For many U.S. schools, the closed source STI Classroom is "the" solution when it comes to student grade management. And to be fair, I can see the appeal. A teacher can grade a student's work, while also providing those same grade results to the student with a built-in database. Seemingly, it's a great solution for teachers and students alike.

So what do we have within the open source world that is going to be able to provide this level of functionality? Surprisingly, I found half a dozen open source grade management applications that worked well with Linux. Of those located, none of them appear to provide a database sharing option that make the data contained available to students without help from a Windows application.

After further investigation however, I did locate a closed source application that is Linux supported that does just that, and then some. Enter MyClassRoomHelper.

Designed with the teacher in mind, MyClassRoomHelper puts the Web browser in the driver’s seat as the client application in which students can get the latest data on their grades and assignments. Students and parents will also find classroom assignments as well, thus ensuring that students are able to access any changes to homework both in and out of school. It is great for kids who are home sick who want to stay caught up.

Picking up where MyClassRoomHelper leaves off, "ClaSS" provides the teacher with everything they need to manage attendance, grades and student performance. ClaSS also goes a step further by providing teachers with the ability to quickly and easily generate performance reports about their students. This can provide an effective tool when working with kids who require extra assistance in and out of class.

Now clearly, there is much more to running a school/classroom than mere working with grades & the provided curriculum. There is also the matter of managing the classroom itself and the students it contains.

Classroom management software

Another major hurdle for school adoption of Linux in the classroom is competent software that allows the teacher to present, teach and to a degree, control what the students are doing during class. In the closed source software world, this would mean using something like Master Solution Vision (a.k.a. Altiris Vision).

So in order for a school to take this approach, they will need to consider the cost of OEM Windows boxes, along with the per instance license of about $50+ per install of the classroom management software such as that provided by Master Solution.

Yet if we are willing to go out on a limb a bit, there is a viable alternative using older PCs loaded up with a predetermined distribution of Linux. The cost is practically zero. Using existing hardware that can be found via many PC recyclers, through a used PC drive put on by the school, a tech savvy group of high school kids could do the whole thing for extra credit (school rules and state laws allowing).

The key to seeing success above with the open source approach is to use an application called iTALC. I discovered iTALC by accident, when researching different software options for this article.

I say by accident as it did not rank well for the search query I happened to be using at the time. Despite me simply stumbling upon this classroom management application, I was stunned at how well done it was considering the lack of obvious corporate funding. Generally speaking, this feels like it could be the money saving alternative to Master Solution Vision that I bet many schools are looking for.

In other words, pay for some a quick setup and train the teachers using the software – end of continued cost right there.

Ideally, it would be even more compelling if the schools sought out help on how to use this kind of software from their gifted computer savvy students. Trading their time for extra school credit in the applicable class sure sounds like a win-win to me.

Student management software

Everything listed above provides a valuable start for the school interested in making the leap to an open source universe. But it does leave one very important item left unchecked – student management software. Thankfully there is Open Admin for Schools to fall back on.

This server software provides easy access to:

• Student Demographics

• Student Attendance

• Student Discipline

• Online Grade entering for teachers and report card management as well.

While there are a number of other impressive features, these are the most important that struck me personally. Open Admin for Schools provides the school's office staff with the ability to do their job with regard to attendance, discipline and other related matters that often go beyond the initial scope of the typical classroom.

The Windows dependent bubble

And there we have it. A clear set of example applications that can be used with popular Linux distributions in lieu of the Windows platform and the current software licenses being renewed year after year. Best of all, it would not require a massive event just to get these solutions put into play, either.

Yet despite all of the options presented above, there will still be those who insist that Windows must be used, as clearly, Linux software is just not taking hold for the sciences...right?

Actually, there are more applications providing computer learning for the sciences than you could possibly imagine.

So you see, it's not Linux or the applications that run on it that are holding back schools here in the U.S. It is a lack of understanding from the school districts and in some cases, the states themselves, as they firmly hold onto thinking reflective of that of the 1990's. The rest of the world has already begun to get their classrooms out of the Windows dependent bubble. Perhaps someday soon, we will begin to see more U.S. based schools doing the same?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Install AMFPHP on GoDaddy Hosting Site

I got all my information form the following 3 web pages, especially the first one:
1. Install the AMFPHP

First download the AMFPHP library, unzip it and then copy the amfphp folder to webserver. On my Linux hosting site this folder is
and the URL is http://en.hycademy.com/amfphp. (delete the .htaccess file from this folder.) If everything is right, you will be able to test all the exposed PHP classes at: http://en.hycademy.com/amfphp/gateway.php

Then download StartingWithAMFPHP1.zip Use SQL script to generate tables in MySQL database. Extract all from PHP directory into AMFPHP service directory. In FLEX directory you can find a finished Flex project that you can import into your Flex workspace.

2. Create database

mysql -h dbname.dbhost.com -u username -p <amfphp.sql

3. Create PHP files
PHP service classes
data objects

Please note, PHP script must have the same name as the class inside of it.

4. Create Flex project
Import the Flex project.

MXML application uses two remote objects, one is calling dummy PHP service and the other one works with the soccer data and helps you handle the data.



