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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Boxee on PC, MAC, Ubuntu To Get Fall Update

 | TechnoBuffalo

Finally — Boxee software users will be getting some love. It seemed for awhile there that all the attention was being showered on people who owned the actual Boxee Box hardware.

The online content streaming program offered an extremely novel and fresh interface back in 2007, when Boxee debuted. It allowed users to navigate and access their different streams and subscriptions via keyboard or remote control. At first available as a software download for Mac,PC and Linux users, the company eventually moved on to focus all of its attention on the D-linkBoxee Box (no doubt, to keep its stature as new competitors surfaced, like Google TVApple TVand Roku).

In his blog post, top Boxee boss Avner Ronan explains that the Box (which was rewritten on a totally new platform) needed extreme focus at first — which, admittedly, could have made software users feel a little left out. But now, the company will be picking the software-only version back up for development, and a new long-awaited update is scheduled for the fall. Says Ronan:

We are going to release an update for the downloadable version this fall, and hope to keep it more up to speed with the CE version going forward. We also hope to make the open source version of the downloadable version easier to use for people who want to build out their own versions of Boxee.

Unfortunately, Ronan also says that the downloadable software will lag behind the functionality in the Boxee Box version. Even so, long-time software fans should be thrilled about this.

Given what they've gone through with so little attention and the on-again, off-again Hulu access, this will be welcome news. Not as much as striking a deal so Hulu (or even Hulu Plus) will work reliably on there someday, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

For more info on the Boxee Box, hit up TechnoBuffalo's full review.

[via Boxee Team Blog]

About the Author

Adriana Lee

Adriana's fascination with tech started in childhood. After winning a Radio Shack TRS-80 in a raffle, her brother pushed her away from the proto-computer, taunting "Tech's not for girls. Go play with your Barbie." Yeah, right. She grew up to become a writer covering small business technology, as well as trending smartphones, tablets, apps and accessories. She has also written about cooking, fashion, pop culture, newsmakers and the arts, with clips appearing in Time Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and other titles. All of this gives her a unique view on her two great passions, modern lifestyle and tech culture, plus some personal satisfaction — her brother now calls her whenever he has 






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