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Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Use Remote Desktop in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)

How to Use Remote Desktop in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) | Ubuntu Geek

In this tutorial we will see how to enable remote desktop access in ubuntu desktop and accessing remotely.vino is VNC server for GNOME.VNC is a protocol that allows remote display of a user's desktop. This package provides a VNC server that integrates with GNOME, allowing you to export your running desktop to another computer for remote use or diagnosis.

By default ubuntu will come with vino-server so it is very easy to configure to enable remote desktop sharing in your ubuntu machine.If you want to access ubuntu machine remotely you need to login in to your ubuntu system.

Important note :-Remote Desktop will only work if there's a GNOME login session.Leaving your computer with an unattended GNOME login session is not secure and not recommended.

Enable Remote Desktop in Ubuntu

First you need to go to System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen

In the above screen you need to configure remote desktop preferences for sharing and security

For Sharing

you need to tick the box next to the following two options

  • Allow other users to view your desktop
  • Allow other users to control your desktop

For Security

you need to tick the box next to the following two options

  • Ask you for confirmation (If you tick this option some one need to click on allow from remote desktop once it connected if you don't want you can untick this option)
  • Require the user to enter this password:
  • Password: Specify the password

Now you need to click on Advanced Tab select your options click on close

For Network

  • Only allow local connections
  • Use an alternative port
  • Disable the wallpaper when connected

For Security

  • Require encryption
  • Lock Screen on disconnect

For Notification Area

  • Always display icon
  • Only display an icon where there is someone connected
  • Never display an icon

Connecting from Ubuntu Machine

Go to Applications—>Internet—>Remote Desktop Viewer once it opens you shold see similar to the following screen and If you want to connect remote PC click on connect from top menu.

Enter you remote host or if you click on find

Now it should automatically detect the available remote desktops select your remote PC and click ok

You can see the remote host details and port number click on connect

Enter the remote host password to connect and click ok

Now you should be able to connect your remote desktop.In intrepid we have more security options to choose like you can encrypt complete session.

Connecting from Windows Machine

If you are trying to connect from your windows machine you need to install vncviewer of your choice i have installed from here http://www.realvnc.com/download.html.Install this program once you install this you can opem from start—>All programs—>RealVNC—>VNC Viewer 4—>Run VNC Viewer once it opens you should see the following screen here enter the remotemachine ipaddress:0 format and click ok.Now it will prompt for password enter your password and click ok

Now on the remote machine you should see the following screen asking for permission to allow this connection you need to click on allow this will come up only if you tick "Ask you for confirmation" option under sharing.

Installing Dropbox on Ubuntu 8.10

Installing Dropbox on Ubuntu 8.10 « the ubuntu experiment

First go to the Dropbox website and download the .deb package. Make sure you select the (x86) package.

Once the download is complete, double-click on it to start installation. When the installation is over you will need to restart Nautilus; you can do this by logging out and back in or by executing the following command in Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal).

killall nautilus

Now you will see the Dropbox icon appear in the taskbar.


Right-click on the icon and select "Start Dropbox". This starts the downloading of Dropbox. Sit back and wait until the download is complete.


Once Dropbox has been downloaded the setup will begin. Follow the instructions on the screen and proceed.




Note: By default your Dropbox will be in the directory "YourHomeFolder/Dropbox". If you want to choose another folder, you can tick "I want to choose where to put my Dropbbox" in this screen.


Setup is now complete and you can start uploading and sharing files!


This entry was posted on Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 at 1:30 pm and is filed under Ubuntu.

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