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Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 Apache Security and Hardening Tips

 | Kyplex cloud security

The Apache web server is a crucial part of the website infrastructure. It has a number of built in features that can improve your website resistance to attacks. The following document covers a number of steps that will help you to achieve this goal. This document is largely based on the knowledge gathered by our security team and by statistics information revealed by our security scanner.

Tip No. 1: Disable Apache Signature and/or Apache Banner

Apache Signature or Apache Banner is basically the same thing. It is an application name together with version name that is printed when performing a web request. Nobody actually needs this information at all, but it is enabled by default. You need to alter the Apache configuration file to disable it.
In Ubuntu, you need to change the following file: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Double check that ServerSignature and ServerTokens configuration settings are not enabled in some other parts of the configuration file.

Tip No. 2: The Trace HTTP Request

HTTP TRACE request is used to echo back all received information. It can be tricked to print HTTP cookies and as a result steal HTTP session. Basically this request can be used as part of the Cross Site Scripting attack, or XSS. It is recommended to disable it as a security precaution.
Add the following to the web-server's configuration file. For example alter the following file in Ubuntu: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf .

Tip 3: Remove PHP scripts that print debug info using phpinfo()

The built-in PHP function phpinfo() prints a lot of interesting internal information about the PHP environment. It can include list of which PHP modules are enabled, and the location of various files on the web-server and other sensitive information. Our web security scanner finds a lot of such files. It is recommended to remove these test files from a production website.
Here is a tip hpw to find such files. Look for the files with the following name: test.php,info.phpi.php and phpinfo.php in your website directory and remove them.

Tip 4: Disable directory indexing

Directory indexing is a features found in every web-server by default. When directory indexing is enabled, the web-site prints a list of files found in the website directories when the default page does not exists (for example index.php). Directories reported can be viewed by any visitor. It is vulnerable in the sense that these directories can contain configuration, private and backup files which can be used by the attackers to take your server under control.
You can fix this problem by disabling the Apache autoindex module. In some Apache installations it is called mod_autoindex.so. In Ubuntu, you just need to remove the following files:
So you can do it running the following commands:

Tip 5: Disable WebDAV

WebDAV is a file access protocol created over HTTP protocol. It allows you to upload and download files, and change file contents from the website. This service is required only in very rare cases. From our experience, this feature was only required to run SVN server (link). Make sure that WebDAV is disabled in production websites. When WebDAV is enabled, the following commands are supported by Apache: OPTIONS, PROPFIND, etc. These commands are sensitive from computer security point of view.
You can fix this problem by disabling Apache dav, dav_fs and dav_lock modules. In Ubuntu you just need to remove the following files:
So you can do it running the following commands:

Tip 6: Create a chroot'ed Apache environment

Chroot is a kind of virtual environment supported operating systems such as Linux and FreeBSD. When an application is executed in chrooted environment it has no access to the parent disk and to other recources.
This is a good solution if you want to protect your website from malicious users. The action steps required to create chroot Apache was already covered in a number of websites. For example: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/36331
The main hidden issue with chrooted environment is that this environment protects the websites from accessing the operating system's files. It does not protect one site from another. In other words, if a malicious script located in one site it can access files located on other site because they are located on the same chrooted environment.
A solution to this problem is the following. Create a number of apache instances, each one hosting one website running each one if different chrooted directory. These apache instances will not be able to share IP addresses. You will have to configure different IP for each Apache instance you run.

Tip 7: Enable PHP basedir

PHP has built in a kind of chroot environment. It is called "basedir". You can configure PHP scripts to access files only in specific directory similar to chroot. Basically you can configure each site to access only files located in that site directory which is a very good idea from the security point of view.
You can add the following lines to the website configuration file or to .htaccess file to enable PHP basedir:
This will specify that your PHP scripts can access only specified directories.

Tip 8: Web Stats

Some webmasters install open source tools on their website that analyze web requests and create statistical reports. Access to these webstat scrips is almost never secured with a password. So any visitor can basically view such reports. For example some webmasters install in in the /stats directory accessible by http://www.my-site.com/stats .
Statistical reports contain a lot of sensitive information. For example it can contain hidden file names and directory names, full web requests, search engine keywords, etc... All this information can be used by the malicious users and/or your competitors.
Instead of running a statistics script on your website we recommend that you use Google Analytics. It is a free-of-charge and quality service.

Tip 9: Use Google

Most of the webmasters use common web scripts and CMS or blog software. We recommend you to frequently search for security updates using Google and register for security news at your blog/CMS website.

