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Monday, October 18, 2010

My Top Ten YouTube Channels for Education


This post is crossed-posted at http://drezac.com

Online video is where it is at, in my opinion. I've always believed in the notion of supporting learning inand outside of the classroom. YouTube Channels- whether a personal teacher channel- or one of the many educational organization's channels, really places learning in the 21st Century. As a supplement to my You-Tilizing YouTube in the Classroom post and presentation, I'd like to list my top ten YouTube Channels for Education. Here they are:

10. National Geographic: http://www.youtube.com/nationalgeographic
While this channel does have advertisements, it has entire programs, like this, one of my favorites: Secrets of the Titanic.

9. RSA Animate: 21st Century Enlightenment: http://www.youtube.com/theRSAorg
The Ultimate Mind Map! Taking my favorite thinkers like Dan Pink and Sir Ken Robinson and putting their ideas down in this way really "Drives" home their points.

8. Symphony of Science: http://www.youtube.com/melodysheep
I showed these videos to my students, and they demanded that their science teacher play them for everyone to see. Just listening to Carl Sagan "sing" makes me feel like I'm getting smarter.

7. This Week in Tech: http://www.youtube.com/twit
For an educator who wants to stay up on all the days and weeks tech news, this is the place to be. And, again, these are the full broadcasts.

While I do criticize this channel for being less engaging than it could be, I love the idea of getting learning online and in the open where it should be.

In another life, I was a marine biologist . My love for the Titanic and for snorkeling has helped me keep a keen eye on Woods Hole and Dr. Robert Ballard's work.

What could be more engaging than watching the Space Shuttle take off from a POV camera in High Definition going into space?

Growing up in the era of the Space Shuttle, watching NOVA was a requirement.

2. The Computer History Museum: http://www.youtube.com/ComputerHistory
I'm in love with technology history, and this channel really feeds that fire.

The number one channel for the life-long learner. Period.

Click. Enjoy. Learn!

Top 25 world languages blogs


1. Vamonos!

Lisa Stevens, a primary language educator and consultant, offers her thoughts on teaching and learning primary languages. There are many thoughtful discussions on best practices and connecting with students. She shares some of her personal experiences, as well, and offers some suggestions and resources.

2. Teaching and Learning Spanish

This resource-rich blog includes tools, videos, publications and other relevant information for those who are either teaching or learning Spanish. Each post includes relevant links and information. There are also lists of resources on the Web. This is a great site for anyone involved in Spanish education!

3. Foreign Language Fun

French and Spanish are the focus of this blog, but the activities could easily be modified to fit your classroom needs. There are numerous suggestions for games, crafts, activities, and study aides that you can use in the class. There are also links to Web resources for apps, videos, puppets, and more.

4. Spanglish Baby

In addition to all the great posts you'll find here with commentary and ideas for language learning, there are also categories that include Must Reads, The Culture of Food, Daily Learning, Your Story, Ask an Expert, and more. Still can't find the information you need or the inspiration you're looking for? The site even offers user forums.

5. Babelhut

French, Spanish and Japanese are just some of the languages covered on this resource-rich blog. Posts include tips, highlights on particular language lessons, and more. There are links to resources in every posts, and some even include videos and other supporting materials. There is a lot here to help those learning or teaching a foreign language.

6. Marginalia

A high-school Latin teacher writes this blog, which include "notes, observances, and commentary." He shares his personal experiences and trials in the classroom, noting what went well and resources that have proven useful along the way.

7. Sans Problemes!

This is a classroom blog that is presented entirely in French, very helpful for practicing your language skills! There are many useful assignments that can be used in your own classroom, or can be modified for another language. Links and resources are included.

8. Souffler – A breath of fresh air

Here's another blog that focuses on French — though you'll find that it's easier to read in English:) The focus is on how you can use music to teach French in the classroom, and there are suggestions for activities and online resources to help you do it.

9. The Languages Resources Blog

This UK blog is written by a teacher of French and Spanish. The focus is on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL).

