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Friday, November 20, 2009

Copy MySQL database from one server to another remote server

Copy MySQL database from one server to another remote server

by Vivek Gite · 22 comments

Usually you run mysqldump to create database copy:
$ mysqldump -u user -p db-name > db-name.out

Copy db-name.out file using sftp/ssh to remote MySQL server:
$ scp db-name.out user@remote.box.com:/backup

Restore database at remote server (login over ssh):
$ mysql -u user -p db-name < db-name.out

How do I copy a MySQL database from one computer/server to another?

Short answer is you can copy database from one computer/server to another using ssh or mysql client.

You can run all the above 3 commands in one pass using mysqldump and mysql commands (insecure method, use only if you are using VPN or trust your network):
$ mysqldump db-name | mysql -h remote.box.com db-name

Use ssh if you don't have direct access to remote mysql server (secure method):
$ mysqldump db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql db-name

You can just copy table called foo to remote database (and remote mysql server remote.box.com) called bar using same syntax:
$ mysqldump db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql bar

This will not just save your time but you can impress your friend too ;). Almost all commands can be run using pipes under UNIX/Linux oses.

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