Thursday, April 28, 2011
AMD (ATI) Catalyst 11.4 Released Just In Time For Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Introducing the new Google Docs app for Android
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Labels: Android, Google Apps Blog, googlenew, mobile
Increasingly, people are using mobile phones to access information -- from email to web browsing toediting documents. Part of getting work done on the go is being able to easily access, edit and share content, which is why we're happy to announce the new Google Docs app for Android.
With this new app it's easy to filter and search for your content across any Google account, then jump straight into editing docs using the online mobile editors. The app also allows you to easily share items with contacts on your phone, right from within the app.
And my favorite feature: Using the app and your phone's camera, you can turn photos with text into editable Google documents with the power of optical character recognition (OCR). Just create a new 'Document from Photo' or select the camera icon from the widget, and your converted document will appear in your documents list shortly after you snap the picture. You can also convert photos already stored on your phone by sharing them with the Google Docs app. OCR does a pretty good job capturing unformatted text in English but won't recognize handwriting or some fonts - stay tuned, it will get better over time!
The Google Docs app is currently available in English and works on Android 2.1+ phones. Try it out by scanning the QR code below or by visiting Android Market.
Let us know what you think of the new Google Docs Android app in our forum.
Posted by: Reuben Kan, Software Engineer
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
4 VPN Programs to Look At
Why use a VPN Service?
The main scenario in the Western world is Wifi use in a coffeeshop or hotel. Users in these settings may not want to expose their bank or email passwords to neighboring users at these locations. VPN provides a secure way to access the web from public access points.Another scenario involves persons who are traveling abroad where the country may have a restrictive Internet filter policy. VPN can provide users with a way to bypasst the blockade of Internet services.
Finally, you might want a VPN if you wanted to hide your IP address, like if you wanted to do Google searches without Google recording what you looked at.
There are other technologies available such as web proxies and Tor, but VPN combines the benefits of an encrypted connection to the internet with IP address anonymity and a fast amount of bandwidth. So here are some VPN programs that will allow you to hide your presence.
This program comes in several versions, freeware, premium, and multiple. You can surf the Web invisibly and securely without leaving a trace and without being tracked. What is also important is that all the programs installed on your computerwill automatically work via VPN so users have a high level of security and anonymity is provided. There are two protocols PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and OpenVPN, but OpenVPN is more secure.Hostizlle VPN
This service has two plans Free and Paid Plan. The Free plan provides basic access with bandwith 100GB per month and all ports are open. The paid plan has expanded access and supports 1000GB per month it also has 1Gbps port and all ports are open. The paid plan is $4.00 per month.Hotspot Shield
Hotspot Shield creates a virtual private network between your laptop or iPhone and their Internet gateway. This tunnel prevents the usual suspects i.e., snoopers, hackers, ISP's, from viewing your web browsing activities, instant messages, downloads, credit card information or anything else you send over the network. Hotspot Shield security application is free to download. It is not like the previous programs which is a service that you can use for free or in a paid plan. But it has adware.CyberGhost
This program is like HotSpot Shield, you can download the free application to make your VPN connection. Once you download and install the application, connect to the VPN service provider, create an account and you are able to surf invisibly.
