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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Google Plans a PC Operating System

Google Plans a PC Operating System - NYTimes.com
Published: July 8, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO — In a direct challenge to Microsoft, Google announced late Tuesday that it is developing an operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser.

The software, called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks, which have been selling quickly even as demand for other PCs has plummeted. Google said it believed the software would also be able to power full-size PCs.

The move is likely to sharpen the already intense competition between Google and Microsoft, whose Windows operating system controls the basic functions of the vast majority of personal computers.

"Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS," said Sundar Pichai, vice president of product management, and Linus Upson, engineering director, in a post on a company blog. "We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds."

Mr. Pichai and Mr. Upson said that the software would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which would allow outside programmers to modify it. Netbooks running the software will go on sale in the second half of 2010.

The company likely saw netbooks as a unique opportunity to challenge Microsoft, said Larry Augustin, a prominent Silicon Valley investor who serves on the board of a number of open-source software companies.

"Market changes happen at points of discontinuity," Mr. Augustin said. "And that's what you have with netbooks and a market that has moved to mobile devices."

But while Google has deep pockets and a vast reach, it is in for a difficult battle when it comes to challenging Microsoft in the operating system market. Many companies have tried this over the years, with little success.

Google's plans for the new operating system fit its Internet-centric vision of computing. Google believes that software delivered over the Web will play an increasingly central role, replacing software programs that run on the desktop. In that world, applications run directly inside an Internet browser, rather than atop an operating system, the standard software that controls most of the operations of a PC.

That vision challenges not only Microsoft's lucrative Windows business but also its applications business, which is built largely on selling software than runs on PCs.

Google said Chrome OS will have a minimalist user interface, leaving most space on the screen to applications.

"All Web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite Web technologies," the company said.

Google has already developed an open-source operating system called Android that is used in mobile phones. The software is also being built into netbooks by several manufacturers.

But Google has not encouraged netbook makers to use Android. The company appears to be positioning Chrome OS as its preferred operating system for netbooks, though it said competition between the two systems would likely drive innovation.

"It makes total sense," Mr. Augustin said. "Android wasn't really meant for netbooks."

Google had planned to unveil the project on Wednesday but moved up the announcement after receiving inquiries from The New York Times, which reported the company's plans on its Web site late Tuesday. Ars Technica, a technology news site, also reported the outlines of Google's plan late Tuesday.

Google released Chrome last year, describing it as not only a Web browser but also a tool to let users interact with powerful Web programs like Gmail, Google Docs and online applications created by other companies. Since then, Google has been adding features to Chrome, like the ability to run such applications even when a user is not connected to the Internet.

Google said Tuesday night that it still had work to do to develop a full-fledged operating system. In a recent interview, Marc Andreessen, who created the first commercial Web browser and co-founded Netscape, said Chrome itself was already well along that path.

"Chrome is basically a modern operating system," Mr. Andreessen said.

The first wave of netbooks relied on various versions of the open-source Linux operating system, and major PC makers like Hewlett-Packard and Dell have backed the Linux software. Intel, the world's largest chip maker, has worked on developing a Linux-based operating system called Moblin as well. The company has aimed the software at netbooks and smartphones in a bid to spur demand for its Atom mobile device chip.

To combat these efforts, Microsoft began offering its older Windows XP operating system for use on netbooks at a low price. In addition, the company has vowed that its upcoming Windows 7 software, due out this fall, will run well on the tiny laptops, which have stood out as the brightest part of the PC market during the global economic downturn. Microsoft's current Vista operating system is designed for more powerful machines.

谷歌Chrome 操作系统

Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志: 谷歌Chrome 操作系统

2009年7月8日 下午 02:14:00

发表者:谷歌全球产品副总裁 Sundar Pichai,谷歌工程研发总监 Linus Upson

发布谷歌 Chrome 浏览器之后的 9 个月是令人兴奋的。今天,全球超过 3 千万的用户经常性地在使用它。我们为那些非常依赖网络的人们设计了谷歌 Chrome 浏览器,帮助他们搜索信息、查收邮件、获知新闻、购物,或者与朋友保持联络。然而,浏览器工作的各种操作系统却诞生于没有互联网的时代——这正是为什么今天我们要宣布这个新的项目:谷歌 Chrome 操作系统,它是谷歌 Chrome 浏览器的自然延伸,也是我们重新思考操作系统之道的尝试。

谷歌 Chrome 操作系统是一个开放源代码的、精巧的操作系统,它最初会针对上网本。在今年晚些时候,我们将开放它的源代码。在 2010 年下半年,运行谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的上网本就将被带给我们的消费者。我们已经与合作伙伴讨论过这个项目,并将很快与开放源代码社区合作,所以选择现在与大家分享我们的愿景,以让大家了解我们正在努力成就的目标。

快速、简便和安全是谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的核心特质。我们正在将该操作系统设计得更快速更精巧,数秒间即可启动并将您带入互联网世界。用户界面最小化以避免掩盖您的个人风格,而大多数的用户体验则将发生于网络之上。就像我们为谷歌 Chrome 浏览器所做的一样,我们要回归本来,彻底地重新设计谷歌 Chrome 操作系统的底层安全架构。如此一来,用户就不必再应对病毒、恶意软件和安全更新。一切皆由系统搞定。

谷歌 chrome 操作系统可运行于 x86 和 ARM 芯片,并且,我们正与各类原始设备商合作,以便于明年为市场带来许多的上网本选择。谷歌 Chrome 运行于一个新的基于 Linux 核心的窗口系统,其软件架构十分简单。对应用开发者们来说,网络即是平台。所有的互联网应用都将自动运行,而新的各种应用可由您最喜欢的网络语言编写。当然,这些应用不仅可以运行于谷歌 Chrome 操作系统,也可以运行于 Windows、Mac 和Linux 上的任何标准浏览器,从而令开发者拥有任何平台上的最大用户基数。

谷歌 Chrome 操作系统是一个全新的项目,与 Android 无关。Android 从设计之初就跨手机、机顶盒和上网本等多样终端而工作。谷歌 Chrome 操作系统则为那些花费绝大部分时间用于上网的用户而设计,与此同时,谷歌 Chrome 操作系统被设计用于装备从小型上网本到大型台式系统在内的各种计算机。谷歌 Chrome 操作系统和 Android 有一些领域重合,因为我们坚信选择驱动创新,并让包括谷歌在内的每一个人受益。



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