1 / 3
Caption Text
2 / 3
Caption Two
3 / 3
Caption Three margin testing

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kapitall is a massive, beautiful stock market playground


Kapitall is one of the most impressive finance-related websites I've recently come across. The site requires registration (which is free, but you do have to opt out of their newsletter) -- but in return it provides you with an incredible amount of financial data.

The experience is very visual. You get a large canvas, which they call "the Playground." You can search for companies by their stock symbols or by their names. (For example, I didn't know that Oracle is ORCL, so I just searched by name.) Each company gets a large icon on your playground, with the company logo, their name, and their segment ("TECHNOLOGY" for Oracle). Icons can be grouped together, dragged around, and organized in any way you wish.

To dig into a single company, double-click its icon. You get a snapshot page that shows you a one-year performance graph, a company synopsis, current market cap, management details, analyst ratings, and more. You also get to see "Monthly Community Activity" for the company, which lets you determine how much Kapitall buzz there is around a given company.

You can also analyze company data in all sorts of ways. One neat tool is the Compar-O-Matic, which shows you statistics for two or more companies. You can also see statistics over time. Here's a fun fact: in October 2008, Apple's market cap was $100.7B, versus Oracle's $104.6B. Today, Apple stands at $221.2B with Oracle at $109.8B. That's pretty intense, especially when you play it back month-by-month and see how the stock behaves.

This is just scratching the surface of this massive tool, really. If you have any interest in the stock market and in cool tools to chart it and learn about it, you should definitely check out Kapitall.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

System Silencer – 系统消声器


System Silencer 是款从字面意思上很难理解的软件,它能让电脑在空闲一段时间后干一些事情,比如静音、隐藏任务栏图标、终止进程、运行程序等等。@Appinn

System Silencer 很有意思,让电脑空闲一段时间,意味着大多数时候使用者应该离开了电脑,或者睡着了。就在这个时候执行一些任务,还是相当实用的。




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Monday, September 27, 2010

Ten Essential Linux Admin Tools


Every good Linux System Administrator has a set of tools they reach for again-and-again. Here are ten must haves for your virtual utility belt.

System Administrators (SAs) need a set of tools with which to manage their often unmanageable systems and environments*. These ten essential Linux administration tools provide excellent support for the weary SA. Those listed aren't your standard list of tools deemed essential by industry bystanders. These are tools that have proven track records and have stood the test of time in the data center.

  1. Webmin - Webmin is the ultimate web-based management platform for Linux and several other operating systems. Written in Perl, it simplifies and streamlines standard administrative tasks. Additionally, Webmin helps you configure very complex implementations of Apache, MySQL and SendMail. If you haven't experienced Webmin, you should, it'sthe essential administration tool.
  2. byobu - If you're a screen user, byobu is the next step. If you haven't usedscreen, you should try byobu. Byobu is a Japanese word for the decorative screens or room dividers that often adorn Japanese homes. Hence, the name for a more decorative form of the screen utility. Linux people are nothing if not clever in their naming of projects.
  3. tcpdump - It sounds crazy but you'd be surprised by how many times that System Administrators need to analyze network packets to help troubleshoot obscure problems that plague their systems. Tcpdump is the right tool for the job of analyzing network traffic. It isn't beautiful or elaborate but it does exactly what its name advertises: It dumps IP-related traffic to the screen or to a file for analysis.
  4. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) - In its many incarnations (TightVNCUltraVNC,RealVNC), VNC has become one of the most readily recognized and widely utilized remote access tools in the System Administrator's toolbox. Its broad acceptance is due in part to its platform-independence. VNC is easy to install, simple to configure and available for almost every contemporary operating system.
  5. GNOME Partition Editor (GParted) - What's better than fdisk? GParted. You have to love the power of this program, since you can boot to a Live CDROM and create, delete and resize your partitions without destroying any existing data. And, it works on almost every imaginable filesystem, even NTFS. For best results, download a Live CD/USB/PXE version and keep it handy.
  6. DenyHosts - DenyHosts is a Python script that allows you to actively monitor your systems for attempted unauthorized logins via SSH and subsequently deny access to the originating host system. Denyhosts records the denied entries in /etc/denyhosts.conf. No System Administrator should bring up a system without it.
  7. Nagios - Nagios is an extensive and somewhat complex network monitoring tool. It has the ability to monitor a variety of hosts, services and protocols. It is an enterprise class tool that is essential in every network regardless of size or complexity. With Nagios, you can monitor, alert, resolve and report on network problems. It also has trending and capacity planning capabilities. Nagios is an extrememly extensible tool through its plugins, addons, extensions and modules.
  8. Linux Rescue CD - Numerous rescue CDs exist for every task or imaginable situation. There are a three notable standouts in the crowd for those of you who don't have one of these in your arsenal: The Ubuntu Rescue Remix, Parted Magic and GRML. Ubuntu Rescue Remix is a command line-based data recovery and forensics tools compilation (CD or USB). Parted Magic is a super diagnostic and rescue CD/USB/PXE that contains extensive documentation. GRML is a Debian-based live CD that contains a collection of System Administrator tools for system rescue, network analysis or as a working Linux distribution.
  9. Dropbox - Dropbox, as described in "Dropbox: Painless and Free Backup" is an essential backup and cross-platform file exchange tool. With Dropbox, you can leave home without your essential toolbox but still keep it with you where ever you go.
  10. Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) - Described by its developers as "a self-contained boot disk that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers", DBAN is an essential decommissioning tool for those who have to dispose of systems that are no longer in service. DBAN also assures System Administrators that data from any previous operating system installations will be unrecoverable. DBAN isn't the fastest tool on the planet but it is very thorough and wipes all detectable disks securely and completely.

