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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


 - 小众软件

和大多数人不一样,侍其二狗有癖好,关机癖。计算机不用的时候一定要关上。这种强迫症带给二狗很好的节能习惯和更多的麻烦,他经常半夜惊醒去看看电脑有没有关机。其实,善用 Windows 自带计划任务就能实现电脑夜间只能自动关机。如果到了关机时,电脑还在使用中,也不会强制关闭,而是等到电脑完全空闲了再关机。@appinn
开始菜单 -> 所有程序 -> 附件 -> 系统工具 -> 任务计划程序。点击窗口,右上角的创建任务。

切换到"操作"选项卡,点"新建…"。程序或脚本 输入关机命令 shutdown,参数后面输入 /S。如果你想停止当时运行的一切程序,在 /S 后面加上/F。
切换到设置选项卡,如图设置。如果到关机时间仍在使用电脑,计划任务会在 30 分钟后再次试图关机,如果电脑到时候仍然不空闲,计划任务再等30分钟,如此类推。

Alan Young - Google+ Account Susspended


Oct. 31 I changed name to Hykloud Li on my Google+ profile page:

Contacted Google with the contact us link in "Submit this name for review?" page:

Oct. 26 I got this message on my Google+ profile page:

Your profile is suspended and being reviewed

Your profile was flagged for violating the Google+ Community Standards or Names Policy and is currently under review. Reviews are usually completed within a few days.

During this time, you won't be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader, and Picasa. This will not prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.

We understand that Google+ may not be for everyone at this time. We'd be sad to see you go, but if you do choose to leave, make a copy of your Google+ data first. Then, click here to disable Google+.

Oct. 21, I got an email from Google+ Team:
I immediately changed name from Notebook L. to Alan Young


After reviewing your profile, it appears that the name you entered does not comply with the Google+ Names Policy. Please log in to Google+ and visit your profile to learn more and take action.

The Names Policy requires that you use the name you are commonly referred to in real life in your profile. Nicknames, previous names, and so on should be entered in the Other Names section of the profile. Profiles are currently limited to individuals; we will be launching profiles for businesses and other entities later this year.

If you do not edit your name to comply with our Names policy or appeal with additional information within four days of receiving this message, your profile will be suspended. While suspended, you will not be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and Picasa. This will not prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail.

The Google+ team.

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