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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How to configure Eclipse to use SSH key to log into server

This section will show you how to manage your ssh connection with Eclipse by using an existing key or by creating a new one.
Use Existing Key
First, go to the Window/Preferences menu.
Here, browse the preferences tree : General/Network Connections/SSH2.
Here, you can specify an already existing SSH2 key (must be OpenSSH compliant) or create a new key by clicking on the tab Key Management.
WARNING : To avoid problems, a useful workaround is to restart Eclipse after SSH configuration if you change the SSH Home path.

Create New Key
create a new key by clicking on the tab Key Management
Here, you have to generate a RSA key.
Then :
  • add a comment (ex: user@host, inria-gforge-key)
  • choose a lengthy passphrase in the Passphrase field and confirm it in the Confirm passphrase field.
With your mouse, select the content of the box labeled Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file, copy it (that is, hit Control-C).
Click on the Save private key button to save your private key in a file.

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