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Sunday, January 31, 2010

E-Commerce Development

E-Commerce Development | Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software Solution | Ecommerce Website Design

eCommerce enabled website provides the most cost-effective way of promoting your business online. You can reach out to the customers worldwide and offer them your services and products directly through web.

We are an ecommerce development company with a well-built expertise to allow us to show strong competence in both technological and creativity directions.

We have the expertise at development of dynamic E-Commerce B2B portal, B2C portal. We have worked with most of the shopping cart software available in the market and our services would help you manage your online store.

We provide high quality E-commerce development services to our offshore clients all over the world.


  • Install & Configure Shopping Cart Softwares
  • Customize Opensource Shopping Cart Software
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • 3rd Party Integration
  • eBay Integration
  • Generate Product Feeds For Various Marketplaces
  • Complete Maintenance
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Google Analytics Tracking


Why You Need an E-commerce Solution for Your Business?

Thanks to the advancement in communications and transportation technology, today we live in a global economy where services and goods are traded 24 hours a day, seven days a week, between sellers and customers all over the globe. In this context, e-commerce allows companies to reach out to clients all over the word, regardless of distance or time difference.

Thus, e-commerce development is vital for keeping a company competitive in this world market. And even if you sell only at a local level, there are many advantages to e-commerce development.

Fist of all, it's a great way to allow your customers to get to know your company and its products. Not only that, but frequent clients can process their regular orders through your site in an easier, efficient way that doesn't require time or long distance calls.

Second, since regular orders are processed in exactly the same way, when you automate them, you liberate your customer service staff's time and assign them to exceptions and special orders that require human thought and the ability to make decisions.

Finally, a third advantage of e-commerce development is that it allows you to be available at any time to any client in any part of the world. You don't even have to be awake, as a customer in a very far country can come to your site, get information on the products he or she needs, order them, and pay them before it's morning in your area.

Of course, there are many more advantages of e-commerce development for a company. In fact, today, companies don't ask themselves whether go online or not, but rather HOW to go online so that their site stands out among the thousands of others and gets the customer.

There’s More to an E-Commerce Site than Meets the Eye

There's More to an E-Commerce Site than Meets the Eye

Ecommerce developer shares success tips for prospective e-merchants.

(PRWEB) January 31, 2010 -- InfoShore Software Private Ltd. (http://www.infoshore.biz) today announced a campaign to help businesses reach their ecommerce goals by sharing with them the requirements of a successful ecommerce site.

InfoShore Software Private Ltd.
One of the biggest issues facing online e-tailers is a phenomenon known as shopping cart abandonment rate. The term refers to instances where a customer will select an item, place it in the online cart, and then leave the site without checking out.
There is no doubt that good graphics and templates contribute to the success of any web site. But when it comes to selling products or services, it takes more than a pretty face to succeed in ecommerce.

"The difference between making a sale and losing a customer to a competitor is often as simple as the number of clicks it takes to select a product, put it into the shopping cart, and checkout," according to Ashish Arora, InfoShore Software's Director. "I am always amazed at how many ecommerce web sites erect barriers making it difficult for customers to spend money," Mr. Arora added.

One of the biggest issues facing online e-tailers is a phenomenon known as shopping cart abandonment rate. The term refers to instances where a customer will select an item, place it in the online cart, and then leave the site without checking out.

According to a study by PayPal®, a leading ecommerce payment service provider, shopping cart abandonment occurs for a number of reasons over which InfoShore Software says every online merchant has control.

Merchants can help avoid experiencing the ecommerce industry's average 45% cart abandonment rate by looking at their site's shopping process through their customer's eyes.

Some common abandonment issues include:

  • Lack of an onsite product feature comparison tool
  • No link to customer service
  • Confusing checkout or registration procedure
  • No easy way for existing customers to retrieve user names or passwords.

"Even ecommerce site owners who use the most popular ecommerce development platforms like OS Commerce, or those who own a Yahoo Store, risk losing customers due to poor shopping cart implementation," noted Mr. Arora.

That's why he suggests that online store owners partner with an ecommerce development company that understands the technology side of online shopping as well as the human side.

As more people find themselves out of work or caught in the crunch of the global economic meltdown, the number of first-time ecommerce hopefuls is expected to soar.

But Mr. Arora warns that "Enthusiasm and dreams are no substitute for a solid ecommerce experience. And that lack of experience is responsible for the current 97% failure rate among new ecommerce web sites."

Mr. Arora hopes he can help bring down those rates by sharing his ecommerce development experience with anyone seeking solid advice.

Prospective ecommerce site owners are invited to learn more by visiting the InfoShore Software web site: http://www.infoshore.biz .

About InfoShore Software Private Ltd.

Established in 2005, InfoShore Software specializes in ecommerce development as well as installing, configuring and modifying most major ecommerce packages including X Cart, CRE Loaded, OS Commerce, Zen Cart, CubeCart, Volusion, eBay, Amazon, and others.

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