Surf at your own risk. That should be the mantra for anyone that is going around the world in 60 minutes or less. You don't know who are going to meet. You don't know if the website is looking for passersby to steal from or to entice you with "interesting" objects. So be careful who you are, and these programs will give you a chance to protect your self.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
英文原文:Brian:15 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers
最近笔者把谷歌浏览器设为默认浏览器,而与此同时我开始将它用于笔者的兼职Web设计和开发项目中。由 于笔者所依赖Firebug的插件,在Chrome浏览器并没有完全的对应插件,所以笔者还是时不时要用Firefox浏览器,但笔者对谷歌浏览器的速 度、屏幕空间的利用及很多方面都很满意。在这篇文章里,笔者和大家分享我在设计和开发网站时发现的一些最好的谷歌浏览器插件,按字母顺序列出如下。
1. Aviary Screen Capture 屏幕截图
Aviary Screen Capture让你能够截取网页的屏幕快照。获得屏幕快照后,用Aviary.com的应用程序在浏览器内编辑那幅快照。基本的图像编辑装置让你能够标记(通过画箭头和长方形)、编辑(裁剪、旋转和调整大小)和获得精确的像素色彩。
- 保存在桌面、在线主机、或在其它的Aviary应用程序上编辑
- 即时截图
- 能够截取所有网页和图像的任何部分
- 能够截取整张网页
- 能够添加看得见的备注,比如箭头、文本及在你截取的图片上标出醒目符号
- 裁剪截取的图片
- 调整截图的大小、旋转及翻转截图
- 智能选择和去除截图的元素
- 从页面上获得色彩信息
- 快速启动6个Aviary设计工具,包括图像、标记、矢量、调色板、效果和音频编辑器。
2. Chrome SEO 搜索引擎优化
Chrome SEO为搜索引擎优化工具提供了方便的路径。这些工具帮助你做每日搜索引擎优化工作,比如竞争分析、关键词分析、反向链接检查及网页排名检查等。
3. Chrome Sniffer 嗅探器
Chrome Sniffer使Web开发人员能够在网站上运行的检查web框架∕CMS和JavaScript库。这个插件通过一个图标,显示已检测到的框架。目前,这个插件最多可检测70个流行的CMS和JavaScript库。
4. Eye Dropper 滴管
Eye Dropper让你能够从网页或高级颜色选择器上选择颜色。
5. Firebug Lite for Google Chrome
Firebug Lite for Google Chrome 并 不是Firebug的替代品(这很不幸),也不是浏览器开发人员的工具。想法,你应该和其它工具一起使用。Firebug Lite提供了大量的视觉效果,类似于Firebug的HTML元素、DOM元素及箱状模式阴影。Firebug Lite还具备其他一些很酷的功能,比如用鼠标检测HTML元素,及实时编辑CSS的特性。
6. IE Tab
借助IE Tab,可以在Chrome Tab上切换显示网页。这个插件对想用IE渲染引擎跨浏览器测试的开发人员很有帮助。(这是Windows系统下的独特插件。)
7. Instant Image Editor 即时图像编辑器
当你按住alt键(Linux上的ctrl键)的时候,Instant Image Editor让你在有背景图像的网页上可以右键点击任何图像或元素。你可以用Pixlr在新标签上即时编辑图像,Pixlr是在浏览器上运行速度快、使用方便的程序。当你右键点击的元素不是图像时,即时图像编辑器也会确定这个元素是否有可供编辑的背景图像。
8. Lorem Ipsum Generator
Lorem Ipsum 生成器用简约和极具吸引力的设计随机产生"Lorem Ipsum"文本。
9. MeasureIt!
MeasureIt! 用于测量网页上任何元素的宽度和高度。
10. Pendule
Pendule 是Chrome 为Web开发人员提供的开发工具。这个内置的开发工具的插件包括:查看、重装和禁用CSS,查看JavaScript、表格编辑,查看、隐藏及获得图像的信息,颜色选择器、量尺、地形图、标记验证器等等!
11. PHP Console PHP控制台
PHP Console 是Lagger的一个插件,(Lagger:PHP处理错误/异常/调试的轻量级灵活的开源PHP库),它在谷歌浏览器控制台及弹出窗口中显示PHP错误/调试的信息。
12. Speed Tracer 速度追踪器
Speed Tracer 速度追踪器帮助你在网站应用程序中发现和修复性能问题。当应用程序运行时,这个插件将浏览器内的低水平检测点可视化,并分析它们。
- Javascript的解析和执行
- Layout 版面
- CSS样式重算和选择器匹配
- DOM事件处理
- 网络资源加载
- 定时器
- XMLHttpRequest 回调
- 绘图
- 其它
13. Web Developer
Web Developer 在浏览器中增加了一个工具栏,其中有Web开发工具的按钮。
14. Webpage Screenshot 网页快照
Webpage Screenshot 是快速、简单的插件,它能截取整个网页。即使网页很长,也能存储在一份图像文件里。这个插件让你只点击一下,就能以PNG/JPG格式存储任何网页的图像。
- 有绘图工具:线条、椭圆、长方形、箭头等
- 在屏幕快照中添加文本
- 按所需尺寸快速裁剪图像
- 在准备好图像之前就能开始编辑
- 可以上传到Facebook、Twitter、Gmail、MySpace上共享
- 打印:直接发送图像到打印机
- 存储在硬盘里:这个独特的插件让你能够将大的图片存储在硬盘里
- 能够截取本地文件:能够截取"FILE://"
- 附有颜色选择器:能够记住你最后使用的颜色
- 也能够截取水平网站的网页
15. Window Resizer 窗口大小调整器
Window Resizer 能够重新调整浏览器窗口的大小以适合各种分辨率。这个插件对网站设计和开发人员特别有用,能够帮助他们在分辨率不同的浏览器上测试版面设计。分辨率清单是完全能够定制的(增加/删除/重新排序)。
- 台式电脑(标准的;按具体的分辨率情况重新调整整个窗口的大小)
- 手提电脑(和台式电脑一样,但图标不同;很容易扫描分辨率清单)
- 手机 Mobile(和前两种屏幕不同;适合具体的视图尺寸,不会占满整个窗口,因为手机的浏览器通常没有边界)
英文原文:Brian:15 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers
Thursday, April 21, 2011
基于浏览器的OS: 新版WebQQ发布
据腾讯WebQQ官方博客报道,腾讯今天推出了WebQQ 3.0版。
作者:williamlongTuesday, April 19, 2011
Top MP3 Players to Look At
