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Monday, August 9, 2010

Very basics of regexp for mod_rewrite

Regex vocabulary
The following are the minimal building blocks you will need, in order to write regular expressions and RewriteRules. They certainly do not represent a complete regular expression vocabulary, but they are a good place to start, and should help you read basic regular expressions, as well as write your own.

.Matches any single characterc.t will match cat, cot, cut, etc.
+Repeats the previous match one or more timesa+ matches a, aa, aaa, etc
*Repeats the previous match zero or more times.a* matches all the same things a+ matches, but will also match an empty string.
?Makes the match optional.colou?r will match color and colour.
^Called an anchor, matches the beginning of the string^a matches a string that begins with a
$The other anchor, this matches the end of the string.a$ matches a string that ends with a.
( )Groups several characters into a single unit, and captures a match for use in a backreference.(ab)+ matches ababab - that is, the +applies to the group. For more on backreferences see below.
[ ]A character class - matches one of the charactersc[uoa]t matches cut, cot or cat.
[^ ]Negative character class - matches any character not specifiedc[^/]t matches cat or c=t but not c/t

In mod_rewrite the ! character can be used before a regular expression to negate it. This is, a string will be considered to have matched only if it does not match the rest of the expression.

Here's the very basics of regexp (expanded from the Apache mod_rewrite documentation)..

\char escape that particular char
For instance to specify special characters..
[].()\ etc.

. Any single character (on its own = the entire URI)
[chars] Character class: One of following chars
[^chars] Character class: None of following chars
|text2 Alternative: text1 or text2 (i.e. "or")
e.g. [^/] matches any character except /
(foo|bar)\.html matches foo.html and bar.html

? 0 or 1 of the preceding text
* 0 or N of the preceding text (hungry)
+ 1 or N of the preceding text
e.g. (.+)\.html? matches foo.htm and foo.html
(foo)?bar\.html matches bar.html and foobar.html

(text) Grouping of text
Either to set the borders of an alternative or for making backreferences where the
nthe group can
be used on the target of a RewriteRule with
e.g. ^(.*)\.html foo.php?bar=$1

^ Start of line anchor
$ End of line anchor
An anchor explicitly states that the character
right next to it MUST
be either the very first character ("^"), or the very last character ("$") of the URI string to match against the pattern, e.g..
^foo(.*) matches foo and foobar but not eggfoo
(.*)l$ matches fool and cool, but not foo

A mod_rewrite beginner's Example


What we'll do with mod_rewrite is to silently redirect users from page/software/ toindex.php?page=software etc.

The following is what needs to go into your .htaccess file to accomplish that:

RewriteEngine on 
RewriteRule ^page/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L]

Let's walk through that RewriteRule, and work out exactly what's going on:


Sees whether the requested page starts with page/. If it doesn't, this rule will be ignored.


Here, the enclosing brackets signify that anything that is matched will be remembered by the RewriteRule. Inside the brackets, it says "I'd like one or more characters that aren't a forward slash or a period, please". Whatever is found here will be captured and remembered.


Makes sure that the only thing that is found after what was just matched is a possible forward slash, and nothing else. If anything else is found, then this RewriteRule will be ignored.


The actual page which will be loaded by Apache. $1 is magically replaced with the text which was captured previously.


Tells Apache to not process any more RewriteRules if this one was successful.

Let's write a quick page to test that this is working. The following test script will simply echo the name of the page you asked for to the screen, so that you can check that the RewriteRule is working.

Second mod_rewrite example</title>    </head>    <body>       <p>          The requested page was:          <?php echo $_GET['page']; ?>       </p>    </body> </html>

Again, upload both the index.php page, and the .htaccess file to the same directory. Then, test it! If you put the page inhttp://www.somesite.com/mime_test/, then try requestinghttp://www.somesite.com/mime_test/page/software. The URL in your browser window will show the name of the page which you requested, but the content of the page will be created by the index.php script! This technique can obviously be extended to pass multiple query strings to a page - all you're limited by is your imagination.





  然而,寻找访问外网的代理服务器地址又是一门学问。有些网络环境是在浏览器中直接设置了代理服务器的地址和端口,这样获得其地址十分容易;而有些网络环境使用了"自动代理配置脚本"的功能,以达到访问不同的网络使用不同的代理服务器的功能,其中著名的AutoProxy插件也使用了这种技术;甚至有些网络环境使用了"自动检测网络代理设置"的功能,以达到计算机在不同的网络环境中都能自动配置代理的功能。不过,在后两种设置的网络环境中寻找访问外网的代理服务器地址就需要了解这些技术了,具体可以参考Proxy auto-configWeb Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol。如果不熟悉这些技术,也可以通过netstat工具或者sniffer工具找出访问外网的代理服务器地址。这些技术和工具不在本篇中展开讨论。





  3、 端口过滤。由于浏览网页使用的是HTTP和HTTPS协议,这两个协议使用的默认端口分别是80和443,那么为了防止人们使用其他协议,很多时候代理服务器也会限制访问的外部端口只能是80和443。碰到这种过滤方式,只能使用支持代理服务器级联的软件访问其他端口了。但由于HTTP协议是明文传输的,所以也有很多代理服务器不对HTTP协议的端口进行过滤,只对HTTPS协议的端口限制为443。如果需要使用其他协议,而其它协议使用的端口正好是 443,那么我们正好可以利用HTTPS的密文传输特性,连接到目标服务器的443端口,代理服务器无法知道我们使用的是HTTPS协议还是其它协议。如果不碰巧,其它协议使用的端口不是443,那么我们仍旧需要使用支持代理服务器级联的软件访问其他端口了。

  4、探测HTTPS协议头。由于HTTPS协议的初始握手过程仍旧是明文的,那么代理服务器可以检测连接到外部443端口的协议头。如果不是 HTTPS协议,那么就断开连接。碰到这种过滤方式,我们可以先把正常的HTTPS协议头sniff下来,加入到通讯双方,之后再进行其它协议的通讯,就可以解决问题。

  5、NTLM密码认证。有些代理服务器使用了NTLM密码认证,那么IE用户不会感觉到有什么问题,使用了其它内核的浏览器或者其它应用程序时,就会提时输入访问代理服务器的口令。由于很多代理级联软件并不支持需要经过密码认证的代理服务器,会造成一定麻烦。可以使用一款名为NTLM Authorization Proxy Server的软件解决问题。



  最后,我给出使用了HTTP协议进行级联的软件源代码(下载),使用方式为java -Dhttp.proxyHost=代理服务器地址 -Dhttp.proxyPort=代理服务器端口 net.tools.web.TunnelClient 本地代理服务器端口 级联的代理服务器URL,然后就可以使用本地代理服务器进行网络访问了。比如我们必须通过代理服务器192.168.0.200:8080进行外部网络访问,我们可以运行命令java -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 net.tools.web.TunnelClient 7890 级联的代理服务器URL,之后我们把浏览器的代理服务器设置为127.0.0.1:7890即可使用。我再给出一个级联的代理服务器URL为 http://jinshan.isysjs.com.cn/tunnel/。此URL只供测试使用,请勿滥用。如果碰到NTLM密码认证的情况,请参考上述第5种代理服务器的过滤方式。


  作者的Twitter: @davidsky2012 ,作者的Google Reader: https://www.google.com/reader/shared/lehui99 。

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