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Caption Three margin testing

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Four More Tips for Android Users

 - NYTimes.com

There are so many things you can do by tapping the screen of an Android phone  —  or by holding your fingertip down for two seconds in what Google calls a "long press"  —    that most owners haven't found them yet. I published a list of 12 tips for Android last week. Here are four more.

3D Maps — Get the latest release of Google Maps, a free download via Android Market. While looking at a map, you can tilt it by sliding two fingers vertically up or down the screen, and rotate it by placing two fingers on the map  — one at the top and one at the bottom, or one on each side  —   and making a circular motion.

Bigger browser font —  Do you find yourself constantly stretching Web pages with your fingertips to read them? Change the default font size instead. While looking at the Browser app, press the menu button on your phone. Tap the More option, then choose Settings at the very bottom (you may have to scroll down.) Change the first option, Text Size, from Normal to Large.

Stop the screen from turning off —  While your phone is plugged in, you can have it disable the battery-saving function that turns off the screen while you are reading, or using the phone as a bedside clock radio. Bring up the Settings app. Tap Applications, then Development. Turn on the "Stay awake" option. It was put there to help software developers. But we end users, in geek jargon, have plenty of uses for it.

Type contact names on the phone keypad — Unlike my other tips, this one works on an HTC Incredible but not on a Motorola Droid 2, so I suspect it's an HTC add-on. Still, it'll help a lot of HTC owners. Instead of finding address book contacts by bringing up your address book and then typing their names into the onscreen keyboard, bring up the phone's keypad dialer, which has much larger, easier-to-tap keys. Tap your contact's name on the keypad   —  e.g. 5-6-4 to spell J-O-H for John. The phone app will pop up a list of auto-complete options for the name from your address book. It's both faster and easier than going through the address book. Dear Google: Can you build this into all Android phones?

12 Tips for Using Your Android Phone

 - NYTimes.com

Mobile phones that run Google's Android operating system come in various shapes, sizes and features, unlike Apple's iPhones. And Android phones are available on a variety of carriers, including Boost Mobile, where a data plan can cost as little as $35 a month.

But despite the variety of Android phones, and of carriers, there are a lot of useful features common to all. Here are some tips on finding them:

THE LONG PRESS The key to many of these tips is the long press: Instead of tapping a button, word or icon on the screen, press and hold your finger on it for two seconds. Often, this will bring up a menu of options specific to the type of item, like one to bookmark a Web link. You can also long press the hardware keys on the phone, and the background of the home screen, to reveal various options.

In general, long-press functions are intended to save you from tapping through a series of menus to perform a common task. It's the equivalent of right-clicking your mouse on a PC screen.

So, for example, you can long press the home key on your phone's case — the one that looks like a little house — to bring up a menu of your eight most recently used apps. This lets you hop quickly between, say, an e-mail you are composing and your Web browser.

You can also long press the search key — it looks like a magnifying glass — to pop up a microphone icon labeled "Speak Now." Android's Voice Commands system understands at least 10 commands, like "Send text to Alison Wright, running late will see you at 6," "Navigate to the nearest pizza place," "Listen to Taylor Swift," and of course, "Note to self." If you don't begin with a special command, Android will assume you are speaking a Web search.

Within the browser app, long press the back key — the one labeled with an arrow U-turning left — to snap open a screen with your bookmarks, most visited pages and browsing history displayed in tabs.

Long press on your home screen's background to bring up a menu of options that includes Shortcuts. You can create a shortcut, which looks just like an app on your home screen, that links directly to a bookmarked Web page, a person in your contact list or a navigation destination. Android will label the shortcut with the Web site's logo, the person's face or an icon you choose for destinations.

Too many icons on your home screen? Long press on the screen to pop up a menu that includes a Folders option. You can create a folder icon and call it, say, Games, into which you can drag all your game apps.

Long press a link on a Web page to pop up a menu that lets you open the link in a new window. To switch windows, press the menu key — the one that's a grid of four squares — and tap Windows in the options that appear onscreen.

