In Zen Cart v1.3.7 and newer you can enable debug logging of PayPal transaction activity.
The debug logs do NOT contain your PayPal password or API certificate information. This sensitive information is masked so that it cannot be stolen and used unscrupulously.
Further, in the default configuration, there are protections in place to prevent snoops from finding and obtaining your log files, as they are named with some degree of randomness, making it virtually impossible to guess.
1. Ensure you are using Zen Cart v1.3.7 or newer, and any published PayPal patches are installed.
2. Go to Admin->Modules->Payment ... and choose your PayPal module (either IPN or Express Checkout, Payments Pro, etc). Click Edit.
3. Choose "Log to File" for your debug option. (recommend to NOT use log-to-email option)
4. Use your FTP program to mark the /includes/modules/payment/paypal/logs folder writable (ie: chmod 777). If given a "recursive" option, select "no". If asked about altering files "and" folders, say "no".
6. Once you've duplicated a problem with logging enabled, grab the log files related to that transaction (ie: look at the date/time on the files) and download and zip them for analysis ... ie: you may be asked to provide a link to where the zip file can be downloaded from when talking to DrByte, Ajeh, Kim or wilt. You might alternatively post the link directly in the support thread where you're discussing a reported problem.