* It's unfortunate that no set of tools exist to manage the unmanageable users in our midst.

Kenneth Hess is a Linux evangelist and freelance technical writer on a variety of open source topics including Linux, SQL, databases, and web services. Ken can be reached via his website at http://www.kenhess.com. Practical Virtualization Solutions by Kenneth Hess and Amy Newman is available now.

Friday, September 24, 2010

How to Configure the Conky System Monitor


1. Introduction

On Kubuntu I use a plasmoid for monitoring key system performance indicators like CPU Temperature, CPU Performance, Network traffic and memory usage. In GNOME you can use gDesklets http://www.gdesklets.de/ which are supposed to be the equivalent of KDEs Plasmiods. However, a more popular option is to use the light-weight system monitor called Conkyhttp://conky.sourceforge.net/.

My preference is for Conky, lightweight, flexible and powerful. Its one downside is that it can be a pain to set-up unless you are given a helping hand. Hopefully, this blog will be of some assistance!

2. Installing Conky

As well as needing Conky installed, you also need to install lm-sensors http://www.lm-sensors.org/which are the hardware monitoring sensors.


To install lm-sensors enter from terminal:

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors

Now configure the sensors by entering:

sudo sensors-detect

Reply yes to all questions including the last one to insert the detected sensor modules into /etc/modules.

Now test what is being detected by entering:


This will display all detected sensor devices

B. Install Conky

To install Conky enter from terminal:

sudo apt-get install conky

From the root of your home drive, create a file in your favorite text editor called .conkyrc

Note the preceding period in front of the file name which makes this file hidden.

Below is my modified version of the Pengo script. Select the text and copy it into a file called .conkyrc. and save it in the root of your Home directory.

Alternatively, you can download a copy from here , again saving it in the root of your Home directory.


# A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on

# Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.


# Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.


# – tail of /var/log/messages

# – netstat connections to your computer


# — Pengo (conky@pengo.us)


# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)

own_window yes

own_window_type override

own_window_hints below

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)

double_buffer yes

# fiddle with window

use_spacer yes

use_xft no

# Update interval in seconds

update_interval 3.0

#Maximum Width of Window

maximum_width 320

# Minimum size of text area

# minimum_size 250 5

# Draw shades?

draw_shades no

# Text stuff

draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes

draw_borders no

font arial

uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

# Stippled borders?

stippled_borders 3

# border margins

border_margin 5

# border width

border_width 6

# Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5

default_color FFFFCC

own_window_colour brown

own_window_transparent yes

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented

#alignment top_left

alignment top_right

#alignment bottom_left

#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text

gap_x 10

gap_y 10

# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen



${color CC9900}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color

$nodename $sysname $kernel on $machine

${color CC9900}CPU ${hr 2}$color

AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Socket 939 X2 Dual Core CPU 4200+

Total CPU: ${cpu cpu0}%

${color 597DB2}${cpubar}$color

${cpugraph 000000 597DB2}

Core 1: ${freq 1} MHz Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core0′|awk '{print $3}'}

${cpu cpu1}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu1}$color

Core 2: ${freq 2} MHz Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core1′|awk '{print $3}'}

${cpu cpu2}% ${color 597DB2}${cpubar cpu2}$color


${color CCFFFF}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}

${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}

${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}

${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}$color

${color CC9900}MEMORY ${hr 2}$color

RAM Used: ${mem} RAM Free: ${memfree}/ ${memmax}

RAM: $memperc% ${color FF6600} ${membar 6}$color

Swap: $swapperc% ${color FF6600} ${swapbar 6}$color

${color CC9900}DISK ${hr 2}$color

sdc5 ${fs_type} (Root): ${fs_free_perc /}% ${color FFFF33} ${fs_bar 6 /}$color

sdc1 NTFS (Data): ${fs_free_perc /media/data}% ${color FFFF33} ${fs_bar 6 /media/data}$color

