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Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Automount NTFS Drives on Ubuntu

HowTo: Automount NTFS Drives - Ubuntu Forums

Fire up a terminal, to do this click Applications > Accessories > Terminal
Then type (or copy/paste) the following - 1 line at a time
sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install ntfs-config
Ok so when that returns you to user@pcname, that should be it installed

Next, make sure you have NO drives mounted (they'll usually appear on your desktop). And then run the program from Applications > System Tools

Note: In Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) it appears that the configuration tool has moved to System > Administration.

Enter your password when prompted - and then choose the drives that you want to be automounted. Click Apply.

Now simply make sure that "Enable Write Support for Internal Drives" and click OK.

Enjoy your automounted NTFS Drives

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