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Caption Three margin testing

Saturday, March 12, 2011

MOTO Milestone 2 (ME722) / Droid 2 (Global) 系统备份

me722 钛备份&求助 - MOTO Milestone 2(ME722)/Droid 2(Global) 论坛 - Android安卓中文论坛 机锋网|机锋市场|安致|安卓|ROM|刷机|安卓市场|安智市场|应用汇 - Powered by Discuz!

/system/app/ (rw-r--r--),目录本身属性:rwxr-xr-x
/data/app/ (rw-r--r--),目录本身属性:rwxrwx--x
/data/data/ (rwxr-x--x),目录本身属性:rwxrwx--x



独家首发 摩托里程碑2来袭GSM/WCDMA版 Milestone2获取ROOT权限教程 - 机锋网 GFan.com - 安致(安卓)Android智能手机中文站

  由美国运营商定制,基于CDMA网络的摩托罗拉 Droid2上市已经有一段时间了,但是GSM/WCDMA版的Milestone2虽然不一些消息和图片放出,但是Milestone2的确切上市日期还没有公布。上周我们拿到了一台Milestone2样机。虽然机身为Vodafone定制版,但是机器内部已经搭载 Android 2.2 联通定制版系统。虽然Motorola Milestone之后的机器,Bootloader都加上了锁。导致无法运行自制内核,但是虽然刷机受限,ROOT权限依然是我们非常关注的。目前,机锋网已成功获取GSM/WCMDA 版 Milestone2 ROOT权限。教程如下




  32位操作系统驱动 << 点击下载安装

  64位操作系统驱动 << 点击下载安装


Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程 Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程


Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程 Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程

  将USB 调试打勾 ,通知栏出现已连接USB调试,此时已安装过Moto驱动的电脑会开始识别手机

Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程 Android安卓Moto里程碑2Milestone2ROOT教程

  下拉通知栏,点击USB连接,将USB连接设置选择为门户与工具(Motorola Phone Portal),确定


  SuperOneClick 1.4稳定版 << 点击下载

  运行SuperOneClick.exe, 点击“ROOT”

  第四步、验证ROOT权限是否已经获取成功,安装ROOT Explorer,运行。弹出授权提示(第一张图)即ROOT成功。

钛金备份:Titanium Backup 捐赠完全版

 - Android 软件下载 - Android安卓中文论坛 机锋网|机锋市场|安致|安卓|ROM|刷机|安卓市场|安智市场|应用汇 - Powered by Discuz!

金备份Titanium Backup是目前最为强悍的程序系统备份工具,需ROOT权限运行。
免费版功能:7 P9 j& `' O) A9 g
* 无时间限制1 o3 U2 F; @% X0 ^1 u) u, ]8 `$ Y/ a
* 快速加载程序列表(约300个程序/秒)
* 按名称/最后备份/备份频率排序
* 按名称/类型/状态/程序标签过滤程序(在批量操作中同样有效)
* 备份/恢复常规程序和设置
* 备份/恢复受保护程序和设置' D2 v: T. G: }, S) N+ f! `
* 备份/恢复系统设置(包括Wi-Fi接入点列表)
* 恢复程序时同时恢复电子市场链接
* 零单击后台批量备份# V' u3 }8 r) a/ G+ V* z7 \, h
* 交互式批量恢复
* 多种批量方案(如:距最后备份超过N天后)
* 零单击程序卸载
* 零单击系统程序卸载2 L. q$ K- V) G3 ~0 s# V
* 每周或每半月计划备份(测试)& x6 r. V8 S: L% U* n2 A9 U& X
捐赠版额外功能:  `) |% D, M8 Y( }  V$ C# {6 J
* 附加上您的名字
* 每个程序多重备份(可以选择历史长度)* e9 y* g5 E9 D3 _' G
* 零单击后台批量恢复
* 全部备份批量校验
* 极快的HyperShell5 b7 N3 a5 a6 k/ V! Z) n/ @7 O+ E
* 市场医生可还原任意丢失的电子市场链接(仅支持备份过链接的程序)0 T9 n1 t" ?( W: a  |
* 程序冻结可以无需卸载便禁用程序(并使它不可见)
* 无限制的、独立的计划备份
* 同步自定义标签到SD卡和Dropbox
- Fixed FC when launching scheduled backups on Android versions earlier than 2.1.
 钛金备份_Titanium Backup_3.7.3.2捐赠完全版.apk (1.89 MB)

