1 / 3
Caption Text
2 / 3
Caption Two
3 / 3
Caption Three margin testing

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How do I Upgrade My Zen Cart site?



NOTE: For each new release, there are important documents in the /docs folder of the Zen Cart ZIP file. Please check the /docs/2.readme_how_to_upgrade.html file for any special notes about the version you are upgrading from/to.

Getting Started ...

This is a basic guide to upgrading Zen Cart™. If you have not yet installed Zen Cart™, please see the /docs/1.readme_installation.html file for installation instructions.

To upgrade Zen Cart™, you'll need the same basic tools you used to install and customize it in the first place: An FTP program, a text editor friendly to HTML/PHP code, phpMyAdmin or equivalent access to your MySQL database, and your Control Panel for managing your webspace.

Additionally, you will find a file-comparison tool (see here for a list of recommended tools: http://www.zen-cart.com/wiki/index.php/Useful_Tools ) is invaluable. (The free tools offer 2-way comparison. The more advanced paid-for tools offer 3-way comparisons which can be very handy, but costly.)

Upgrading follows 3 easy steps. We suggest you take your time going through each stage carefully and methodically. Don't rush the process. And as always, be sure you keep good backups first.

We highly recommend you pay special attention to getting familiar with the demo data in the new version, so that you can become comfortable with the many new features contained in the new release.

1. Preparation

Unzip a copy of the new version of Zen Cart™, upload it to your webserver into a "demo" folder, and install the new version into a separate database, and include the Demo products. This is just for a place for you to play with the new version and get used to its new features. These can be deleted after conversion is complete.

Study the new features, and the documented changes to the template structures, as well as the "changelog". Use the demo products in the demo shop as examples. See also the supporting documentation provided with the new release.

Make a full backup of your database (dump to SQL file). Store this file on your PC for later reference.

Make a full backup of your site files (ftp to your PC and zip it up for safe-keeping).
Keep the backup on your PC to use in next steps. Perhaps call this folder "\zen_backup".

Now let's find out the differences/customizations details between your site and the original Zen Cart™ files. (You can find older versions here:http://sourceforge.net/projects/zencart/files/ )

Unzip a copy of the original Zen Cart™ files for the version you originally installed or last upgraded from (ie: perhaps v1.1.3 or even 1.2.0). This should be placed in a separate working folder on your PC (perhaps "\zen_orig").

Make a list of any add-ons you have installed, for later reference.

Run a tool like WinMerge to compare the "Original" Zen Cart™ files in "\zen_orig" against your working backup files in "\zen_backup".
Note all the files that are "different". In WinMerge, double-click on each file and note what the differences are.
If the differences are just language defines for display text, those will be simple to carry forward.
If the differences are actual programming/code differences, you will need to make detailed notes in order to carry over those changes to the new new new version.
Any mods/add-ons you've installed will likely contain many programming changes, and may not be fully compatible with the newer Zen Cart™ release.

Your list of add-on's may help you narrow down the source of any differences you're finding between versions. You may have to download the add-on again to take a look at the readme or code contained in it. You may have to contact the author to ask for an updated version.

As you make your list of changed files, etc, at this stage, you may want to move things into the Zen Cart™ template-override structure, if you haven't already done so. See the Template System Documentation for help on the template system.

2. Execution

Download and unzip the latest Zen Cart™ version to your PC. This will be in a 3rd directory (perhaps "\zen_new"), separate from the other two folders compared above.

Using the list of files you made earlier, go through each "changed" file, and make your changes from the old version into the new version.
Simple language edits will be just a matter of copy-and-paste.
Programming changes to core components will be more difficult and require significant testing.
You may find WinMerge handy at this stage to apply edits as well. However, you will see many extra differences that may not be related to your own customizations, or that may conflict. Be careful making changes to program code.

Note that there will be several changes you will have to make to files that you have overridden using the template overrides system. Thus, you'll want to compare files from /includes/templates/MYTEMPLATE/* to /includes/template/template_default/* ... and the same with language file overrides, sideboxes, etc.