And long press can also be used for accent marks. To insert, say, an e with an accent grave into a message, long press the "e" on your keyboard. That pops up a menu of "e" characters with various accent marks.

FAST ACCESS TO PHONE, TEXT AND E-MAIL In your address book, don't tap the person's name. Tap their photo. That pops up a menu of icons to call, text or e-mail. There are also options to send messages through Twitter and Facebook.

TAKE PHOTOS OF YOURSELF Android cameras without a second camera for self-portraits have a Self Portrait mode in the camera app. Tap it, and the camera will begin searching for faces in its viewfinder using facial-recognition software. The phone will shoot a new photo of you every few seconds, adding the pictures to your camera roll. It's more hit or miss than taking your photo in a mirror, but it's more fun, like mugging in an old-fashioned photo booth.

FASTER SENTENCES Android picked up a trick from old-school BlackBerry phones: When typing a text or e-mail message, you don't need to fumble for the period key at the end of a sentence. Just press the spacebar twice. Android will insert one period and one space much faster than you could type them yourself.

E-MAIL SHORTCUTS If you use Gmail on your Android phone, you can create separate shortcut icons, as described above, to specific accounts, folders and Gmail labels. This lets you have separate icons for work e-mail and personal e-mail, rather than opening whatever you last read when you tap the Gmail icon. Once you're in the e-mail app, you can also switch folders by tapping the name of the current folder at the top of the screen.

SILENCING A CALL Most users figure out they can get rid of a phone call by sliding the red arrow that appears onscreen when the phone is ringing. But not everyone realizes you can stop the phone from ringing by pressing the power button on top of the phone or either of the volume buttons on the right.

FIND ON PAGE To search for words within a Web page, press the menu key, tap More, and then tap "Find on page." A search box and keyboard will appear to let you type in search terms.

SHARE A PAGE ON FACEBOOK Another option on the browser's More menu is the Share page. One of the options to share is Facebook. Tapping it will open Facebook in the browser (rather than using Facebook's Android app) and set up the link to be shared, complete with a thumbnail image and a space to type your comments.

SEE TODAY'S DATE Android shows the time but not the date on your home screen. If you drag down the notification tray at the top of the screen, today's date appears in the upper left corner.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE KEYBOARDS Most domestic Android phones come with only English and Spanish keyboards installed for the touch screen. To add, say, a German keyboard, go to Android Market and search for "German keyboard." Expect to pay around $3 for most keyboard apps.

GET RID OF PESKY CALLERS Do you have a frequent caller whom you never want to answer? Add them to your address book if they're not already there. Then edit their entry, and scroll to the bottom for the option "Additional info." It's tricky to open the option; you have to tap the arrow key at the right, which will pop open more options, possibly out of sight below the bottom edge of your screen. But if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the extra options, you'll find a welcome surprise: "Send straight to voice mail?" Click once for peace of mind.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Web is the biggest open source success of all


Open SourceThe open source movement is a popular one, and it's certainly made its mark on the software landscape. But where has it made its biggest mark? What is the most successful open source endeavor of all time?

Actually, when you see it as a whole, isn't the Web the biggest open source success of them all?

Perhaps the most famous example is the LAMP stack that lies behind so many websites, i.e. Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. But there's so much more when you think about it.

Here are some of the open source projects that make the Web tick.

Web browsers

While Microsoft's closed source Internet Explorer still has a big share of the web browser market, open source alternatives are just as common these days, and they are growing. We have Mozilla'sFirefox, which is open source, and then there's the rapid rise of Webkit-based browsers such as Safari, but most notably Chrome.

Add to this the mobile Web, where Webkit powers the browsers on iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

Web server software

The most-used web server software by far is Apache, which is open source, and a lightweight alternative called nginx has become quite popular in recent years. In fact, two out of the three top web servers are open source (the exception being Microsoft's IIS at a distant number two).