钛备份Titanium Backup是目前最为强悍的程序和系统备份工具,需ROOT权限运行。

* 无时间限制
* 快速加载程序列表(约300个程序/秒)
* 按名称/最后备份/备份频率排序
* 按名称/类型/状态/程序标签过滤程序(在批量操作中同样有效)
* 备份/恢复常规程序和设置
* 备份/恢复受保护程序和设置
* 备份/恢复系统设置(包括Wi-Fi接入点列表)
* 恢复程序时同时恢复电子市场链接
* 零单击后台批量备份
* 交互式批量恢复
* 多种批量方案(如:距最后备份超过N天后)
* 零单击程序卸载
* 零单击系统程序卸载
* 桌面小部件
* 每周或每半月计划备份(测试)

* 附加上您的名字
* 每个程序多重备份(可以选择历史长度)
* 零单击后台批量恢复
* 全部备份批量校验
* 极快的HyperShell
* 市场医生可还原任意丢失的电子市场链接(仅支持备份过链接的程序)
* 程序冻结可以无需卸载便禁用程序(并使它不可见)
* 无限制的、独立的计划备份
* 同步自定义标签到SD卡和Dropbox



- 增加了芬兰语。
- 增加了应用程序的能力进行排序的数据修改日期。
- 增加了可选的确认时,未安装一个应用程序手动。默认情况下,它可以改变界面的设置。
- 自动刷新应用程序列表,如果一个应用程序的安装/卸载/升级/降级的钛备份之外。
- 显示apk文件路径时,"当前版本"在一个应用程序的属性点击。

- 支持电子市场2.2.11及以上版本的市场链接
- 增加新的WakeLock设置以保证在屏幕关闭时运行
- 修复Dropbox服务器不可用时FC的问题
- 更新翻译

- 可调整同步(备份)至Dropbox网盘的历史备份范围;
- 修复长期存在的屏幕旋转的问题;
- 通知栏可显示进度"正在进行";
- 修复某些ROM上检测App2SD安装路径出现的问题;
- 小幅调整界面。

- 修复在某些ROM上App2SD容量计算错误的问题;
- 修复在三星的ROM上创建update.zip文件的问题(将设置中的"程序安装器模式"设为"自动,间接");
- 新增乌克兰语言。


Words and Their Stories: Monkey Expressions


Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways. Most have ten fingers and ten toes, and brains much like ours. We enjoy watching them because they often act like us. In fact, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution says that monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.

Songwriter William Gilbert, in the musical "Princess Ida", wrote:

"Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved."

His words -- sung to Sir Arthur Sullivan's music -- make listeners smile. Well, monkeys make us smile, too, because they are creatures full of playful tricks.

This is why many monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts. One of these expressions is monkeyshines, meaning tricks or foolish acts.

The meaning is clear if you have ever watched a group of monkeys playfully chasing each other: pulling tails, stealing food, doing tricks. So, when a teacher says to a group of students: "Stop those monkeyshines right now!" you know that the boys and girls are playing, instead of studying.

You might hear that same teacher warn a student not to monkey around with a valuable piece of equipment. You monkey around with something when you do not know what you are doing. You are touching or playing with something you should leave alone.

Also, you can monkey around when you feel like doing something, but have no firm idea of what to do. For example, you tell your friend you are going to spend the day monkeying around with your car. Weel, you do not have any job or goal in mind. It is just a way to pass the time.

Monkey business usually means secret, maybe illegal, activities. A news report may say there is monkey business involved in building the new airport, with some officials getting secret payments from builders.

You may make a monkey out of someone when you make that person look foolish. Some people make a monkey out of themselves by acting foolish or silly.

If one monkey has fun, imagine how much fun a barrel of monkeys can have. If your friend says he had more fun than a barrel of monkeys at your party, you know that he had a really good time.

Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear.

In earlier years in many American cities, you would find men playing musical hand organs on the street. Dancing to the music would be the man's small monkey dressed in a tight-fitting, colorful jacket similar to a military uniform. So, people began to call a military uniform a monkey suit.


This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, was written by Marilyn Rice Christiano. Maurice Joyce was the narrator. I'm Shirley Griffith.

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