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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

50 Places Running Linux That You Might Not Expect

[H]ard|OCP - 50 Places Running Linux That You Might Not Expect

Focus has posted a really interesting list of 50 places running Linux. Some of the companies and places on the list are obvious but others just may surprise you.

Linux is hovering just beneath 1% of the overall market share in operating systems. And although that might sound like a small number, Linux is far more than just a fringe OS. In fact, it's running in quite a few more places than you probably suspect. Below are fifty places Linux is running today in place of Windows or Mac.

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http://www.ubuntuhome.com/windows-and-ubuntu-install.html  | Ubuntu Home Posted by Snow on 2012/06/25 安装Windows和Ubuntu双系统时,很多人喜欢先安装windows,然...