10. Lgb06's Blog

The person behind this blog is a Spanish teacher, and the blog serves as a forum for sharing classroom experiences and tips, as well as offering thoughtful commentary about teaching practices. Posts cover technology in the classroom, as well as more specific lessons such as gender in language.

11. 123 Teach Me

There are a lot of great resources here for learning Spanish — which can also be used in the Spanish classroom. In addition to the free lessons, there are also games, level tests, a Spanish-English dictionary, and a Spanish text translator. The many links and resources also include a search for Spanish schools or programs, online tutors, a word of the day, and more.

12. Languages and Learning

This blog is written by the Head of Spanish at Grosvenor Grammar School. There is much thoughtful discussion here about best teaching practices. Some notable and interesting recent posts include Teaching Literature, Learning from Others, and Speed Dating in the MFL Classroom.

13. Los Bloguitos

This Spanish blog is written entirely in Spanish — perfect for new learners who want to push themselves. It includes riddles, stories, poetry, drawings, and more. There is a lot of great material here that would be especially useful in a Spanish classroom — especially for young learners.

14. Wanna Jugar with Migo?

This fun blog promises "adventures in Spanish teaching ideas, links and giveaways." And it offers just that. There are a lot of great ideas here, and the author shares some personal experiences with them.

15. ICT for Language Teachers

Teachers who are interested in ICT can follow this blog for updates and new developments in the use of ICT in the language classroom. There is also information about conferences and other professional development opportunities.

16. Langwitches Blog

Silvia Tolisano, a Technology Integration Facilitator and 21st Century Learning Specialist, writes this thorough and thoughtful blog with her ideas and projects. The blog also includes a podcast and links to relevant articles and videos. Each posts includes a number of useful and interesting links.

17. More Spanish

This blog offers "lesson plans and technology for the classroom." There are reviews of useful products and tools, as well as anecdotes about how certain lessons or activities have fared in the author's classroom. There is a lot of great information here that is sure to help any language teacher find new inspiration or figure out how to improve in the classroom.

18. Bilingual Fun

Maestra Jen is a Spanish teacher who also teaches Spanish to her own children. Her blog is full of great ideas for the classroom, as well as links to other useful resources, such as videos, Web sites, and more. Readers are sure to find ideas here for how to make learning languages fun!

19. Montessori Spanish

Gigi is a mother to three children and and a full-time online college professor. Her blog shares her experiences from teaching Spanish using Montessori training, and now teaching her own children through homeschooling. She shares lesson plans, activities, and other inspiration.

20. My Languages

This UK blog is written by IC Jones is a Head of Modern Languages and has training in teaching French, Spanish and German. There are thoughtful discussions here about pedagogy and developments in the teaching of modern languages.

21. Lingualicious

This blog for Belle Vue Girls School offers fun games, activities and lessons that can be used for your own classroom or home practice. There are some posts that are targeted specifically to students in the BVGS class, but there is more than enough here for your own personal use.

22. Maternelle to Moliere

French is the focus of this blog, and the author shares personal experiences, reflections, and — of course — tips and ideas to use in the classroom. The author even shares some primary materials, such as slideshow lessons.

23. All Saints Languages Blog

Here's another classroom blog that includes lots of great lessons and activities that you can easily co-opt for your own use. French is the focus, but it would be easy enough to adapt the activities to any language classroom.

24. Spanish: Just Another TCPS Site

Elementary and middle-school Spanish are the focus of this blog, and posts share the experiences of the author's classrooms. It's another blog with great ideas for your own use!

25. French Teacher

Here's another blog written entirely in French. The blog author offers up very thoughtful posts about the state of education and French education, in particular. Films and popular culture are also part of the discussion.

Posted on 11/10/10 | by maria magher | in Education | 2 Comments »

Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux


Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux inspired from "flyback project" and "TimeVault". The backup is done by taking snapshots of a specified set of directories.

Currently there are two GUI available: Gnome and KDE 4 (>= 4.1).

All you have to do is configure:

  • Where to save snapshot
  • What directories to backup
  • When backup should be done (manual, every hour, every day, every week, every month)

Install Back in Time in ubuntu 10.10/10.04

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bit-team/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install backintime-gnome

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