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Caption Three margin testing

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kapitall is a massive, beautiful stock market playground


Kapitall is one of the most impressive finance-related websites I've recently come across. The site requires registration (which is free, but you do have to opt out of their newsletter) -- but in return it provides you with an incredible amount of financial data.

The experience is very visual. You get a large canvas, which they call "the Playground." You can search for companies by their stock symbols or by their names. (For example, I didn't know that Oracle is ORCL, so I just searched by name.) Each company gets a large icon on your playground, with the company logo, their name, and their segment ("TECHNOLOGY" for Oracle). Icons can be grouped together, dragged around, and organized in any way you wish.

To dig into a single company, double-click its icon. You get a snapshot page that shows you a one-year performance graph, a company synopsis, current market cap, management details, analyst ratings, and more. You also get to see "Monthly Community Activity" for the company, which lets you determine how much Kapitall buzz there is around a given company.

You can also analyze company data in all sorts of ways. One neat tool is the Compar-O-Matic, which shows you statistics for two or more companies. You can also see statistics over time. Here's a fun fact: in October 2008, Apple's market cap was $100.7B, versus Oracle's $104.6B. Today, Apple stands at $221.2B with Oracle at $109.8B. That's pretty intense, especially when you play it back month-by-month and see how the stock behaves.

This is just scratching the surface of this massive tool, really. If you have any interest in the stock market and in cool tools to chart it and learn about it, you should definitely check out Kapitall.

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