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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How do I set up metatags for my Zen Cart site

Zen Cart(tm) Tutorials and FAQs - How do I set up metatags for my site, or...

Zen Cart is built with a feature to have separate meta tags for each Category and Products -- separate from the ones on general pages.

To define meta tags for a Category, go to the Admin -> Catalog -> Categories/Products once you're there..click on the meta tag icon (the last one to the right for any given category) and set your content.
Note: A meta tag must contain keywords and description or it is not considered complete, and will be ignored.

If you want to define meta tags for individual Products, you will navigate to that product and click on the meta tag icon to define it.
Note: there are custom settings in Product Types so if you don't want, for example, products_price in the title ... you can globably set the defaults for 1 or all product types.

Common Site-Wide
To define site-wide tags such as charset, keywords and description, go to includes/languages/english/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/meta_tags.php and edit that file for keywords, site title, site tagline and site description.

*NOTE:* The references to "YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME" mean that you should use the name of the folder of your custom template that you've built for your site.

Custom Site-Wide
For meta tags not covered by the previous paragraph, copy the includes/templates/template_default/common/html_header.php file to your includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/common/ folder. Open it up and add your own meta tag to those already there by default.

Search engines will index all of your pages ...
Build your pages to have proper text, meaning significant text, to increase their content value for search engines ...

While meta tags are helpful, they are not the end all and be all ...
The content is more significant ... the content relative to the meta tags is significant ...

Notice the custom meta tags for each Category and Product ...
Notice the categories_description and products_description ... these are highly important ... Your descriptions need to be content-rich and keyword-rich.

Lack of content is the major issue if your site is not getting good search engine rankings.

Force IE8 to Load and Display Websites in IE7 Compatibility View Mode

META Tags and Locking in Future Compatibility

By default, Internet Explorer 8 uses EmulateIE8 mode to display pages loaded from the Internet Zone. Web pages loaded from the Intranet Zone or with the Web Browser control are displayed in EmulateIE7 mode. These defaults can be changed

Specifying Compatibility Modes on a Per-Page Basis

To specify a document mode for your Web pages, use the META element to include an X-UA-Compatible http-equiv header in your Web page. The following example specifies EmulateIE7 mode compatibility.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

The content attribute specifies the mode for the page; for example, to mimic Internet Explorer 7 behavior, specify IE=EmulateIE7. Likewise, specify IE=5, IE=7, or IE=8 to select one of those compatibility modes. You can also specify IE=edge to tell Internet Explorer 8 to use the highest mode available.

The X-UA-compatible header is not case sensitive; however, it must appear in the Web page's header (the HEAD section) before all other elements, except for the TITLE element and other META elements.

Specifying Compatibility Modes on a Per-Site Basis

A document mode can be specified for your Web site by defining a custom HTTP response header for the site using your Web server. An HTTP response header is the information a Web server attaches to the file it sends to your browser in response to the HTTP request and that usually contains information such as date, size, and type of file that is being sent back.

The following documents describe the steps required to configure your Web server to attach a custom HTTP response header to all of your Web pages. This will cause Internet Explorer 8 to use a specific document compatibility mode, such as EmulateIE7.

If you specify a default document compatibility mode using your Web server, you can override that setting by specifying a different document compatibility mode in a specific Web page. The mode specified within the Web page takes precedence over the mode specified by the server.

Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View

Internet Explorer 8: Features

Compatibility View

Internet Explorer 8 is a new release and some websites may not yet be ready for the new browser. Click the Compatibility View toolbar button to display the website as viewed in Internet Explorer 7, which will correct display problems like misaligned text, images, or text boxes. This option is on a per site basis and all other sites will continue to display with Internet Explorer 8 functionality. When you click on the Compatibility View button for a site, you don't need to do it again as the next time you visit that site the browser will show it in compatibility mode. If for some reason you'd like to go back to browsing with Internet Explorer 8 functionality on that site, simply click the Compatibility View button again.