${color CC9900}NETWORK (${addr eth1}) ${hr 2}$color

Down: $color${downspeed eth1} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed eth1} k/s

${downspeedgraph eth1 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1

25,140 000000 00ff00}$color

Total: ${totaldown eth1} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup eth1}

Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768

61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}

${color CC9900}LOGGING ${hr 2}$color

${color 339900}${execi 30 tail -n3 /var/log/messages | fold -w50}$color

3. Running Conky

When you are ready, either press <ALT>+<F2> and enter conky or from terminal enter conky. Either way, Conky will run based on the configuration of your .conkyrc file you saved earlier.

4. Customising Conky

Two useful tables detailing the syntax of commands used in the .conkyrc file are available from theConky website

Config Settings http://conky.sourceforge.net/config_settings.html

Config Variables http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html

For ACSII colour codes see http://html-color-codes.com/

The .conkyrc configuration file is split into two sections:

  • Section 1 – General Configuration: This is text between # UBUNTU-CONKY line and # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
  • Section 2 – System Monitoring Parameters: This is text after # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen onwards!

Section 1 – General Configuration

These lines detail the general layout, colours, size and behavior of the Conky window. Reference the Config Settings link above for more information.

The elements which I found useful for setting up my display were:

maximum_width 320

Sets the maximum width of the window. Height is variable depending on the number of lines of information you display.

default_color FFFFCC

Sets the default colour of text, in this case to Light yellow, See the ACSII colour code table link above for more colour codes

own_window_colour brown

Sets window background colour, this can be a name of a colour or ASCII colour code

own_window_transparent yes

Makes the background transparent or not (yes or no), depends on the colour of your wallpaper whether this is useful. On the default Ubuntu wallpaper it was unhelpful as the text colours merged with the background.

own_window_type override

Stops the Conky window disappearing when you click on the desktop! Highly recommended!

Section 2 – System Monitoring Parameters

This is laid out in the order it will be displayed in the window. So the first element is

$[color ######} text xyz $color

This sets the colour of the preceding text and the text colour is reverted back to the default colour (set by default_colour in section 1) with $color

In our example each section is grouped, the first one is SYSTEM which is preceded with ${hr 2}this sets the height of the line, this has already been set to light brown by the color command.

If you want to enter text to be displayed as part of the window content, you just enter it as normal e.g. AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Socket 939 X2 Dual Core CPU 4200+. Anything not prefixed with a$ is treated as text.

The horizontal positioning of the text can be done either with the <TAB> key or the <space-bar>. Vertical spacing is done by pressing the <Enter> key.

Using the Config Variables (see link above) you can probably work out the rest of the code in the file, with one exception!

Whilst most CPUs can be read using acpixxxxx variables e.g. acpitemp to read the CPU temperature, AMD CPUs can not be read in this way as they use k8temp-pci-00c3http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/hwmon/k8temp.

You would have established when configuring LM-SENSORS if the k8temp sensor was being used on your motherboard. As you would have had a result like


Adapter: PCI adapter

Core0 Temp: +35.0°C

Core1 Temp: +30.0°C

The lines

Core 1: ${freq 1} MHz Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core0′|awk '{print $3}'}

Core 2: ${freq 2} MHz Temprature: $color ${exec sensors|grep 'Core1′|awk '{print $3}'}

in .conkyrc are used to display the core temperature results which are obtained from the temp1and temp3 files located in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/k8temp/0000:00:18.3.

I've now explained the essentials necessary to getting started in creating your own customised Conky display. Hopefully, the rest of the code in .conkyrc should now be more meaningful.

TIP: When making code changes, copy and paste the code you wish to change below the old code. Modify the pasted version, save and reload Conky from terminal.

5. Automatically Running Conky at Boot

If you want to automatically load Conky every time yo run Ubuntu, then you will need to write a short script to delay Conky starting immediately on boot, otherwise you will get a shadow behind your Conky Window.

The script looks like


#Conky start-up delay script

sleep 20 && conky;

A copy of the script can be downloaded from here.

The sleep 20 parameter causes the script to wait 20 seconds before conky is started. I've found on my PC that a 10 second delay is sufficient.

I would recommend you create a scripts directory in the root of your home drive and save it in it with a meaningful name like conky_delay_start.

Having created and saved your script, you now need to change it from a plain text file in to an executable text file.

From the scripts directory enter

chmod 755 conky_delay_start

to make the script executable.

