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Friday, March 12, 2010

Manymoon: Free Social Productivity, Project Management & Task Management

Google Apps Marketplace - Manymoon: Free Social Productivity, Project Management & Task Management

Product by Manymoon

Manymoon is the #1 team collaboration application for Google Apps and is trusted by thousands of businesses. Put your social network to use to securely get work done, instead of just talking about it

  • Attach Google Docs to tasks, projects and events
  • Add project information to shared Google Calendars
  • Gadget for collaborative task mgmt in Google Sites


* Save thousands of dollars on expensive and cumbersome project software
* Utilize existing Google Docs, Google Calendars and Google Apps accounts in your projects
* Eliminate hundreds of emails per person per week
* Free and easy enough for your colleagues, customers and partners to use. No training required!
* Intuitive enough to use everday for all types of projects and work items
* Integrated with your existing email
* Built in security that businesses require


* Access Manymoon from your Google universal navigation.
* Login with your Google Apps or Gmail account
* Attach Google Docs and uploaded files to tasks and projects
* Project calendars synchronized with shared Google Calendars
* Google Gadget for managing tasks
* Single view across all projects and tasks
* Time tracking
* Micro-blogging
* Tagging
* User profiles (view shared content)
* Schedule project meetings


* The Red Cross uses Manymoon to Manage Critical Projects that can be Accessed from Any Location. Read the case study - http://bit.ly/axqkj7

* The Building Group Increases Ability to Handle Property Requests by 20%. Read the case study - http://bit.ly/drhukZ

* Social Signal Saves 90% on Project Management Software Used for Clients. Read the Google case study - http://bit.ly/avvBZk




  锐商企业:电子商务类站点终极资源大全 - 搜集了上百种与电子商务网站设计相关的资源。包含与电子商务网站设计相关的模板,主题,图标,素材,设计教程等。(上)http://tinyurl.com/yeqsa4x (中) http://tinyurl.com/ycbgu67 (下) http://tinyurl.com/ycgqwfd

  宋星:电子商务网站分析要关注些什么 - 探讨了应该关注电子商务网站分析的什么领域,以及应该如何去关注。(上) http://tinyurl.com/y9uaedw (下) http://tinyurl.com/yg24g8k

  数位之墙:谈中国电子商务 - 主要讲的是B2C和C2C (一)08年是电子商务元年 http://tinyurl.com/c62wd4 (二)即将出现的购物比价引擎 http://tinyurl.com/cugyd5 (三)谁在买?买什么?买多少? http://tinyurl.com/dm42jf (四)转单模式造就轻公司 http://tinyurl.com/ckmwls (五)网上分店与虚拟加盟 http://tinyurl.com/ps8oml (六)如何激起购物冲动 http://tinyurl.com/yz4fjtd (七)社交网络将成新一代C2C 电子商务 http://tinyurl.com/yzbzxul (八)传统企业的电子商务惨剧 http://tinyurl.com/yjq9le9

  22个国外电子商务系统 http://tinyurl.com/yd6jake本文介绍了22个国外最常用的电子商务系统,从简单的购物车,到完整的电子商务平台,到可以集成到第三方CMS系统的框架,到托管式电子商务服务,有收费的,也有免费的。

  电子商务网站SEO案例和分析 http://tinyurl.com/yc2erm5前段时间有朋友询问有关旅游网站和网店的SEO问题,正好翻译了一篇相关的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。


  2010年值得关注的5个社会化媒体网站——1: Foursquare 2: Google Buzz 3: Loopt 4: Blippy 5: Groupon ——前三个是基于位置的服务,最后两个则属于社会化电子商务。

  国内网站:拉手团购 http://www.lashou.com/ 、 美团网 http://www.meituan.com/ 、 QQ优惠 http://0755.qq.com/

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