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Saturday, December 25, 2010

5 ways to recycle or revitalize your old computer

Christmas is coming, and you're about to have a ton of time off. Some of that time will be spent energetically tearing apart beautifully-wrapped gifts, and eating food is certainly next on the list of priorities. Obviously you have to play with your new gifts (or put on your new socks), but after that... after the postprandial sofa-surfing grunts and burps and farts... well, there isn't a whole lot you can do.

The other big thing about Christmas is the amount of waste it produces. Wrapping paper, cards, ribbons, the plastic packaging of the presents themselves... there's an awful lot of trash on Christmas Day. Then, of course, you need to throw out all of the things that have been replaced by new gifts: old kitchen appliances, clothes, televisions, printers and, most importantly, computers. A new laptop or desktop is incredibly cheap nowadays, which makes them very popular gifts.

But shouldn't we do something with the old stuff, rather than just throwing it out? Of course, you couldFreecycle, or give your clothes to charity -- but hold onto those old computers! You'd be surprised with how many cool things you can do with an old desktop or laptop computer. You could finally learn how to use Linux, or set up a media center PC so that you can watch downloaded movies on your TV. You could create a locked-down box for your kids to surf the Web on, or a network-attached storage server for your backups. There's almost no end to the list of neat things you can do with an old PC!

Tux, the Linux mascot1. Format the hard drive and install Linux

Every computer, as it grows older, aspires to one day be a Linux box -- Linux puts a bounce in the step of any computer, no matter how old it is. It's like the retirement home of PCs. If you've got an older (pre-2005) computer on your hands, it would be ideal for more menial tasks, like downloading torrents. Newer processors are quite capable of doing fancy things, like transcoding HD video in real time (more about that later) and streaming it to your TV.

As for which Linux distro you should install, you can't go far wrong with Ubuntu. The Desktop version is a good starting point if you've never used Linux before, but there's also a Server buildif you're feeling adventurous, or if you're a developer. Ubuntu is probably the most universal as far as hardware support goes, too, which hopefully means you won't have to spend hours hacking your Wi-Fi card into submission...

Once you've got Ubuntu installed, get reading the documentation. You'll be surprised at how 'familiar' Ubuntu feels, but at the same time, don't expect to become a Linux pro without a lot of experience.

2. Convert your desktop or laptop into a media center/home theater PC

Samsung Plasma TV
You have two options when making a media center PC: either you make a complete system that outputs video via VGA or DVI and plugs straight into the TV, or, if you have a newer TV that has an Ethernet (LAN) socket, you stream video over your local network using DLNA.

In most cases, it's easier to have a computer close to your TV, and connected directly via VGA or DVI. Most people don't want a computer in their living room, though, especially if it's ugly or noisy. The next best option, then, is to hide your media center PC in a cupboard somewhere, and run a long cable to the TV. A 10 meter DVI cable isn't cheap (about $40), but it's a small price to pay to remove the sound of whirring computer fans from the living room.

The other alternative, DLNA -- hooking your media center PC up to the home network -- is more advanced, but also much more powerful. There are good, free options for both Windows (TVersity) and Linux (uShare). Your media center PC could also double up as your BitTorrent box -- so all of your downloaded TV shows and movies are automatically in the right place and ready to stream.

It's worth noting that you could just use your own, new computer to stream video to your TV -- you don't have to use a separate computer. Also, if you don't have a new TV that supports DLNA, but you do have an Xbox 360 or PS3, you can stream to your console, which will then output to your TV!

3. Make a bullet-proof Web surfing box for your kids, a loved one, or for yourself

If you only have one computer at home, or a computer that's shared by a few people, it will have the tendency to get very messy very quickly. If you have kids, or someone in your family that doesn't quite understand 'safe surfing', it won't be long before the computer attracts its very first malware infection. If you're lucky, you'll be able to clean it up with Malwarebytes -- but if you're unlucky, you might be forced to format, thus potentially losing lots of important documents and photos.

Really, the best solution is to keep work and play separate. It's just common sense: don't store important files or check your online bank on an untrusted computer. Fortunately, it's really easy to make a bullet-proof Web surfing box that is just for surfing (and playing a few Flash games, of course!)

