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Caption Text
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Caption Three margin testing

Friday, October 28, 2011

GoAccess - Visual apache/Nginx log analyzer

 | Ubuntu Geek

GoAccess is an open source real-time Apache log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report on the fly.

Essentially, the way GoAccess works is that it will parse the well-known Apache access log file, from there, GoAccess will collect data from the parsed log and it will display it to the console or the X terminal. The collected information or generated reports will be displayed to the user/sysadmin in a visual/interactive window. Reports include:

General Statistics, bandwidth etc.
Top Visitors
Requested files
Requested static files, images, swf, js, etc.
Referrers URLs
404 or Not Found
Operating Systems
Browsers and Spiders
Hosts, Reverse DNS, IP Location
HTTP Status Codes
Referring Sites
Different Color Schemes
Unlimited log file size

Log format…

GoAccess can parse both of Apaches' log formats, the Common Log Format (CLF) and the Combined Log Format (XLF/ELF), including virtual host. It is possible to parse Nginx as well. (if configured with the standard Apache log format)

Install GoAccess on ubuntu

sudo apt-get install goaccess

Using goaccess

You have to make sure apache or nginx is installed and configured for websites access.


goaccess [ -b ][ -s ][ -e IP_ADDRESS][ - a ] <-f log_file >

The following options can also be supplied to the command:

-f - Path to input log file.
-b - Enable total bandwidth consumption.
For faster parsing, don't enable this flag.
-s - Enable HTTP status codes report.
For faster parsing, don't enable this flag.
-a - Enable a List of User-Agents by host.
For faster parsing, don't enable this flag.
-e - Exclude an IP from being counted under the
HOST module. Disabled by default.

Goaccess Examples

The simplest and fastest usage would be:

# goaccess -f access.log

That will generate an interactive text-only output.

To generate full statistics we can run GoAccess as:

# goaccess -f access.log -a -s -b

The -a flag indicates that we want to process an agent-list for every host parsed. The -s flag tells
GoAccess go get every HTTP status code. The -b flag will process the total bandwidth consumption for
files, hosts, and dates.

Now if we want to add more flexibility to GoAccess, we can do a series of pipes. For instance:

If we would like to process all access.log.*.gz we can do:

# zcat access.log.*.gz | goaccess


# zcat -f access.log* | goaccess

Another useful pipe would be filtering dates out of the Apache's access log

The following will get all HTTP requests starting on 05/Dec/2010 until the end of the file.

# sed -n '/05\/Dec\/2010/,$ p' access.log | goaccess -s -b

If we want to parse only a certain time-frame from DATE a to DATE b, we can do:

sed -n '/5\/Nov\/2010/,/5\/Dec\/2010/ p' access.log | goaccess -s -b

Note that this could take longer time to parse depending on the speed of sed.

Also, it is worth pointing out that if we want to run GoAccess at lower priority, we can run it as:

# nice -n 19 goaccess -f access.log -s -a -b

and if you don't want to install it on your server, you can still run it from your local machine:

# ssh user@server 'cat /var/log/apache2/access.log' | goaccess -s -a -b

60 New Open Source Apps You've (Probably) Never Heard Of

 - Datamation


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dell offers machines with ubuntu linux in 220 chinese stores

- The Inquirer

Linux for the masses
Thu Oct 27 2011, 16:52

TIN BOX FLOGGER Dell has rolled out machines preloaded with Ubuntu Linux to 220 retail stores in China.

Dell might have scaled back its Ubuntu Linux offerings in the west but in China - the market that really matters - the firm is rolling out a range of machines running Ubuntu in 220 stores. Unlike its solitary US web-store offering, Dell presents Chinese punters with a range of Ubuntu Linux systems and better still the firm said its staff will promote the benefits of Ubuntu Linux to consumers.

Canonical and Dell announced that they were working on a strategy for flogging Dell machines running Ubuntu Linux earlier this year. However given Dell's seemingly declining interest in Ubuntu Linux, some thought the announcement was hot air from a company that just wanted to keep a Linux-friendly image, but not so.

Dell's range of Ubuntu Linux machines will come with Ubuntu's music store and the Ubuntu One cloud storage built in. All in all, it is a good chance for desktop Linux usage to grow in an immensely important market.