The Compatibility View button

Try clicking the "Compatibility View" toolbar button to fix the problem. It's located next to the Refresh button on the Address Bar.

You can maintain a list within Internet Explorer 8 for sites that should be displayed in Compatibility View. From the Command Bar, select Tools, and then select Compatibility View Settings to add and remove sites from this list. There are also options for viewing all websites and intranet sites in Compatibility View.

The Compatibility View settings dialog box

Add and remove websites to be displayed in Compatibility View.

解决 Ubuntu 上Firefox 3.6 字体发虚的问题

Firefox Optimization and Troubleshooting | lovinglinux

Open the file ~/.fonts.conf with a text editor…
…then replace the content of that file with this:


<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
<match target="font" >
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >

Save it and restart Firefox.




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完美的翻墙浏览器:Tor Browser Bundle

完美的翻墙浏览器:Tor Browser Bundle - 野草博客—关注:股票、互联网与社会思考 - yeahcao - 和讯博客

野草那天在订阅的GFW Blog中看到一篇介绍翻墙工具的文章,其中一个翻墙工具就是Tor Browser Bundle,由于野草写了前作《怎样才能称为翻墙浏览器?野草谈翻墙浏览器必须具备的功能。》之后,就一直没找到合适的翻墙浏览器,前些天下载的无界老版本似乎已经被封了,而且无界还不符合野草前作《怎样才能称为翻墙浏览器?野草谈翻墙浏览器必须具备的功能。》提出的翻墙浏览器的标准。因此,野草就下载了Tor Browser Bundle,想试试看效果如何。
出乎野草意料的是,下载下来的Tor Browser Bundle是个免安装的绿色软件,运行以后无需任何设置即可直接翻墙访问facebook、twitter等墙外的网站。这真是让野草喜出望外了。
有鉴于此,野草特意与朋友们分享这个Tor Browser Bundle 点击下载最完美的翻墙浏览器Tor Browser Bundle 。(20100118注:《分享:通过邮件获取最新版的翻墙浏览器Tor套装》)同时也建议朋友们用Google Reader订阅GFW Blog,在Google Reader中搜索即可,另外,在Google Reader中阅读时,务必把网址中的http改成https。

Google Chrome OS could run on tablets, take on the iPad

Google Chrome OS could run on tablets, take on the iPad
Brad Linder (RSS feed) Feb 2nd 2010 at 10:27AM

Google Chrome OS tablet

Google's Android smartphone operating system is clearly aimed at the same customers that might be interested in picking up an Apple iPhone. But it looks like Google may not only be interested in taking the iPhone down a notch or two -- the company is also working to ensure that it's upcoming Chrome OS plays well with tablet computers. You know, like the recently announced Apple iPad.

That's not to say that Chrome OS will run on the iPad. Rather, the operating system, which is designed specifically for netbooks and mobile computers, will feature touchscreen optimizations that will allow PC makers to load it on devices with or without keyboards.

As Lee mentioned yesterday in Chrome Corner, the Chromium developer site has a page dedicated to a concept UI for tablets. It's choc full of mockups of a tablet with an adjustable on-screen keyboard, touchscreen launchers, a zooming interface, and browser tabs that would show up on the side of the screen sort of like the Firefox Mobile.

Right now this is only a concept, and it's not clear if there will be any Google Tablet hardware. But it shows that Google is at least thinking about the touchscreen tablet space. A number of PC makers have also started loading Google Android on tablets. And you know who else is interested in the tablet space? Microsoft. Windows 7 features an on-screen keyboard and a number of touch-friendly features built right into the OS.

It's also probably worth pointing out that the iPad will be able to run 140,000+ iPhone apps at launch, while Windows tablets will be able to run a wealth of Windows software. Any Chrome tablet will be able to run... Chrome, which is basically an entire OS built around a web browser.

You can check out a concept video of a fake Chrome tablet after the break. And if you want to check out a pre-release version of Chrome OS, you might want to check out Hexxeh's latest Chromium OS Zero build which includes a new auto-update feature.



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