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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To fully replace a Windows desktop with Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)

The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

To fully replace a Windows desktop, I want the Ubuntu desktop to have the following software installed:


  • The GIMP - free software replacement for Adobe Photoshop
  • F-Spot - full-featured personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop
  • Google Picasa - application for organizing and editing digital photos


  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Flash Player 10
  • FileZilla - multithreaded FTP client
  • Thunderbird - email and news client
  • Evolution - combines e-mail, calendar, address book, and task list management functions
  • aMule - P2P file sharing application
  • Transmission BitTorrent Client - Bittorrent client
  • Azureus/Vuze - Java Bittorrent client
  • Pidgin - multi-platform instant messaging client
  • Skype
  • Google Earth
  • Xchat IRC - IRC client


  • OpenOffice Writer - replacement for Microsoft Word
  • OpenOffice Calc - replacement for Microsoft Excel
  • Adobe Reader
  • GnuCash - double-entry book-keeping personal finance system, similar to Quicken
  • Scribus - open source desktop publishing (DTP) application

Sound & Video:

  • Amarok - audio player
  • Audacity - free, open source, cross platform digital audio editor
  • Banshee - audio player, can encode/decode various formats and synchronize music with Apple iPods
  • MPlayer - media player (video/audio), supports WMA
  • Rhythmbox Music Player - audio player, similar to Apple's iTunes, with support for iPods
  • gtkPod - software similar to Apple's iTunes, supports iPod, iPod nano, iPod shuffle, iPod photo, and iPod mini
  • XMMS - audio player similar to Winamp
  • dvd::rip - full featured DVD copy program
  • Kino - free digital video editor
  • Sound Juicer CD Extractor - CD ripping tool, supports various audio codecs
  • VLC Media Player - media player (video/audio)
  • Helix Player - media player, similar to the Real Player
  • Totem - media player (video/audio)
  • Xine - media player, supports various formats; can play DVDs
  • Brasero - CD/DVD burning program
  • K3B - CD/DVD burning program
  • Multimedia Codecs


  • KompoZer - WYSIWYG HTML editor, similar to Macromedia Dreamweaver, but not as feature-rich (yet)
  • Bluefish - text editor, suitable for many programming and markup languages
  • Quanta Plus - web development environment, including a WYSIWYG editor


  • VirtualBox OSE - lets you run your old Windows desktop as a virtual machine under your Linux desktop, so you don't have to entirely abandon Windows
  • TrueType fonts
  • Java
  • Read-/Write support for NTFS partitions

Lots of our desired applications are available in the Ubuntu repositories, and some of these applications have been contributed by the Ubuntu community.

What Ubuntu Means

The Post Newspapers Zambia - Latest News, Politics, Business, Sports, Photos, Videos » Business Post » Become an employer of choice in 2010

As we move into 2010, I want to share with you a word that most of you have heard, seen, read but may have never taken any interest to find out what it means. That word is UBUNTU, I encourage organisations not only to know what this word means but to practice UBUNTU: remember that what makes us human is the very humanity that we show to each other. UBUNTU means 'kindness, understanding, compassion, tolerance, empathy, caring, sharing, sensitivity and respect.

When you are giving of yourself and being compassionate, you stop seeing yourself or your organisation as the centre of the universe'. Whilst we focus on profits and business growth, let us not forget the very people that make our organizations move and grow, let us remember to practice UBUNTU. I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a prosperous 2010.

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http://www.ubuntuhome.com/windows-and-ubuntu-install.html  | Ubuntu Home Posted by Snow on 2012/06/25 安装Windows和Ubuntu双系统时,很多人喜欢先安装windows,然...