MP3 players allow users to play music. It is a means of compressing a sound sequence into a very small file, used as a way of downloading audio files from the Internet. It was developed in the 1980′s and brought to the Internet in 1997. The developers were Fraunhoffer-Gessellshaft and Thompson Multimedia. MP3 was developed to compress WAV files which were typically very large. A file in MP3 format will be 10 to 12 times smaller. MP3 is very popular because it can make your PC into a juke Box to play many different songs.
Here is a small but handy audio player which provides a smart and versatile environment to handle your file collection and listen to your tracks ; you don't need for playlists or databases. Here are some of its features: With the Directory Player, you directly play your folder contents. With Full Resume play the program remembers the last track and position. The supported decoders are ACM (mp3), mpglib (mp2, mp3) and it has Winamp 2.x input plugin support. Listeners will also appreciate gapless play · simple crossfading and an Audio enhancer plus many more options. But most importantly, or not to be left out is the fact that it has a very small size · so it has a low resource usage.
K-Lite Codec Pack
Here"s a situation that you may have run into. You download a file but the version you have won't play on your existing codecs. Well, that is where K-lite codec pack comes in. This pack has about 99% of all the audio and video codecs you will ever need. Just install this pack, and you will be able to play just about any media file out there. It includes DivX, Xvid, x264, MPEG 1/2,MP3, Monkey`s Audio,Media Player Classic, On2 V6/V7 and many others. You can even select which codecs to install or let the default profile install all of them for you.
Media Jukebox
Two things you want from an mp3 player, and one obviously is the ability to play music and the other is to have it organized in a way that is easy to find the music you want. Media Jukebox is a music player and organizer that offers many options for playing, managing, or creating digital music on your PC. For example, it offers file organization, helping you find, store and play music and video, as well as CD ripping, CD burning, visual displays, CD-quality encoding to MP3, WMA, OGG and APE.
These freeware programs can bring a new musical experience to listeners. 1BY1 lets you listen to your tracks with out a playlist. The K-Lite Code pack provides a large number of codec's to play almost any format. And Media Jukebox can help you organize yor music library.
Top Free Graphics Management Tools To Look At
Today's computers have access to numerous pictures, videos, and graphics. Keeping track of them can be a chore, so here are some Graphics Management Tools that will help you manage your pictures.
Fotobounce is a FREE photo organizer that utilizes advanced face recognition technology to speed up the tagging and organizing of your photos. It also enables private peer networks for sharing. When you create an album, you can easily share that with your friends and family including all people tags. Email photos from your cell phone to Fotobounce directly via Fotomail. Two-way connections with Facebook, Flickr and AirSet. Remote browsing from smartphone via Fotomobile. Here are some of the other things that you can do. Create private photo sharing networks. Transfer full resolution photo images. Identify and tag family & friends. Organize your photos by People and view photos from your mobile device.
