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Friday, April 2, 2010

A Step-by-Step Guide to Importing

About.com: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/sme-pme/i-guide-eng.html
Canada Border Services Agency

This guide has been created to help small and medium-sized enterprises that import goods into Canada. It provides an overview of the commercial importing process and is intended to complement, not replace existing regulations, acts and references.

All regulations, programs, and references in this guide are detailed in Memoranda Series D1 - D22.

What Is The Meaning Of Drop-ship?

Help Center - www.LightInTheBox.com

Drop-ship is common among the Electronics retailing business. Drop-ship means a reseller instruct their wholesale counterpart, which may be located in a duty free zone, to ship out orders according to the reseller and delivering directly to their customers in a as and when basis. The reseller does not actually take the job of stocking, packaging and shipping.

Wholesale on the other hand means buying products in bulks and get a discount from it, then retailing it one at a time to make a profit. This is the conventional way of retail business.

With the internet kicking in around the world, drop-shipping does make sense after all. Most drop ship services only exist hand in hand with the internet so no one will know that you don't keep an inventory on-hand. You won't be able to sell products with your conventional store front without products, right?

Using Ubuntu Linux to Rescue Windows

When Windows Breaks, Call Ubuntu Linux - www.smallbusinesscomputing.com
April 2, 2010
By Eric Geier

Did Windows crash beyond repair? If so, you probably want to get your files off of the drive before you erase everything and reinstall Windows. This tutorial will help you do exactly that.

We're going to use Ubuntu's LiveCD mode. Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that's a free and open source alternative to Windows. The LiveCD mode lets you boot into and use the operating system (OS) without installing anything on the computer. You should be able to view your files and copy them to another drive, backup to discs, or transfer via a network. Now let's get started!

Google Gets Quake II Running In HTML5, Just For Fun

Google Gets Quake II Running In HTML5, Just For Fun - quake II - Kotaku

Google Gets Quake II Running In HTML5, Just For Fun

A trio of Google engineers have ported id Software's gib-filled first-person shooter Quake II to browsers— you know, for kicks—as a way to show just what HTML5 compatible web browsers are capable of.

Unlike other browser based games, like Quake Live, no plug-in is required to play this version of Quake. Of course, you'll need a "bleeding edge browser" that supports the HTML5 spec, like Google's own Chrome, but we'll all get there someday. (Check out Gizmodo's helpful "Giz Explains" feature on HTML5 for more.)

Here's how Google engineers did this in their spare time.

We started with the existing Jake2 Java port of the Quake II engine, then used the Google Web Toolkit (along with WebGL, WebSockets, and a lot of refactoring) to cross-compile it into Javascript. You can see the results in the video above — we were honestly a bit surprised when we saw it pushing over 30 frames per second on our laptops (your mileage may vary)!

That's kind of a big deal, especially to those of you who may be picking up an HTML5 supporting iPad this weekend. (No, don't expect to play Quake II in the iPad version of Safari just yet. But someday?)

Look ma, no plugin! [Google Web Toolkit Blog]


Zencart多语言URL设定SEO实施方案 - SEO起点网络

[来源:来自网络] [作者:SEO起点] [日期:09-09-01] [热度:79]



2,只用一个域名,比如:www.abc.com,两种语言版本分别放在两个子目录中,www.abc.com/cn为中文网站, http://www.abc.com/en为英文网站。www.abc.com可以做成一个引导页,或直接301跳转到默认语言网站。两种语言的网站前台和后台都是统 一的。微软用的是这种方式。

3,只用一个域名,比如:www.abc.com,两种语言是通过url中传递参数来切换的,可以设定默认语言。比如默认语言为中文,打开 http://www.abc.com/test.php是中文页面,打开www.abc.com/test.php?language=en是对应的英文页面,打开 http://www.abc.com/test.php?language=cn是同样的中文页面。如果session被有效启用,url中附加的语言选项会用来改变 session中的语言变量,同一个session中访问同样的不带语言选项的url时,语言自动切换,比如访问完 http://www.abc.com/test.php?language=en后,再访问www.abc.com/test.php,就变成英文页面了。 zencart用的就是这种方式。








3,如果不强制使用cookie,同时允许机器人sessions,虽然机器人可以启动session,但程序会在页面里链接的后面会附上一长串 sessionid,这样机器人反复抓取一个网站后,会抓到大量内容一样而url不同的页面。这是一种普遍的情况,为了应付这种情况,搜索引擎机器人会自 动略去url里的sessionid,这就造成了机器人可以启动session,却无法获取sessionid的情况,等效于无法启动 session,服务器资源还被浪费了。

zencart一般设置为:关闭强制使用cookie,打开阻止机器人sessions,属于上述第二点,机器人无法启动session。但是由上 述分析可以看出,不管怎么设置,机器人都无法有效启用session,所以机器人只有在url中传递语言参数时才会抓取到该语言的页面。但从链接结构看,网站中这种页面属于终点页面,即只有一个链接指向这种页面。至少有两个不同的链接指向一个页面时,这个页面才有可能被搜索引擎收录,所以这种终点页面无法被收录。(此处有误,修正详见从seo角度看zencart的多语言实施方案 - 续)

搜索引擎早已经很聪明了,不用太费心在SEO上,关键还是做好网站内容。zencart采用第三种方式,一样可以很好的被搜索引擎收录各种语言页面,Google看看 demo.zen-cart.cn"

"搜索引擎早已经很聪明了,不用太费心在SEO上,关键还是做好网站内容。"这句话是对的。Ethan早就写文章指出,只有网站内容有价值了,别人 才会愿意给你链接,搜索引擎是通过这些反向链接(如果其它网页上有链接指向你的一个网页,那么这个链接就是你的这个网页的一个反向链接)判断你的网站的质 量的,因而你的网站排名会较好。seo本身并不能使你的网站内容更有价值,所以说关键还是做好网站内容。


google网站管理员指南明确指出:"允许搜索漫游器在不采用会跟踪其在网站上浏览路径的会话 ID 或参数的情况下抓取您的网站。这些技术对跟踪单个用户的行为非常有用,但漫游器的访问模式却完全不同。"这里"漫游器"就是"机器人"的意思。


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