3. Testing

Make a NEW database to install the new version of Zen Cart™ into.

If the last backup you made of your data is older than the last order that might have been processed or customer registration, make a fresh database backup.
Restore your database from the backup in step #1 earlier into your NEW database just created.

If your /zen_new folder doesn't have "/includes/configure.php" and "/admin/includes/configure.php" files, copy them from your old store folder.

EDIT your "/zen_new/includes/configure.php" file and ensure that the DIR_FS_CATALOG and DIR_WS_CATALOG and DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE (and other path settings too) correctly match your NEW directory structure on the server.

EDIT your "/zen_new/includes/configure.php" file and ensure that your DATABASE_NAME matches your NEW database. Also verify database username and password in case that information has changed. Save this file, and be sure to upload it as part of the next step:

Upload the files from your modified "new version" (created in step 2) to your server, into an alternate folder, perhaps called "/store_new".

Run /zc_install/index.php and choose "Upgrade" when prompted. (Don't select "Install", or you will overwrite your database.) (If "Upgrade" is not offered, then the installer was unable to connect to your database to confirm what version its structure is at. Check your configure.php settings.)

Test your customizations. Edit as needed. Compare with the test/demo install performed earlier, as needed.

When satisfied that all is OK, go live.
If significant time has passed since you did your last backup, you may want to repeat the steps in this "Testing" section again, using a fresh backup from your live shop. You don't need to re-upload files again ... simply do the database restore, and run the installer to do the database upgrade again.

To go live, put your shop into "Down for Maintenance" mode in the admin area. Be sure to add your IP address to the list of allowed addresses to get into the site for previewing.
This can be done easiest by renaming "store_new" to "store". (You'll have to rename "store" to something else first.)
Test it to be sure that things are operating as desired. If you have small problems to repair, turn "Down for maintenance" on and off again as necessary.


Remember that your "configure.php" files on your server are typically set to read-only, and thus in order to upload them will require that you mark those files read-write before uploading. Be sure to put them back to read-only after uploading.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

升级到 Zen Cart v1.3 的步骤

: Zen Cart 中文支持 : 新手上路

Jack » 2006-04-06 2:14


1 新建目录/new_shop

2 复制文件
/shop/includes/configure.php 到 /new_shop/includes/configure.php
/shop/admin/includes/configure.php 到 /new_shop/admin/includes/configure.php

如果是从1.3.8 以下版本升级 ,这两个文件中需要增加一行 define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

3 备份现有的商店数据库

4 新建一个数据库

5 将备份的商店数据库导入新建的数据库中

6 修改新建目录中的两个 configure.php 文件, 设置好新的数据库名、用户名、密码等

7 将所有Zen Cart v1.3的文件上传到 /new_shop

8 运行 /new_shop/zc_install

注意: 当提示升级时,从最早版本开始升级,一次选中一个升级选项

测试新的 /new_shop v1.3 商店 ...

接着,备份你的现有商店中的模板文件以及替代文件,上传到 /new_shop 下的相应目录 ...

用文件比较工具,例如WinMerge,来比较你的替代文件与zen cart新版本中文件的不同,并做修改

这要花一些时间了 ...

一切都正常后,测试各种功能 ...

1 新建帐号
2 添加商品到购物车
3 结帐
4 电子邮件
5 购物记录
6 订单

一切正常,那么可以切换现有的商店了 ...

1 将现有商店设置为“商店维护中” ...

2 备份现有商店数据库 (在你开始安装/new_shop后,也许现有的商店数据库内容已经有了变化)

3 清空新建的数据库内容,导入刚备份的最新数据库

4 运行 /new_shop/zc_install

说明: 因为刚导入了新的数据库,所以要再执行一次升级过程 ...


说明: 升级后,使用的是新建的数据库,你可以保留旧的数据库作为备份

修改两个 configure.php 文件,将 /new_shop 改为 /shop


将现有商店 /shop 改名为 /old_shop

将新商店 /new_shop 改名为 /shop

测试新的商店 ...

关闭“商店维护中” 的设置 ...