Now to get the script to run on boot-up, add it to Preference > Start-up Applications like so

Restart your PC and Conky will load automatically.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 must-have Linux desktop enhancements


Among the variety of enhancements for the Linux desktop, there are a few gems that will really blow you away. Jack Wallen pinpoints some additions you'll definitely want to try.

If you haven't experienced the Linux desktop as offered by one of the more recent distributions, you don't know what you're missing. Not only is the default desktop a thing to behold, it also allows for the addition of some amazing enhancements. From eye candy to tools that make your work more efficient, the Linux desktop can be expanded to include just about anything you want. I'm going to share some desktop enhancements that will make your Linux desktop experience far better. Some of these tools you might already know (or use) and some of them you might not — if you find one listed that you haven't tried, install it and let us know what you think.

Note: This article is also available as a PDF download.

1: Compiz

Compiz is to the Linux desktop as HiDef is to the world of television. Is it necessary? Not at all. Will it enhance your experience? Absolutely. Compiz is a compositing window manager that adds tons of functionality to the desktop — from the stellar Desktop Cube to the various window switchers and everything in between, on top, on bottom, and around the corner. If you haven't experienced Compiz, you have no idea what the PC desktop can really do.

2: Screenlets

Screenlets are tiny applications that live on your desktop and provide extra functionality. Some of these applets do little and some do quite a bit. My personal favorites are the ring sensors (various sensors for your PC) and CopyStack (a stack of clipboards that allow you to select from your clipboard history as well as drag and drop a "page" of your clipboard onto a document).

3: Emerald

Emerald is a window decorator written for the Compiz compositing window manager. This window decorator allows you to extend the look and feel of the Compiz window manager out to the borders of your windows. Why have such a cool looking/acting desktop when your window decorator is the boring old default? You can also use this decorator to fool your users into thinking they're using Windows 7. It will take a bit of work, but it's possible.

4: Cairo

If you like the OS X dock, you will love Cairo. This handy dockbar lets you add plenty of launchers and applets, as well as giving you the option of running with OpenGL effects. It's theme-able, clean, smooth running, and much more stable than some of the other available docks.

5: Top Shelf

Top Shelf is a great little GNOME panel applet that gives you quick access to files you include in the "shelf." With this tool, you can take related files (from completely different directories), add them to the applet, and have immediate access to either the file or the containing folder. It's a great way to work on a project where files are coming from different locations and you want quick access to all of them.

6: Tomboy Notes

Tomboy Notes is a simple note-taking applet that resides in the GNOME panel. Tomboy gives you instant access to all your notes via a table of contents and uses a WikiWiki-like linking system so notes can easily refer to one another. The development team is also working on a system that will allow Tomboy to interact with ALL desktop objects, so notes will not be limited to text or links.

7: KDE Plasmoids

KDE Plasmoids are small widgets that live on the KDE desktop. Many people argued that KDE 4.x was going to fail and that the plasmoids were not the way to go. However, this doesn't seem to be the case, as numerous plasmoids actually enhance your desktop and your work. Some of my favorite Plasmoids are Twitter Microblog, Superkaramba, and File Watcher.


GNOME Do is one of those tools you just have to experience. It allows you to search all of the files on your desktop machine and then perform useful actions on the results. This tool also has plenty of plug-ins that allow you to send emails, files, IMs, Twitter and Facebook updates, and much more. If it can be done, GNOME Do can do it.

9: Guake Terminal

Guake Terminal is one of the coolest additions to your terminal arsenal you will find. I do still use the terminal a lot (I'm old school, so I like the command line), and I like to have a terminal that's not in the way. Guake is a drop-down style terminal you open and close by hitting [F12]. The terminal simply drops down from the top of your desktop and then rolls back up when you are done. It's out of the way, quick to use, and will have you running commands faster than you can say grep!

10: Nautilus Actions

Nautilus Actions is an extension for the Nautilus file manager that allows programs and actions to be run from drop-down and right-click menus from within Nautilus. You can create custom actions to do just about anything. This is one of those enhancements that is limited only by your imagination. Once installed, you will find the Nautilus Actions Manager in System > Preferences > Nautilus Actions > Configuration. Once you start taking advantage of this tool, you will wonder how you ever survived using a PC without Actions.

More favorites?

There are so many ways to enhance the Linux desktop. Some focus primarily on aesthetics while others focus on functionality… and some even focus on both. If you are new to the Linux desktop, you should take your time and give some of these a try. If you are an old-hat Linux user but you have yet to try some of these add-ons, you owe it to yourself to see how far the Linux desktop can go. Either way, jump into the discussion and share your opinions on the ones you try.

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