Duplicate Finder
This is a free powerful program, that helps you to find and remove duplicate photos on your PC. With this program you can easily clean up your photo collection from duplicates or even similar images. This program is easy to use. Using just a couple of mouse clicks you can do all you need to fine duplicate photos. This program is able to compare pictures that was resized or pictures with corrected colors (black and white photos etc.). It supports all major image types: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG.
There are many different ways to format digital photos. But they often come in widescreen (16:9) sizes, which is ideal for movies, but not so much for digital photos which are commonly taken by digital cameras in a non-widescreen format (usually 4:3). This results in the photo frame having to display the image matted with ugly black bars down the sides, or cropped by losing the top and bottom of the picture. So is there a fix to this problem? Yes. FrameSize is an application that allows you to quickly deal with these limitations and produce high quality images from your digital photographs that are formatted properly and perfectly optimized for your digital photo frame.
By looking at these Graphics Management Tools you can add new perspective to the picture sources and modify or edit the pictures to meet your picture standards or requirements.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
How to Import iTunes Podcasts in Rhythmbox
For better or worse iTunes has near-total domination of the podcast sector; it's how most people I know – that don't use Linux – get their podcast fix. You subscribe in iTunes, it downloads, it's on your iPod. Easy as pie. Due to the ubiquity of iTunes many podcasts, foolishly, choose only to distribute their episodes via it.
Wouldn't it be great if you could get iTunes podcast feeds in your favourite Ubuntu desktop music player? It's actually a snap!
Flip out!
To do this we're going to use a web utility called 'FeedFlipper'. Feed Flipper is, in layman's terms an €œiTunes podcast to RSS converter€. Using FeedFlipper, the resulting URL is then available to be subscribed to directly in Rhythmbox/RSS feed reader/podcast catcher/other music player of your choice.
FeedFlipper even offers up a bevy of options to customize the feed to your liking: -
Getting iTunes Podcast URLs – without iTunes!
Surprisingly you don't need access to iTunes in order to get the podcast URLs. Juts hit up the following link, browse and right-click > copy link on the Podcast name that takes your fancy. Paste it into FeedFlipper, configure and then use the resulting RSS feed in Rhythmbox (or podcast reader of choice)
There we have it! Feedflipper is a dandy way to get iTunes podcasts in Rhythmbox without having to be tied to a dual-boot. Those all-new episodes of 'Dan And Mindy's Cookery Podcast' are now yours to listen to whenever.
Thanks to Icek
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Friday, April 15, 2011
4 methods to customize Android phones and tablets
1. Custom ROMs. Almost all Android devices can be rooted to install custom ROMs, and it's up to the individual to decide if this method is the right one. ROMs can be found in many places on the web, with full instructions to apply them properly. Using a custom ROM is not without risk, and it certainly voids the device warranty so proceed with this at your own risk. I use the VaelPak ROM for my HTC EVO, and did a full review of it on this blog. VaelPak is only available for the HTC EVO but other ROMs can be found for most devices.
2. Launcher replacements. The stock Android launcher consists of the dock at the bottom of the home screen, and the application launcher. It is a solid launcher, but there are third party replacements that add quite a lot of functionality to the Android device. Some of the most common launcher apps are ADW, LauncherPro and Spb Shell 3D. Each of these apps brings different things to the device and which app is better is strictly personal preference. I use Spb Shell 3D (see my review here) on my HTC EVO, and LauncherPro on my Galaxy Tab. Both programs add a lot of functionality to the user experience while being totally configurable to personal taste. Since launchers work as typical apps, you can switch among different launchers at whim, with all customizations intact.
3. Widgets. Widgets are mini-apps that can be placed on any Android home screen to provide functionality and personalize the look and feel of using the device. There are lots of widgets in the Android Market, many of them free, that can put information of all types on the screen. There are weather widgets, calendar widgets and all types of messaging widgets to let the user see incoming messages (email, SMS, social networks) at a glance. Most widgets work on any device, independent of screen size or ROM in place.
The three launcher replacements I mentioned come with a slew of widgets that add features to the home screens, so that should be considered when choosing one. My favorite dedicated widget is Beautiful Widgets, which is actually a collection of widgets of all types and sizes. BW consists of clock, weather, and battery widgets to tailor the look of the home screens, and each of those has hundreds of free downloadable skins. You can put any face on your device you desire with Beautiful Widgets. Fancy Widgets is a similar set of widgets that is quite good.