Then there's plenty of other server-side plumbing that is open source. For example, many high-traffic websites use Varnish as a caching layer towards website visitors, and Memcached as a caching layer against the website's database. And these are just two examples of many.

Scripting languages and web frameworks

Most of the programming and scripting languages used on the Web, like PHPPerlPythonRuby, are open source projects.

But few sites start completely from scratch. There are literally hundreds of open source content management systems and web frameworks out there to help developers, for example WordPress,DrupalRuby on RailsDjangoJoomla! and more.


The open source software MySQL is by far the most popular database choice for websites. There are also other open source alternatives, for example PostgreSQL, not to mention a host of open source "NoSQL" options that are cropping up lately.

Oh, and while we're talking about plumbing, we must not forget one of the very basics we rely on every single time we use anything on the Web or the Internet:


The Web (and the whole Internet for that matter) would be pretty useless without the Domain Name System. You know, that thing that makes it possible for you to use names like example.com instead of IP addresses. BIND is pretty much the de facto standard software for DNS servers (a.k.a. name servers), and is, as you might guess by now, open source.

Server operating systems

All those websites have to run on servers, and open source dominates here as well. While Windows dominates on the desktop, the servers our websites run on mostly use Linux, which is open source. Other popular options are freeBSD and OpenBSD.

The open source appeal

It's not so strange that open source software has become so popular when in many cases it can provide quality alternatives to commercial, closed source software, but for free. Free is a hard price to beat.

The Web would most likely have had a much harder time becoming widely accepted without all this freely available software to run it all on.

Please note that we're not saying that there isn't any closed source on the Web. There obviously is. But the only real exception from the open source domination of the Web, statistically speaking, is Microsoft's stack of Windows-based alternatives.

Other than that, you usually need to go really deep to get into more proprietary closed source technology, like the operating systems on routers and such. But that's the Internet, not the Web.

Final words

Thanks to the rise of the Internet in the 80s, facilitating communication, collaboration and sharing, the open source movement blossomed. When the Web was born on top of the infrastructure of the Internet in the 90s, the open source movement was already in place to help.

No one can deny that open source powers the majority of the Web. Open source and the Web live in a symbiotic relationship, feeding off each other, nurturing each other.

That's why we think that the Web is arguably the greatest open source success to date. (Not to take anything away from Tim Berners-Lee.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Obama drives Ned the robot at CMU lab


Date: Friday, June 24, 2011, 1:10pm EDT

When President Obama toured the National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon Universityon Friday, he did more than just watch and learn. He got to run a small, 15-inch robot named "Ned."

The robot, created by local company and CMU spinoff RedZone Robotics, is designed to inspect sewers and water pipes. But it reported for duty Friday morning for the commander-in-chief, who pool reports said took the controls behind an LED touch screen at the Lawrenceville center. Advising Obama were three RedZone executives, Sam CancillaKen Wolf and Sub Vallapuzha.

"Let's see how Ned does," the president said, according to pool reports.

As Ned, which pool reports say looked a little like a torpedo, moved through a pipe, the president said he was fascinated.

"He's sending back data as he's going through," Obama asked.

Ned wasn't the only robot that Obama saw. He saw the DARPA, the Defense Advance Research Project Agency, car, a combat-support vehicle that was built by Chandler, Ariz.-based Local Motors. Local Motors "crowd-sourced" the design, seeking upward of 150 design ideas before settling upon one. It's being held up as a model of what can be done in advanced manufacturing in such a short time.

"That's really cool," Obama said, according to pool reports.

Executives from consumer-goods giant Procter & Gamble(NYSE: PG) were also on hand to show Obama how Los Alamos Labs software helped P&G retool its diaper manufacturing and save $500 million. The digital design tool could help small and midsized manufacturers.

The tour was led by Pradeep Khosla, dean of CMU's College of Engineering.

