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Friday, January 8, 2010

PayPal Express Checkout and Zen Cart

PayPal Express Checkout Setup
(I following these steps to setup zmart.hycademy.com, HL 20100108)

Things You'll Need:

  • Verified PayPal premier or business account
Step 1

Go to the API Access setup page in your PayPal account. First log in to your PayPal account and click on "API Access" under the "Account Information" list in your PayPal profile page.

Step 2

Click "View API Certificate" on the API Access page to view your API credentials. Write down or copy the API username, password, and signature on the next page.

Step 3

Log into your Zen Cart administration and choose the "Paypal Express Checkout" option in the Payment modules. Select the "True" radio button to enable this payment option; scroll down and set any other desired settings, such as choosing to allow customers to "skip" the checkout payment page when making a payment. Paste your API username, password, and signature in the appropriate boxes. Select "Live" to make the PayPal Express Checkout payment option ready to use. Click "Update" at the bottom of the page when finished.

Tips & Warnings
  • Confirm that your PayPal integration has been set up correctly by making a test purchase in your Zen Cart store.

To give you a complete e-commerce and all-in-one payment solution using PayPal's Express Checkout

PayPal [link]
  • Accept not only credit card payments but also allow PayPal members to pay from their PayPal account.
  • No registration required on your Zen Cart™ site when using PayPal Express Checkout.
  • Get PayPal's industry-leading security fraud-prevention systems.
  • Take advantage of comprehensive PayPal's online reports that help you measure sales and manage your business easily.
Many merchants do use Express Checkout as their sole payment processing option.

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