Again, you could use Linux (Ubuntu!), or if you have a spare Windows 7 or XP license, use that! Almost everyone knows how to use Windows, so they'll be able to jump right in -- but of course, if you're a bearded type, you might want to take this chance to teach your kids the basics of a real operating system.

There's no real need to burden the Web surfing box with things like virus scanners -- it'll just make a slow computer even slower. Instead, just roll the entire system back with something like Comodo Time Machine.

4. Grab a cheap hard drive (or two), and make a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) device for easy home backups

In the past year alone, I've generated something in the region of three terabytesof digital photos and videos. Because I sell my photos, I have to keep them backed up. For most people, backing up to the cloud with something likeSugarSync is ideal, but if you have vast amounts of data, a NAS, or network-attached storage device, is by far the better choice. Unless you have a fast Internet connection, a NAS might be your only choice, too.

A NAS is basically a bunch of hard drives attached to a LAN. With Samba shares, you can make those drives appear as local drives, which as you can imagine makes backing up files a very trivial task.

The best and easiest way to make a NAS is to grab FreeNAS, a FreeBSD (similar to Linux) distribution. Put it on a USB flash drive (it's only a few megabytes), plug it into your old computer... and that's it! Well, you may need to do some fiddling if FreeNAS doesn't detect your hardware, but there's a lot of documentation, and the support forums are great.

Earlier this year, I grabbed some cheap 1TB drives (they're only about $50 now), a gigabit Ethernet switch ($40), and made my own FreeNAS box. It's liberating to have almost limitless amounts of free space (it's trivial to plug in a new drive), and great to know I have a backup if my main system dies. Did I mention that you can use a FreeNAS box as a BitTorrent client too...?

5. Dismantle it -- or upgrade it!

If I'm brutally honest, most of my new computer purchases have been to replace broken computers. It's probably something to do with pushing the hardware beyond its limits, or something. Anyway: it makes little sense to give a broken computer to someone -- and it will most likely just get scrapped if you give it to charity -- so you only really have two options: upgrade it, or dismantle it.

Upgrading a computer is surprisingly easy -- but you need to know your way around a computer's innards, or you'll just end up breaking it further. If you've never dismantled a computer, now's your opportunity! Whilemicrochips are infinitely complex, the actual layout of a computer is surprisingly easy to understand. Before you know it, you'll be able to point out the RAM and CPU, and, one day, maybe even locate the fabled BIOS/CMOS reset jumper.

To get you started, Instructables has a fantastic guide on how to dismantle a desktop computer. Laptops, on the other hand, vary a lot between manufacturers -- they're also a lot harder to take apart. In general, I wouldn't recommend trying to fix or upgrade a laptop yourself, but if you just want to dismantle it, check this guide on taking a Sony Vaio apart.

Now, having dismantled a computer, you have the opportunity to upgrade it. If you can locate the motherboard's serial/model number (it will be on the board itself), you can then find out whether it can accommodate a faster CPU or more RAM. Once you've successfully upgraded the computer, give it to a friend, or close family member -- it would make an ideal Christmas present...

If you know of other great ways to rejuvenate old and unwanted computers, leave a comment!


Sunday, December 19, 2010



  今天,Google的LBS应用谷歌纵横(Google Latitude)终于登陆苹果iTunes应用商店(iTunes App Store),iPhone手机用户终于可以使用谷歌纵横了,而之前iPhone用户只能从浏览器上使用网页版的谷歌纵横,而Android手机则早已经在谷歌地图中集成了谷歌纵横。

  在2009年2月Google推出Google Latitude之后,曾经推出过相应的iPhone应用,但很快被苹果封杀,同时被封杀的还有原生的Google Voice应用,苹果这一做法遭到美国联邦通信委员会的调查,也使得苹果和谷歌的关系渐趋紧张。

  最近,苹果放宽了对App Store应用商店的限制,iPhone版Google Voice应用也于11月进入App Store,于是这次Google Latitude也成功进入了App Store应用商店,实现了主流智能手机上的覆盖率。


