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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

svn: make the branches directory before make a branch


Well, this is a short note to myself so the next time I want to create a branch of a new project, I won't need to search through the Internet.

Before doing

to make a new branch of a new project (which don't have any branches yet), I'll need to do

svn mkdir http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches \
-m "make the branches directory to hold all the branches"


Or I'll get an error message like

svn: Path 'branches' not present

The reason is, like the error message said, there is no directory "branches" in the repo, and svn copy, like the "cp" command, won't make a directory if it's not there. It will assume I made a typo. A safe guard. And I need to explicitly create the directory.

How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?


In the package explorer, in the upper right corner of the view, there is a little down arrow. Tool tip will say view menu.

Click that, Select Filters. uncheck .* resources.

So Package Explorer -> View Menu -> Filters -> uncheck .* resources.

Using Subclipse (the Subversion Plug-in for Eclipse)

0.0 Outline
1.0Background of Subversion and Subclipse
2.0Adding Subclipse Plug-in to Eclipse
3.0Subclipse Perspective
4.0Adding a Repository
5.0Adding an Already Existent Project to the Repository
6.0Checking out a Project from the Repository
7.0Committing Resources into the Repository
8.0Synchronizing Resources
10.0Disconnecting a Project from the Repository
12.0Sources and Further Information

1.0 Background of Subversion and Subclipse

Subclipse is an Eclipse plug-in that provides the functionality to interact with a Subversion server, and to manipulate a project on a Subversion server in the Eclipse environment.

In the course of working on a project, a developer should work in the following manner. How to perform all of these task is outlined below.

If the project is new, the following is done the first time:

  • A developer checks in a project for the first time, putting all of the files on the repository.
  • Other developers check out the project into their workspace. If a developer changes workspaces, the code would need to be checked out again.
In the course of working, a developer should strictly follow these steps:
  1. Update their code, to obtain any changes that others made
  2. Work on their code
  3. Periodically (about every half-hour to an hour), the developer should synchronize, which displays any recent changes to the repository and which local code has been changed (synchronize doesn't actually do anything, it just tells you what needs to be done).
  4. If the developer has changed a file locally, and the files on the repository have been changed since the last update, a merge will need to take place
  5. The developer commits his/her changes of the local code to the repository
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2.0 Adding Subclipse Plug-in to Eclipse

If you are working in the laboratory, Subclipse should already be installed.

You can add the Subclipse plug-in to Eclipse by creating an update site in Eclipse and download and install Subclipse.

2.1 Create an update site for Subclipse

2.1.1 Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install. Select Search for new features to install. Click Next.

2.1.2 Click the New Remote Site button. Give the update site a name, like Subclipse, and type in the following address:http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.2.x. Click OK. A new update site will be added to the list.

2.1.3 Press the + next to your Subclipse update site. Eclipse will connect with the site and list all of the updates available. Select the most recent Subclipse update by checking the box next to the update. Click Next.

2.1.4 Check the Subversion feature that you want to install. Click Next.

2.1.5 Accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next.

2.1.6 Make sure that the Subversion feature is selected to install. Click Finish.

2.1.7 You will be asked to verify the feature that you wish to install. After you have, click Install.

2.1.8 You will now be asked to restart the workbench. Click Yes.

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3.0 Subclipse Perspectives

To change to the Subclipse perspective select Window > Open Perspective > Other... > SVN Repository Exploring.

The SVN Repository Exploring gives you three new views:

  1. The SVN Repository view lists all of the current repositories that you have access to. You can also create a new SVN Repository.
  2. The SVN Annotate view shows the annotations of a file in the repository. In order to view the annotations of a file, you must right click on the file and select Team > Show Annotations.
  3. The SVN Resource History, shows the revision history for a file that is selected in the SVN Repository view.

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4.0 Adding a Repository URL to Subclipse
(I used command to do this, HL)
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5.0 Check In: Adding an Already Existing Project to the Repository
(I used command to do this, HL)
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6.0 Checking Out a Project from the Repository
(I used command to do this, HL)
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7.0 Synchronizing and Committing Resources to the Repository

Any resources that you have modified will have a black asterisk * in front of the resource name, and any added will have a question mark ? in front of the name.

It is always a good idea to see what needs to be done before committing files.

To synchronize resources, right click on a project and select Team > Synchronize with Repository .... You will be switched to the Team Synchronizing view. From there you can look at your outgoing changes, and others incoming changes, and synchronize your code before committing to the repository. Double-clicking on a file will open a side-by-side view of the file and its changes.

If a file has a two-way red arrow on it, then there is a conflict. Someone else has changed that file while you were working on it. Double-click the file to get a compare editor, and copy-paste what you need to resolve onto your local copy. When you have the local copy finished, right-click on the file and choose Mark as Merged. Note: PLEASE USE THIS FEATURE RESPONSIBLY!! Think very hard before selecting "Mark as Merged", as it will override what is in the repository. An entire history is kept in case you make a mistake, but always pause and check your work before marking as merged.

Note: constantly updating your code from the repository helps avoid conflicts

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8.0 Synchronizing Resources

To commit changes to files in your project, right click on the project and select Team > Commit.... Or, if your are in the "Team Synchronizing" perspective, right-click on the resources and select "Commit". Then you will edit the commit comment, or add a new commit comment to document what changes were made. Always add meaningful commit comments! There is also a list of previously used commit comments to choose from. Once you have committed code, the black asterisk should be gone from modified files.

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9.0 History
To compare your code with the latest from the repository, you may either recheck out the project or right click on the project in the Java/Plug-in Development perspectives and select Compare With > Latest from repository. Using copy and paste, one can recover old code this way. Using Compare With Revision... or Replace With Revision are also helpful.

Team > Show History shows an entire history of a folder/file.
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10.0 Disconnecting a Project from the Repository
Switch to the Java/Plug-in Development perspective. To disconnect a project from the repository, right click on the project and selectTeam > Disconnect. Eclipse will prompt asking if you wish to delete the metadata associated with the Subversion connection. Choose No. If you choose yes, you will have to delete the project in your workspace in order to check out another copy of the code.

Note: You will rarely need this feature.
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11.0 Exercise
Submit a file called "subclipse_answers.txt" which has the answers to the following questions.
  1. Suppose you are working on your code which as already been set up on the repository and has been set up on your machine. Place the following actions in the order in which you should work (some may not apply!):
    • Check-in
    • Check-out
    • Commit
    • Update
    • Synchronize
    • Work on your code
    • Mark as Merged (if necessary)
    • Resolve conflicts (if necessary)
  2. Suppose you have not set up your code in the repository yet. Place the following actions in the order in which you should work (some may not apply!):
    • Check-in
    • Check-out
    • Commit
    • Update
    • Synchronize
    • Work on your code
    • Mark as Merged (if necessary)
    • Resolve conflicts (if necessary)
  3. True or false? Developers should be committing to the repository often. Please explain why you chose that answer.
  4. True or false? Synchronizing your resources is the same as updating and committing, but in one step.
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12 .0 Sources and Further Information

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Back to Software Engineering Tutorials
Using Subclipse (the Subversion Plug-in for Eclipse) for Configuration Management Tutorial ©2003-2009 North Carolina State University,
Laurie Williams, Dright Ho, Sarah Heckman, and Ben Smith.
the authors with any questions or comments about this tutorial.
Last Updated:
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:59:49 PM

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