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Clipped from: http://www.okpsy.net/zhuanyuan/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=2563

老庄的道家人生哲学与我国另一大哲学派系即孔孟的儒家人生哲学是人生不同侧面的反映,前者适合于身处逆境者,后者更宜于一帆风顺者,二者互补,构成完整的人生。然后逐字逐句讲解道家认知疗法的四条原则,即32字保健诀 。

Tuesday, March 22, 2011









  帮助:1)iPhone/iPad应用安装指南 2)Android应用安装指南

Sunday, March 20, 2011



1、依次安装好摩托罗拉通用手机驱动程序Moto USB Driver v4.8和摩托罗拉SBF刷机底包刷机软件RSD Lite v4.9;
- 将手机关机(无法关机时,拔掉电池完全断电后装回)
- 同时按住【音量-】键+【拍照】键,再按下【电源】键直至开机屏幕亮起,显示黑底白字的状态提示:

Battery OK
OK to Program
Connect USB
Data Cable
3、将处于BootLoader模式的里程碑2手机通过USB连接到电脑,电脑会识别出里程碑2手机的各种设备并自动安装驱动,最后RSD Lite软件会显示出1号USB端口的设备Connected,手机上的信息也变为Transfer Mode: USB。点击这行提示栏,会在Device设备状态栏中显示当前连接手机设备的一些信息。
4、在RSD Lite刷机软件中,在Filename栏右侧点击【...】按钮,选择电脑中的MLS2GC_U6_0.24.0_SIGNED.sbf文件,载入后可以点击【Start】开始刷机(此后请耐心等候刷机软件完成各步骤):
5、刷机步骤完成后,RSD Lite刷机软件会如下提示你手动开机:
- 这时保持USB线连接,按手机电源键关闭手机;
- 如步骤2重新开机进入Bootloader模式,RSD Lite刷机软件提示Finish信息,拔掉USB数据线,重新开机;
- 刷机完成。




【电源】键 返回上一级选单画面
【音量+】键 选单向上
【音量-】键 选单向上
【拍照】键 选单确定


reboot system now
apply sdcard:update.zip
wipe date/factory reset
wipe cache partition

pc上安装android market软件并提取apk文件


1.安装好运行Android模拟器的环境;2.http://developer.htc.com/adp.html在这个地址下载对应的systemimage文件:下载android 1.5的system image:“signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-img-150275.zip”3.可以通过android listavd查看相应的模拟器,将下载的压缩包解压中的system.img文件复制到类似C:\Documentsand Settings\Android123\.android\avd\android1.6.avd的目录下4.进入到类似D:\Android\tools目录下,将emulator.exe建立桌面快捷方式,并将快捷方式目标修改为:D:\Android\tools\emulator.exe –android1.6类似;5.打开模拟器后,按照屏幕提示进行基础设置,大多数可以skip掉.然后进入market,要使用market必须先注册一个gmail帐号,按照屏幕提示进行注册.6.如果正常进入到market就可以进行软件的下载了;7.下面步骤为将apk文件copy出来:8.建立一个专用目录例如:d:\apk9.Cmd---adb shell---cd data---cdapp----ls---此时可以查看本机安装的所有软件apk,然后exit退出10.比如我们需要导出模拟器上的com.example.game.apk到本机上:11.通过adb pull/data/app/com.example.game.apk d:\apk\game.apk就可以成功的将apk文件导入到apk文件夹当中;然后就可以通过adb installd:\apk\game.apk进行游戏到真机的安装了;


- Android综合讨论区 - 小米论坛 小米产品-实用有趣的手机软件 | 司机小秘 | 车模 | 大杀器 | Android软件分享交流

(not working on ME722, HL 20110320)
发表于 2010-3-11 13:54
然后启动recovery mode(updata mode)连电脑开adb shell去下指令而已

6.用方向键选择Apply sdcard:update.zip
a.输入adb shell,会跳出提示字元『#』这就代表root权限
b.输入cd /sdcard/recovery/bin切换到记忆卡中的目录
./nandroid-mobile.sh backup
./nandroid-mobile.sh restore


Saturday, March 19, 2011

how to go back unroot status by reinstalling ROM of Milestone 2


Ok theres a bug with RSD Lite 4.9.. download your SBF of: http://and-developers.com/sbf:milestone2

Put the .sbf file (You have to unpack the .tar file) into C:/

Shut down your telephone, hold ArrowUP(On the phone) AND PowerButton(On the phone aswell) hold it for like ... 10seconds, then stop. the "Bootloader" screen should appear (Black screen with white font)

If you got that, plugin the USB Cable.