4. Wallpaper. Android extends the age-old wallpaper methods with animated versions named Live Wallpapers. These can be simple screens with waving grass or sophisticated animations of just about anything. The Beautiful Widgets comes with a Live Wallpaper that is one of my favorites, as it depicts an animated sky scene that accurately reflects the weather and the time of day. The sun/ moon rises and sets on the home screen using this wallpaper. It's a great example of what artists can do with Live Wallpapers.
The old school static wallpaper can be used on Android devices, and these can be found in many places on the web. I use the Flikie Wallpaper app on my devices which includes hundreds of great wallpapers that can be previewed and applied in the app. There are wallpapers to appeal to everyone, organized by category and searchable.
These are by no means the only options to customize the Android device. They have worked well for me and my current favorites. Check out the Android Market and you'll find no shortage of apps and widgets that will make your Android device uniquely yours. Share your own favorite apps and widgets in the TalkBack.
See related coverage:
Short Story: 'The Open Boat' by Stephen Crane (Part 2)
15 April 2011
BARBARA KLEIN: Now, the VOA Special English program AMERICAN STORIES. (MUSIC) We continue the story of "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. As we told you last week, the story is based on true events. In eighteen ninety-six, Crane was traveling to Cuba as a news reporter. On his way there, his ship sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Crane climbed into the last remaining lifeboat. Three men got into the boat with him. They were the ship's captain, the cook and a sailor named Billie. For three days, the men steered the small boat through high waves along the coast of Florida. At last, they saw land. Here is Shep O'Neal with the final part of the story. (MUSIC) SHEP O'NEAL: A long stretch of coast lay before the eyes of the men. Slowly, the land rose up out of the mountainous sea. The men could see a small house against the sky. To the south, they could see a lighthouse. Tide, wind and waves were pushing the lifeboat northward. The men thought someone on land would have seen the boat by now. "Well," said the captain, "I suppose we'll have to attempt to reach the shore ourselves. If we stay out here too long, none of us will have the strength left to swim after the boat sinks." So Billie the sailor turned the boat straight for the shore. "If we don't all get ashore," said the captain, "I suppose you fellows know where to send news of my death?" The men then exchanged some information. There was a great deal of anger in them. They thought: "If I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I permitted to come this far and think about sand and trees?" The waves grew stronger. They seemed always just about to break and roll over the little boat. The coast was still far away. The sailor said: "Boys, the boat won't live three minutes more, and we're too far out to swim. Shall I take her to sea again, captain?" "Yes! Go ahead!" said the captain. The sailor turned the boat and took her safely out to sea again. "It's funny those life-saving people haven't seen us," one of the men said. "Maybe they think we're out here for sport! Maybe they think we're fishing. Maybe they think we're fools." Once more, the sailor rowed the boat and then the reporter rowed. Suddenly, they saw a man walking along the shore. The man stopped walking. He moved his hand in the air to wave at them. He saw them! Now he was running to the house. The captain tied a cloth to a stick and waved it. Now there was another man on the shore. The two men waved their hands in the air, as if they were saying hello to the men in the boat. Now, what was that moving on the shore? It was a bus – a hotel bus. A man stood on the steps of the bus and waved his coat over his head. The men in the boat wondered what he wanted to say. Was he attempting to tell them something? Should they wait for help? Should they go north? Should they go south? The men waited and waited but nothing happened. The sun began to go down. It got dark and cold. They could no longer see anyone on the beach. (MUSIC) The sailor rowed, and then the reporter rowed, and then the sailor rowed again. They rowed and rowed through the long night. The land had disappeared but they could hear the low sound of the waves hitting the shore. This was surely a quiet night. The cook finally spoke: "Billie, what kind of pie do you like best?" "Pie," said the sailor and the reporter angrily. "Don't talk about those things!" "Well," said the cook, "I was just thinking about ham sandwiches, and …" A night on the sea in an open boat is a long night. The sailor continued to row until his head fell forward and sleep overpowered him. Then he asked the reporter to row for a while. They exchanged places so the sailor could sleep in the bottom of the boat with the