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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ubuntu V.S. Kubuntu

Ubuntu V.S. Kubuntu - Ubuntu Forums

You don't even need to reinstall kubuntu to try it from your ubuntu installation. From inside Gnome (ubuntu), open Synaptic, search for kubuntu-desktop, and install it. Thats it. You're done.

Log out, click the "sessions" button, and change to KDE. Log in. Now you see kubuntu. Keep it, uninstall it, whatever. From the login screen, select your choice from the Sessions menu. And best of all, its teh same OS, different GUI, so all your stuff is still in /home.

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http://www.ubuntuhome.com/windows-and-ubuntu-install.html  | Ubuntu Home Posted by Snow on 2012/06/25 安装Windows和Ubuntu双系统时,很多人喜欢先安装windows,然...