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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Force IE8 to Load and Display Websites in IE7 Compatibility View Mode

META Tags and Locking in Future Compatibility

By default, Internet Explorer 8 uses EmulateIE8 mode to display pages loaded from the Internet Zone. Web pages loaded from the Intranet Zone or with the Web Browser control are displayed in EmulateIE7 mode. These defaults can be changed

Specifying Compatibility Modes on a Per-Page Basis

To specify a document mode for your Web pages, use the META element to include an X-UA-Compatible http-equiv header in your Web page. The following example specifies EmulateIE7 mode compatibility.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

The content attribute specifies the mode for the page; for example, to mimic Internet Explorer 7 behavior, specify IE=EmulateIE7. Likewise, specify IE=5, IE=7, or IE=8 to select one of those compatibility modes. You can also specify IE=edge to tell Internet Explorer 8 to use the highest mode available.

The X-UA-compatible header is not case sensitive; however, it must appear in the Web page's header (the HEAD section) before all other elements, except for the TITLE element and other META elements.

Specifying Compatibility Modes on a Per-Site Basis

A document mode can be specified for your Web site by defining a custom HTTP response header for the site using your Web server. An HTTP response header is the information a Web server attaches to the file it sends to your browser in response to the HTTP request and that usually contains information such as date, size, and type of file that is being sent back.

The following documents describe the steps required to configure your Web server to attach a custom HTTP response header to all of your Web pages. This will cause Internet Explorer 8 to use a specific document compatibility mode, such as EmulateIE7.

If you specify a default document compatibility mode using your Web server, you can override that setting by specifying a different document compatibility mode in a specific Web page. The mode specified within the Web page takes precedence over the mode specified by the server.

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