Tip 10: Additional Steps

If your webserver runs together with MySQL server it brings additional potential security problem. MySQL can read any files located on you server including the one located in different chrooted environments. It happens because of the FILE permission. By default only MySQL root has it. For more info about MySQL security take a look at this article ( link to GreenSQL) .
Install a Database Firewall
Download GreenSQL Express which is a free version of the GreenSQL database firewall.
Install a Web Firewall
Mod_security is a good open source product.
Additional links

Free Tools to Edit Product Shots for Your Online Store

 — eCommerce-Guide.com

By Vangie Beal
January 25, 2012

If you own an online store, it's a good practice to ensure you offer shoppers clear and professional-lookingproduct images. The images you use in your store will rouse consumer interest in your products. A plain or poor-quality digital photo of the item you sell is just not enough to inspire a purchase.  
Online store owners and eBay sellers working with a limited budget can skip the cost of purchasing commercial image editing software and use free Web-based or open source tools to perk up product shots.

5 Free Image Tools for Online Store Owners

There are a number of basic functions that you will want to use to fix up product shots, so even if the editor is free, save time by making sure the basic options are available. Look for crop, rotate and brushes. And be sure it includes a text editor in case you need to add a copyright tag or caption directly on to the image. Remember that using too many special image effects will make your product shot look fake, so stick with the tools that enhance the natural look of the product in your online store.
Here are five free image editors to get you started.

1. GIMP:  The GNU Image Manipulation Program

GIMP is one of the most well-known an open source image editors. It comes complete with layering, brushes, lighting and more features that let you add a cutting-edge look to your images.  Online store owners will want to work with some of the tools for rotation, cropping and text.
If you need help using GIMP, a simple Google search will yield a number of articles on how to effectively use some of the tools in the program. More advanced users can download additional scripts and brushes.
  • Main features:  .gif animation capabilities, brushes, layering with blend modes, filtering and color effects, transformation tools, a text editor and photo creation capabilities.
  • Cost: GIMP is open source software (so it's free) and available for Windows, Mac, Linux and UNIX systems.

2. Pixlr:  Web-Based Image Editing with Drop-Down Menus

Pixlr is a Web-based image editing program that can help online store owners make images and product shots look snazzy and appealing to your site viewers and customers.  The image editor features movable (and scalable) windows for editing, drop-down menus to use effects, filters, brushes and other image editing tools. Pixlr offers an easy-to-use text editor, so you can add slogans and catchy phrases to your images and Web advertisements.
Since Pixlr is a Web-based image editing tool, you don't have to download or install anything. You simply load it into your Web browser.
  • Main features: easy drop-down menus, filters and effects, brushes, transformations, text editor and no downloading because it's Web-based. 
  • Cost: Pixlr is free -- no credit cards, accounts, or trials. It's available on all operating systems with an up-to-date Web browser. It also works with Android and Apple iOS devices.

3. Splashup: Free Web Editing with Social Sharing

Splashup is another Web-based image editor that can be used in conjunction with popular photo sharing services like Facebook and Flickr. This social integration allows Web shop owners to access photos directly and not have to download them to a hard drive, edit, then upload them.
Splashup offers a number of features including layers with blending modes and numerous effects and filters to spice-up your product shots and other business images.
  • Main Features: integrated photo sharing, layering with blend modes, filters and effects, text editor, edit photos directly off of a webcam, and it's Web-based.
  • Cost: Splashup is completely free, and requires no credit cards or accounts; you just open the Web page and edit your photos. It works on any operating system with an up-to-date Web browser.

4. Picasa: Organize, Store and Edit Images

Picasa is a free program offered by Google that lets you host, organize and edit all images on your computer. It's pretty simple: after you install Picasa, it searches for all images on your hard drives. Once it has indexed them, it stores them in a library for easy access.  Features include basic image fixes, such as color and contrast, and you can crop, rotate and add text. There are several effects and filters you can use to turn plain images in to showcase quality.
Picasa is a basic program, but it's user-friendly and meets the needs of most online store owners who need to liven up a few product images.
  • Main Features: create a photo library to index your images, includes all basic editing tools, filters and effects and a text editor.
  • Cost:  Picasa is completely free to download and use. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux systems.

5. Fotoflexer: A Web-Based Tool with a Simple Interface

Fotoflexer is another Web-based image editor that offers a decent number of features and a simple interface that makes editing images a painless task.  Fotoflexer integrates with images and photos on a number of popular social sites including Facebook, MySpace, Flickr and Photobucket. The Web tool offers most of the basic image editing tools such as crop, resize, rotate and text editing. Online store owners can also add image effects and filters to give product shots a unique look.
  • Main Features: integrated photo sharing, all basic photo editing tools, text editor, effects and filters, and it's Web-based.
  • Cost:  Fotoflexer is completely free, and works with any operating system with an up-to-date browser, since it is Web-based.

More Online Store Product Page Tips

Looking to get a better handle on improving your online store? Try these tips and guides for small business ecommerce sites:
Based in Nova Scotia, Canada, Vangie Beal has spent the last decade contributing featured articles and reviews to more than 20 technology-focused publications, including Webopedia and Ecommerce-Guide. You can tweet with her online @AuroraGG

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