cook and the captain. The reporter thought that he was the one man afloat on all the oceans in the world. The wind had a sad voice as it came over the waves. Suddenly, there was a long, loud swishing sound behind the boat and a shining trail of silvery blue. It might have been made by a huge knife. Then there was another swish and another long flash of bluish light, this time alongside the boat. The reporter saw a huge fin speed like a shadow through the water, leaving a long glowing trail. The thing kept swimming near the boat. He noted its speed and power. The reporter wished the men would wake up. He did not want to be alone with the shark. The reporter thought as he rowed. He was angry that they had come so close to land and yet might still die at sea. Then he remembered a poem that he had learned as a child. It was a poem about a soldier of the French Foreign Legion. The soldier lay dying in Algiers. Just before he died, he cried out: "I shall never see my own, my native land." And now, many years after he had learned this poem, the reporter for the first time understood the sadness of the dying soldier. Hours passed. The reporter asked the sailor to take the oars so that he could rest. It seemed like only a brief period, but it was more than an hour later, when the sailor returned the oars to the reporter. They both knew that only they could keep the boat from sinking. And so they rowed, hour after hour, through the night. (MUSIC) When day came, the four men saw land again. But there were no people on the shore. A conference was held on the boat. "Well," said the captain, "if no help is coming, we might better try to reach the shore right away. If we stay out here much longer, we will be too weak to do anything for ourselves at all." The others agreed. They began to turn the boat toward the beach. The captain told them to be careful – that when the boat came near the beach, the waves would sink it. Then everyone should jump out of the boat and swim to the shore. As the boat came closer to land, the waves got bigger and more violent. At last, a large wave climbed into the air and fell on the small boat with great force. The boat turned over as the men jumped into the sea. The water was like ice. The reporter was tired. But he swam toward the beach. He looked for his friends. He saw Billie, the sailor, in front of him, swimming strongly and quickly. The cook was near him. Behind, the captain held on to the overturned boat with his one good hand. Soon, the reporter could swim no longer. A current was carrying him back out to sea. He thought: "Am I going to drown? Can it be possible?" But the current suddenly changed and he was able to swim toward the shore. The captain called to him to swim to the boat and hold on. The reporter started to swim toward the boat. Then he saw a man running along the shore. He was quickly taking off his shoes and clothes. As the reporter got close to the boat, a large wave hit him and threw him into the air over the boat and far from it. When he tried to get up, he found that the water was not over his head, only half way up his body. But he was so tired that he could not stand up. Each wave threw him down, and the current kept pulling him back to sea. Then he saw the man again, jumping into the water. The man pulled the cook to the shore. Then he ran back into the water for the captain. But the captain waved him away and sent him to the reporter. The man seized the reporter's hand and pulled him to the beach. Then the man pointed to the water and cried: "What's that?" In the shallow water, face down, lay Billie, the sailor. (MUSIC) The reporter did not know all that happened after that. He fell on the sand as if dropped from a housetop. It seems that immediately the beach was filled with men with blankets, clothes and whiskey. Women brought hot coffee. The people welcomed the men from the sea to the land. But a still and dripping shape was carried slowly up the beach. And the land's welcome for the sailor's body could only be its final resting place. When night came, the white waves moved in the moonlight. The wind brought the sound of the great sea's voice to the men on the shore. (MUSIC) BARBARA KLEIN: "The Open Boat" was written by Stephen Crane. This program was adapted for Special English by Shelley Gollust and produced by Lawan Davis. Your storyteller was Shep O'Neal. You can read and listen to other AMERICAN STORIES on our Web site, I'm Barbara Klein. |
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Windows和Ubuntu双系统完全独立的安装方法 | Ubuntu Home Posted by Snow on 2012/06/25 安装Windows和Ubuntu双系统时,很多人喜欢先安装windows,然...
- -月光博客 互联网精准广告定向技术,指的是依托于搜索引擎庞大的网民行为数据库,对网民几乎所有上网行为进行个性化的深度分析,按广告主需求锁定目标受众,进行一对一传播,提供多通道投放,按照效...
VOA News A wine-tasting near Beijing, China Finally, a listener in Taiwan wrote to ask why his face turns red when he drinks alcohol. Th...
How to Debug PHP Using Firefox with FirePHP July 11th, 2009 by Nuno Franco da Costa Typically, there are two main ways of debugging serve...