"Carnegie Mellon is a great example of what it means to move forward," Obama told an invite-only audience following the tour.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



















  步骤三:实现 选择一个框架


  • PHP 上的任何一个流程的框架
  • Python with Django
  • Ruby on Rails












  英文原文:How to develop web applications

  中文翻译:晨露博客 雷锋网投稿

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Boxee on PC, MAC, Ubuntu To Get Fall Update

 | TechnoBuffalo

Finally — Boxee software users will be getting some love. It seemed for awhile there that all the attention was being showered on people who owned the actual Boxee Box hardware.

The online content streaming program offered an extremely novel and fresh interface back in 2007, when Boxee debuted. It allowed users to navigate and access their different streams and subscriptions via keyboard or remote control. At first available as a software download for Mac,PC and Linux users, the company eventually moved on to focus all of its attention on the D-linkBoxee Box (no doubt, to keep its stature as new competitors surfaced, like Google TVApple TVand Roku).

In his blog post, top Boxee boss Avner Ronan explains that the Box (which was rewritten on a totally new platform) needed extreme focus at first — which, admittedly, could have made software users feel a little left out. But now, the company will be picking the software-only version back up for development, and a new long-awaited update is scheduled for the fall. Says Ronan:

We are going to release an update for the downloadable version this fall, and hope to keep it more up to speed with the CE version going forward. We also hope to make the open source version of the downloadable version easier to use for people who want to build out their own versions of Boxee.

Unfortunately, Ronan also says that the downloadable software will lag behind the functionality in the Boxee Box version. Even so, long-time software fans should be thrilled about this.

Given what they've gone through with so little attention and the on-again, off-again Hulu access, this will be welcome news. Not as much as striking a deal so Hulu (or even Hulu Plus) will work reliably on there someday, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.

For more info on the Boxee Box, hit up TechnoBuffalo's full review.

[via Boxee Team Blog]

About the Author

Adriana Lee

Adriana's fascination with tech started in childhood. After winning a Radio Shack TRS-80 in a raffle, her brother pushed her away from the proto-computer, taunting "Tech's not for girls. Go play with your Barbie." Yeah, right. She grew up to become a writer covering small business technology, as well as trending smartphones, tablets, apps and accessories. She has also written about cooking, fashion, pop culture, newsmakers and the arts, with clips appearing in Time Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and other titles. All of this gives her a unique view on her two great passions, modern lifestyle and tech culture, plus some personal satisfaction — her brother now calls her whenever he has 






  先通过各种方法让Android手机获取Root权限,之后运行Root Explorer管理器,进入可写状态,找到/system/etc/hosts的文件,将其权限修改为可写。

  打开Terminal Emulator,输入su,进入root模式,输入 vi /system/etc/hosts 命令,按i进入编辑模式,之后将用户电脑上的hosts文件内容也输入进去。




使用Google Analytics跟踪404页面


  404页面是当访问者输入了错误的地址或者访问了被删除的页面时,服务器返回的错误页面(404 HTTP 状态代码)。这个页面除了告诉访问者页面不存在以外,不提供任何有价值的信息。访问者可能就此离开网站。

  了解404页面的信息非常有用,可以发现访问者要查找的内容和推介来源,有助于网站补充新的内容并修复有问题的链接。如何使用Google Analytics来追踪并显示404页面的情况?Google Analytics的官方博客介绍了一个简单的方法,使用Google Analytics可以跟踪网站的404页面错误。

  1. 将网站的Google Analytics追踪代码添加到404 页面里。

  2. 修改404页面的Google Analytics代码,将代码修改为一下形式:

<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "xxxxx-x";
urchinTracker("/404.html?page=" + _udl.pathname + _udl.search);

  3. 在热门内容报告中即可查看/404.html页面的报告,里面的信息包括出现错误的URL地址,还会显示访问者上一个访问的页面(推介来源)。通过这些信息,可以及时检查相关页面,修改错误链接。

使用Google Analytics跟踪404页面

  英文原文:Tip: Tracking 404 Pages

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