Then open the windows command promt
and type:

 cd C:\Program Files\Motorola\RSDlite\ SDL.exe -f [FILENAME].sbf -t 2

Note: Replace "C:\Program Files\Motorola\RSDlite\" with your InstallDIR
and [FILENAME] with the SBF Name (You can rename it to something smaller like: UKSBF.sbf)
Then RSD lite should start .. and flash your phone.. if it doesnt start and shows the 000710something error just try pressing "START" wich should appear after the error..+

PS: Next time use z4root it has a UNroot function

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Language in Google Maps for mobile


Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The display language on
Google Maps is determined by the locale information on your mobile
device. As you discovered, changing the display language in your
device is the only way to resolve the issue at this time. Google Maps
for mobile currently supports Dutch, English, French, German, Italian,
and Spanish. If your phone is set to one of those languages and Google
Maps shows a different language, please let us know.

As always, we appreciate your feedback.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Droid 2 In Dock Mode


Okay, so now you have a multimedia dock for your Droid 2. (Check out last week's post for the dock review.) Now what? Today, I will go through what happens when your phone is in dock mode.

The first thing you will notice when you put your phone into the dock is that you will see the main dockscreen instead of the usual homescreen.



The main dockscreen is divided into four different areas:
  • Main Dockscreen
  • Dock Status Bar
  • Dock Settings
  • Dock Widgets And Application Shortcuts
Four Areas of Dockscreen

Main Dockscreen
In the center of your dockscreen is the current time and date along with the battery charge, and three dots which indicate which of the three dock widget screens you are in. Your wallpaper for the dockscreen is the same as the homescreen.

Dock Status Bar
At the top is the status bar. The status bar is the same whether your phone is in or out of the dock and shows email notifications, battery charge, signal strength, etc. And just like on the homescreen, you can pull down the status bar to get more info.

Dock Settings
On the left side of the screen are dock settings icons. Touching the top setting icon switches the phone from the dockscreen to the homescreen. To return to the dockscreen, either touch the "home" button, or pull down the status bar at the top and touch the notification that says "connected to multimedia station" . The middle icon is for the alarm clock and timer settings. This is where can set an alarm or timer. The bottom icon is the brightness setting. You can switch between a bright and a dim mode. Bright mode lets you easily see the display during the day or in a well lit room. Dim mode creates just enough light in the dark so you can see the display but not so much that it will keep you awake if you have your dock by your bed.

Notification For Returning To Dockscreen

Alarm Clock Settings

Dim Mode

Dock Widgets And Application Shortcuts
On the bottom part of the dockscreen is the area for the dock widgets and application shortcuts. The default widgets that appear are the weather, play all (for music), and picture slideshow widgets. You can scroll through additional dock widget screens to both the left and right by swiping your finger along the widgets. For some reason, all of the widgets that are available on your homescreen aren't available in the dockscreen. Dock widgets include:
  • Airplane Mode Toggle
  • Bluetooth Toggle
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • DLNA
  • Gallery
  • GPS toggle
  • Music
  • Picture Slideshow
  • Play All (music)
  • Weather
  • Wifi Toggle
  • Youtube
Dock Widgets and Application Shortcuts Screen

The built-in "menu", "home", "back", and "search" keys perform the same functions whether your phone is in the dock or not.