<mx:RemoteObject id="FlexAMFPHPService" source="org.zgflex.cookbook.services.FlexAMFPHP" destination="amfphp"
fault="faultHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true">
<mx:method name="communicationTest" result="checkCommunicationHandler(event)" />
<mx:method name="checkAnotherMethod" result="checkCommunicationHandler(event)" />

<mx:RemoteObject id="SoccerService" source="org.zgflex.cookbook.services.SoccerManager" destination="amfphp"
fault="faultHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true">
<mx:method name="getTeams" result="getTeamsHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)" />
<mx:method name="updateTeam" result="updatedTeamHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)" />


Just as you created PHP data class in Team.php, you need to create a simple mapping class in Actionscript. In this class you will store all the data and use it for handling data changes and sending the data back to the server. See Player.as and Team.as in Flex project folder: src/org/zgflex

You also need to configure services-config.xml file, and edit your URL to the AMFPHP gateway.php script.You have to use this XML file while the Flex project is compiled. You will do this by adding compiler parameter in project properties. Your compiler propetries should look something like this:

-locale en_US -services "services-config.xml"

Export the release build to bin-release folder and upload it to webserver's folder: ~/html/Sites/en.h.com/StartingWithAMFPHP/, and now you can access it at: http://en.hycademy.com/StartingWithAMFPHP/StartingWithAMFPHP.html

Working with Flex and PHP in Eclipse

From: Working with Flex and PHP in Eclipse | Adobe Developer Connection
By: Mihai Corlan

Developers who work with Flex and PHP can boost their productivity by combining two tools: Flex Builder and Zend Studio for Eclipse. This setup lets you create a combined project with Flex and PHP natures and reap the benefit of coding in both languages. (In Eclipse, natures link a project with specific builders and other settings.) The setup also enables you to debug your Flex and PHP code at the same time.

In this article I will show you how to install Flex Builder 3 together with Zend Studio for Eclipse, how to create a combined project, and how to debug a project that uses Zend AMF to send data between Flex and PHP.


In order to make the most of this article, you need the following software and files:

Flex Builder 3 Eclipse Plug-in

Zend Studio for Eclipse

Zend Framework 1.7 or newer

Web server with support for PHP 5 or newer

Sample files:

  • flex_php.zip (ZIP, 445KB)
  • Note: You can import this archive using Import > Flex Builder > Flex Project.

Prerequisite knowledge

To benefit most from this article, it is best if you are familiar with Flex Builder, ActionScript 3.0, and PHP.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to drop many tables with same prefix in MySQL

Put the following into a file called get_table_names.sql :
use db;
show tables where tables_in_db like 'myPrefix_%';
Replace "db" with your database name in both lines of the file.
Mysql names the output column "tables_in_[database_name]".

Then execute at the shell command prompt:
mysql -u dbuser -p < get_table_names.sql > table_list

Then edit the file table_list to make each line a drop table commandt:
drop table myPrefix_1;
drop table myPrefix_2;

Now execute the MySQL commands in file table_list:
mysql -u dbuser -p db <table_list

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ubuntu One实现多台电脑文件同步

  Ubuntu的开发者Canonical,正在准备推出一个名为Ubuntu One的Web服务,类似于Dropbox,它将实现多台Ubuntu电脑之间的文件同步。该项服务的使用者可以得到2GB的免费空间。目前这项服务还处于开发阶段,预期将在今年10月推出的Ubuntu 9.10(代号为Karmic Koala)中广泛使用。更详细的情况见:Hands on: Canonical aims for the cloud with new Ubuntu One

Monday, May 11, 2009


  加利福尼亚州州长发起了一项新倡议,编纂开源教科书(open source science and math textbooks)。他希望该计划将有助于降低成本和提高教育质量。这种尝试意义远大,但该州复杂而艰巨的教科书评价过程也会给此计划带来重大挑战。 (详情见英文原文

Saturday, May 9, 2009

备份Google Docs中的文件

  有一个 Greasemonkey script 可以帮你备份Google Docs中的文件,安装此script后,你将可以选择你想要的文件类型,如:Microsoft Office files, Open Offices files, PDFs等,来下载Google Docs中的文件。


  这并不新鲜,但很有用。只要在关键字前加入文件类型“filetype:torrent”,谷歌便可以找到有关的torrent文件。因此,如果您寻找“哈利波特”的torrent文件,可以这样查:“filetype:torrent harry potter”

Thursday, May 7, 2009


  Weave是Firefox上的一个很好的工具。能够保持书签,历史和标签(Tab)在多台电脑之间保持同步,提高上网效率。目前它只能工作在Firefox 3.5 beta上。

Saturday, May 2, 2009

把Ubuntu服务器从8.10 (Intrepid)升级到9.04 (Jaunty)

  别忘了在升级前备份系统,下面是把Ubuntu服务器从8.10 (Intrepid)升级到最新版本9.04 (Jaunty)的具体步骤:


sudo apt-get update

  如果以前没有安装过的话,现在用下面的命令安装 update-manager-core :

sudo aptitude install update-manager-core

  编辑 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

sudo vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades



  启动升级工具(upgrade tool)

sudo do-release-upgrade


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