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Friday, February 5, 2010

OpenOffice.org2GoogleDocs - export & import to Google Docs, Zoho, WebDAV

OpenOffice.org2GoogleDocs - export & import to Google Docs, Zoho, WebDAV | OpenOffice.org repository for Extensions

Export, Update and Import your documents to and from Google Docs, Zoho and WebDAV servers.
With OOo2GD you may export to Google Docs, Zoho and WebDAV servers:
* Documents: ODT, SXW, DOC, RTF without modification, other known to OO.org after conversion to ODT
* Spreadsheets: ODS, XLS, CSV without modification, other known to OO.org after conversion to ODS
* Presentations: PPT, PPS without modification, other known to OO.org after conversion to PPT

For Google Docs you may export, update and import all your documents, spreadsheets and presentations, for Zoho you may export documents, spreadsheets and presentations, and import documents and spreadsheets, to WebDAV you may export what you are able to open in OO.org :-)

Needs Java 5+ to work.

Google Street View to let you walk into shops soon?

Google Street View to let you walk into shops soon?

by Erez Zukerman (RSS feed) Feb 5th 2010 at 11:02AM

Apparently a small-time business in NYC called "Oh Nuts" claims Google paid them a visit and asked to take photos inside the store every six feet (that's every two meters for the rest of us), a-la Street View. They took photos of the aisles and of actual products.

Google say they're just experimenting and are not making any statements (how surprising), but still, it's an interesting prospect. If implemented on a broad scale, will it mean shopkeepers would have to keep their shelves super-neat until the Street View team comes along?

What if they decide to stop carrying a product? And if they've changed things around and decide they want the photos taken again?

I think the only way this can work is as a paid advertising service, with Google hiring out their photographers -- but then it would probably only be available in major cities. Still, I kind of like the idea because it sounds like something which could give the small guys a better chance and some exposure in their perpetual fight against big-time retailers.

Simple commands to manage apache2 sites and Modules

Simple commands to manage apache2 sites and Modules | Ubuntu Geek

This tutorial will explain some useful commands to manage apache2 sites and Modules
Apache2 Configuration Files Location

First we will explain what is there under /etc/apache2/ directory

sites-available - A list of configuration files - one per site. A blank install will contain the file default. The system admin can have as many sites here as they need - however - they will not all be active.

sites-enabled - A list of symlinks to configuration files in sites-available. A blank install will contain a symlink 000default to sites-available/default. The sites listed here are the sites which will be active. The site to be used if no virtual hosts match will be the first file found (hence the 000 on 000default).

mods-available - A list of configuration files - one or more per module. Each dpkg installed module will add files here. e.g. php4.conf and php4.load are added with the libapache2-mod-php package. Again - the system admin can install whatever modules they wish - however - until they are set available they will not be active.

mods-enabled - A list of symlinks to configuratioon files in modes-available. Only modules linked in here will be activated on the webserver.

Commands to use

a2ensite - a2ensite is a script that enables the specified site (which contains a <VirtualHost> block) within the apache2 configuration. It does this by
creating symlinks within /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.


sudo a2ensite test

Note:- Test is the file you have created under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ with the required configuration

a2dissite - a2dissite is a script that disables the specified site (which contains a <VirtualHost> block) within the apache2 configuration. It does this by removing symlinks within /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.


sudo a2dissite test

a2enmod - a2enmod is a script that enables the specified module within the apache2 configuration. It does this by creating symlinks within /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.


sudo a2enmod imagemap

Enables the mod_imagemap module

a2dismod - a2dismod is a script that disables the specified module within the apache2 configuration. It does this by removing symlinks within /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.


sudo a2dismod mime_magic

Disables the mod_mime_magic module.

You can check the list of available modules under /etc/apache2/mods-available

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