  谷歌纵横(Google Latitude)是一个基于地理位置的手机定位服务,可以在手机后台自动执行,每隔几分钟自动记录用户的地理位置,并可以在网页端查看,实乃居家旅行,跨省追捕的好工具。


  Google此次推出的iPhone版谷歌纵横包括37种语言,适用于iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、第三代和第四代iPod Touch等苹果产品。如果用户手机有GPS功能的话,Google的位置定位可以精确到几米之内,否则的话,依靠移动基站得到的位置误差范围有几公里。对于注重隐私的手机用户来说,可以选择"手动在地图上选择位置"或者"隐藏位置"不让好友看到自己的地理位置。




Saturday, December 18, 2010














Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wifi Analyzer for Android helps you pick the best channel for your Wi-Fi network

Most people rarely think about this, but your Wi-Fi hot-spot is actually broadcasting its signal on something called achannel. In North America, you can pick one of 11 channels; in most of the world you can pick one of 13.

Still, most routers and access points come with a pre-set default (that appears to be 11, at least for the routers around me). When you have several routers broadcasting on the same channel, this can lead to some interference and a performance hit. If you live somewhere fairly isolated and your Wi-Fi signal is the only one in range, you've got nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, if you're trying to survive in a dense urban jungle, surrounded by paper-thin walls and lots of Wi-Fi-using neighbors, you may gain a bit of a performance boost by switching your access point's channel to a less congested one.

Wifi Analyzer is an Android application that helps you figure out exactly what that channel is. The screenshot to the right shows how channels 9 and 10 are occupied by a couple of wireless network fighting over the same frequency, while my network (the red one) lives comfortably on channel 1.

WiFi analyzer

Wifi analyzer offers several views, including a simple "channel rating" screen with no graph, if you just want to quickly figure out what's the best channel for you. A beautiful app, and free. QR code is after the jump.


Play back your audio files at a different speed or pitch


Play it slowly is a software to play back audio files at a different speed or pitch. It does also allow you to loop over a certain part of a file. It's intended to help you learn or transcribe songs. It can also play videos thanks to gstreamer. Play it slowly is intended to be used on a GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.


* Plays every file gstreamer does (mp3, ogg vorbis, midi, even flv!)
* Can use alsa and jack
* Change speed and pitch
* Loop over certain parts
* Export to wav

Install Play it slowly in ubuntu

Download deb packge from here once you have deb package you can install by double clicking on it.

Or run the following command from correct location

sudo dpkg -i playitslowly_1.3.1_all.deb

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

方便且快速下载 YouTube 影片的方法

#月光博客:方便且快速下载 YouTube 影片的方法:
#只要将 YouTube 影片网址前面的 www.y 改成 3,
#让网址变成 3outube.com/watch?v=00XX00XX,就可以直接将影片下载下来了。

Saturday, December 11, 2010



 Google Android智能手机平台自从发布后空前成功,有众多的应用软件,同时也吸引了越来越多的用户和开发者加入其阵营,其流行和普及的程度已经逼近苹果的iPhone手机平台。


  然而,随着不少游戏厂商将iPhone游戏不断的移植到Android,使得Android平台上也慢慢地涌现出了一批非常优秀的游戏。而目前推荐机制也不太健全,例如一些媒体竟然评选Robo Defense和Abduction 2这样的游戏为最佳游戏实在令人大跌眼镜,今天,我就为大家推荐十几款我觉得最出色的Android游戏,供大家参考。



  愤怒的小鸟(Angry Birds)


愤怒的小鸟(Angry Birds)


愤怒的小鸟(Angry Birds)

  愤怒的小鸟季节版(Angry Birds Season)

  愤怒的小鸟季节版(Angry Birds Season)加入了新的雪地地图,以及之前并未发放的万圣节地图,这是款独立游戏,也就是说可以和原版共存,安装后会有不同的图标。

愤怒的小鸟季节版(Angry Birds Season)

  水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)

  水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)也是一款非常有创意的iPhone移植游戏,玩法简单,用手指代替忍者刀,把空中的水果切碎,屏幕上会不断跳出各种水果——西瓜,凤梨,猕猴桃,草莓,蓝莓,香蕉,苹果等等,在它们掉落之前要快速的全部砍掉,除了水果,还会有大炸弹不时地冒出来,要是不小心切到了,那就Game Over了。