Next Time: I'll cover some apps that are helpful when your phone is in the dock.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Download free Skype app for Android at Freeware Lovers


(Installed, HL)


Developer: Skype

Category: Communications

Latest version:

Total versions: 4

Submitted: 6 Nov 2010

Updated: 14 Dec 2010


Skype app for Android allows you:

- Free* Skype-to-Skype calls over 3G or WiFi and chat with one or many friends at the same time
- Low global rates to mobiles and landlines, at home or abroad

*Data plan or WiFi connection required (calling in U.S. - WiFi only).

Find Friend feature allows you to easily find your friends and add them to the contact list. You can sync your Skype contacts with Android contacts if you wish.

Some handsets may not be currently supported. To run Skype on a Samsung Galaxy S you need Android 2.2.

Note: Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and cannot be used for emergency calling. Also be aware that if you are roaming on international networks, this may result in additional charges to your phone bill.


Skype seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

RE文件管理器 Root Explorer v2.13.4 完全汉化版

- 机锋网汉化软件 - Android安卓中文论坛 机锋网|机锋市场|安致|安卓|ROM|刷机|安卓市场|安智市场|应用汇 - Powered by Discuz!

(Installed it as my first app on ME722 after rooting successfully, HL)

  英文原名:Root Explorer
  出品厂商:Speed Software Ltd
  汉化作者:GCA机锋汉化组 jeff_ding
  测试平台:Android 2.2 480x800 HTC G7
Root Explorer是一款高权限的文件管理器,需要访问ROOT的权限。
新建文件夹,查看/编辑文件,软件安装,RootExplorer具备普通文件管理器的各项基本功能,另外还添加了搜索功能,在手机上找东西变得更加方便。此外,RootExplorer 最大的特点在于它能够删除手机中自带的应用程序,如GOOGLEMAP,CONTACTS,MARKET,GTALK....你想怎么删就怎么删,哈哈,别把机器删的启动不了啦:)


xml 汉化,smali 汉化

HA-20110209-RootExplorer_v2.13.4-GCA.apk (194.78 KB)

Milestone 2 /里程碑2 ME722 国行ROM成功ROOT

(附下载地址)求加亮*** - MOTO Milestone 2(ME722)/Droid 2(Global) 论坛 - Android安卓中文论坛 机锋网|机锋市场|安致|安卓|ROM|刷机|安卓市场|安智市场|应用汇 - Powered by Discuz!


写在最前:国行ROM的版本为2.2.1,目前的Z4ROOT程序均不能成功ROOT。故参考Nexus One 的ROOT方法,使用SuperOneClick进行ROOT,已成功。

Root工具:SuperOneClick 1.4稳定版:


0. Turn off firewall and antivirus, install Motorola USB driver on computer
1. 连接USB电脑,在手机上打开USB调试模式—(设置-应用程式-开发-USB调试处打钩)
2. 运行SuperOneClick.exe
3. 点击"ROOT" (见下面的HL附过程)
4. 成功并重启手机 (断开USB连接,关机重开)
5. 验证ROOT权限是否已经获取成功,安装ROOT Explorer,运行。弹出授权提示即ROOT成功

注意:1.如果在ROOT期间出现wait for device ,解决办法有以下两种:
b.在计算机-设备管理器里面,看一下是否有黄色的感叹号为"MTP USB"?!
有的话请使用"开始-程式"里的"Motorola Driver Installer.exe",
在里面Update Drivers;

最后,祝大家早点 ROOT,我删程序去了!国行ROM删了垃圾程序后,飞一般的快啊

文件管理——Root Explorer v2.13.3
系统程序卸载器 SystemApp Remover v3.5 汉化版

HL 附过程

Killing ADB Server...


Starting ADB Server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *


Waiting for device...


Pushing rageagainstthecage...
5 KB/s (585731 bytes in 99.293s)


chmod rageagainstthecage...


Running rageagainstthecage...

Killing ADB Server...
* server not running *


Starting ADB Server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *


Waiting for device...


Running rageagainstthecage...

Getting mount path...

Remounting system with read-write access...


Pushing su...
1 KB/s (26264 bytes in 15.032s)


Pushing superuser.apk...
1 KB/s (196521 bytes in 106.514s)


chmod su...


Remounting system with read-only access...

popup a smaill window, said:
Device is rooted

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