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Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Automount NTFS Drives on Ubuntu

HowTo: Automount NTFS Drives - Ubuntu Forums

Fire up a terminal, to do this click Applications > Accessories > Terminal
Then type (or copy/paste) the following - 1 line at a time
sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install ntfs-config
Ok so when that returns you to user@pcname, that should be it installed

Next, make sure you have NO drives mounted (they'll usually appear on your desktop). And then run the program from Applications > System Tools

Note: In Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) it appears that the configuration tool has moved to System > Administration.

Enter your password when prompted - and then choose the drives that you want to be automounted. Click Apply.

Now simply make sure that "Enable Write Support for Internal Drives" and click OK.

Enjoy your automounted NTFS Drives

Google网站性能优化工具Page Speed

Google网站性能优化工具Page Speed-月光博客

  和Yahoo的YSlow一样,Google的开源网站优化工具Page Speed,是一个基于Firebug的FireFox插件,和YSlow一样,Page Speed可以帮助用户改善网站性能的工具。在运行它之后,可以看到一个帮助你的网站加载速度加快的建议列表,它会根据列表中的每一项检查你的网站并标明是否通过。

  Page Speed在运行时会分析一些Web服务器配置和服务器上下载下来的代码,还会创建一个结果列表,其中包括如何改进网页的建议。分析基于一个分为五类的最佳实践列表:

  * 优化缓存——让你应用的数据和逻辑完全避免使用网络

  * 减少回应时间——减少一连串请求-响应周期的数量

  * 减小请求大小——减少上传大小

  * 减小有效负荷大小——减小响应、下载和缓存页面的大小

  * 优化浏览器渲染——改善浏览器的页面布局


  点击访问:Google Page Speed

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