水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)

  相对于iPhone版来说,Fruit Ninja Android版本,运行不是很流畅,体验不如 iPhone 版,这个游戏掌握一定技巧之后还是挺容易高分的。






  蒙特祖玛的宝藏2(Treasures of Montezuma 2)

  Montezuma 2(蒙特祖玛2),移植自iPhone的消除类游戏的新秀,采用了古老的美洲文明为背景,华丽的动画效果和流畅的操作感表现突出,我个人感觉比知名的Popcap的钻石迷情好玩多了,虽然是一款消除类游戏,但具有道具和魔法,使得游戏的可玩性方面都改进了不少,关卡的设置也给玩家带来更大的乐趣。

蒙特祖玛的宝藏2(Treasures of Montezuma 2)




  扔纸团(Paper Toss)

  Paper Toss是个非常简单的小游戏,就算现在电脑这么普及,在办公室内还是有不少事项是需要用纸笔完成的,有时写的不好,或是被老板责骂心情烦燥,这是就会狠狠的把纸团揉成一团,发泄一下,然后往垃圾筒像投篮一样投去,要是投了一个空心,心情就会好很多。

扔纸团(Paper Toss)

  Paper Toss就是这样的一款办公室舒压游戏,游戏玩法很简单,场景不仅设计在办公室里,而且还遍布地下室、洗手间等等,你要做的就是把纸屑投进垃圾筒里,另外这些场景中还有电风扇,吹着强度不一的风,在出手时必须算好角度,纸屑才能准确的进到筒里。

扔纸团(Paper Toss)

  我的纸飞机2(My Paper Plane 2)

  我的纸飞机2(My Paper Plane 2)是一款用重力感应操控的竞速游戏,画面简单清爽,重力控制,一关比一关难度大,会出现障碍物增加难度,玩家的纸飞机的飞行轨迹取决于风向和我们的操控,是款很有挑战性的游戏。

我的纸飞机2(My Paper Plane 2)

  智力切割(Slice Slice)

  Slice Slice是一款不仅仅靠华丽的界面取胜,很类似iPhone游戏Slice It,非常好玩,很锻炼智力,可以说是一款比较耐玩的Android游戏,游戏中会给出各种形状的几何图形,玩家需要将不同形状的多边形切割成尽量均匀的几份,注意,笔画的次数是有限的。

智力切割(Slice Slice)




  涂鸦跳跃(Doodle Jump)

  移植自iPhone的经典游戏涂鸦跳跃(Doodle Jump)是一个富有趣味的技巧性游戏,在游戏中你要让涂鸦弹簧小怪物不停地往上跳跃,在跳跃中要小心破碎的平台、移动的蓝色平台、黑洞、不明飞行物和坏人,途中有快速上升的火箭和竹蜻蜓。

涂鸦跳跃(Doodle Jump)


  Solo一款音色很棒的模拟吉他软件。曾经在网上火爆一时的韩国手机吉他女所用的软件就是这款,在那段"Android女"视频中,她利用Android手机的音乐应用软件演奏吉他,同时演唱了美国当红女歌手蕾哈娜的歌曲《Take A Bow》这个软件的声音很棒。





  会说话的汤姆猫(Talking Tom Cat)


会说话的汤姆猫(Talking Tom Cat)


  丧尸围城(Grave Defense)

  丧尸围城(Grave Defense)是一款非常精美的塔防游戏,故事背景是核原料辐射整个地球后,人类所能够躲藏的最后一处藏身之地也遭到突变僵尸的攻击,游戏画面非常精细。

丧尸围城(Grave Defense)

  枪之荣耀(Guns n Glory)

  枪之荣耀(Guns n Glory)是美国西部牛仔风格的枪战塔防类游戏,游戏的操作和传统的塔防游戏大致相同,攻击单位包括枪手、炸弹投掷手、印第安火弓箭手、大炮和机枪等等,hiapk网友将其进行了汉化。

枪之荣耀(Guns n Glory)




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