Ubuntu Linux might not be the first choice for many Linux users but Canonical has done a lot to push its desktop-oriented Linux distribution to OEMs such as Acer and Dell. While in established markets the popularity of Microsoft's Windows remains hard to break down, in a relatively new and growing market there is every chance that Linux, whether it's Ubuntu or some other Linux distribution, can succeed. µ

China Proposes New Curbs on Entertainment and Bloggers

 - NYTimes.com

BEIJING — Political censorship in this authoritarian state has long been heavy-handed. But for years, the Communist Party has tolerated a creeping liberalization in popular culture, tacitly allowing everything from popular knockoffs of "American Idol"-style talent shows to freewheeling microblogs that let media groups prosper and let people blow off steam.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


 - 小众软件

和大多数人不一样,侍其二狗有癖好,关机癖。计算机不用的时候一定要关上。这种强迫症带给二狗很好的节能习惯和更多的麻烦,他经常半夜惊醒去看看电脑有没有关机。其实,善用 Windows 自带计划任务就能实现电脑夜间只能自动关机。如果到了关机时,电脑还在使用中,也不会强制关闭,而是等到电脑完全空闲了再关机。@appinn
开始菜单 -> 所有程序 -> 附件 -> 系统工具 -> 任务计划程序。点击窗口,右上角的创建任务。

切换到"操作"选项卡,点"新建…"。程序或脚本 输入关机命令 shutdown,参数后面输入 /S。如果你想停止当时运行的一切程序,在 /S 后面加上/F。
切换到设置选项卡,如图设置。如果到关机时间仍在使用电脑,计划任务会在 30 分钟后再次试图关机,如果电脑到时候仍然不空闲,计划任务再等30分钟,如此类推。

Alan Young - Google+ Account Susspended


Oct. 31 I changed name to Hykloud Li on my Google+ profile page:

Contacted Google with the contact us link in "Submit this name for review?" page:

Oct. 26 I got this message on my Google+ profile page:

Your profile is suspended and being reviewed

Your profile was flagged for violating the Google+ Community Standards or Names Policy and is currently under review. Reviews are usually completed within a few days.

During this time, you won't be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader, and Picasa. This will not prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.

We understand that Google+ may not be for everyone at this time. We'd be sad to see you go, but if you do choose to leave, make a copy of your Google+ data first. Then, click here to disable Google+.

Oct. 21, I got an email from Google+ Team:
I immediately changed name from Notebook L. to Alan Young


After reviewing your profile, it appears that the name you entered does not comply with the Google+ Names Policy. Please log in to Google+ and visit your profile to learn more and take action.

The Names Policy requires that you use the name you are commonly referred to in real life in your profile. Nicknames, previous names, and so on should be entered in the Other Names section of the profile. Profiles are currently limited to individuals; we will be launching profiles for businesses and other entities later this year.

If you do not edit your name to comply with our Names policy or appeal with additional information within four days of receiving this message, your profile will be suspended. While suspended, you will not be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and Picasa. This will not prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail.

The Google+ team.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google+ To Support Google Apps in Next Few Days


Google has announced that Google+ will support Google Apps accounts within the next few days.
Google SVP of social Vic Gundotra said Google Apps support was coming "imminently" during a Q&A at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. Gundotra made it clear that "imminently" meant within the next few days.
The reason Google didn't launch Google Apps support during the original release of Google+ was because the company thought "it would have more time." Google+ beat their expectations, though, and has forced them to scramble on what is Google+'s most-requested features.
Google also announced that Google+ will soon support pseudonyms, though nobody should expect that to roll out in the next few days.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Learning a Language From an Expert on the Web

 - NYTimes.com

The message from the 14-year-old Tunisian skateboarder was curt. "Totally wrong," he said of my French. My conjugation was off and I should study spelling. On a scale of one to five, he said, my French practice essay was worth a one. Then he disappeared into the anonymity of the Internet.
A listing of some recordings of native Italian speakers at RhinoSpike.com.
A section from a LiveMocha lesson on French.
Two people looking to practice their Norwegian on MyLanguageExchange.com.
If there is any truth to the old Russian proverb that enemies parrot yes while friends say no, then it is easy to form fast friendships on Livemocha.com, a Web site devoted to helping people learn languages by swapping messages over the Internet and then correcting each other's messages.
As my young Tunisian tutor was showing me, the Internet, with its unparalleled ability to connect people throughout the world, is changing the way that many people learn languages. There is no still way to avoid the hard slog through vocabulary lists and grammar rules, but the books, tapes and even CDs of yesteryear are being replaced by e-mail, video chats and social networks.
Livemocha, a Seattle company with $14 million in venture capital financing, mixes a social network with lessons for more than 38 of the world's more common languages.
The initial lessons are free, but unlocking some of the additional features requires a fee to Livemocha (starting at $10 for a set of lessons) or an agreement to correct the work of others, something my friend in Tunisia was doing for me. The lessons, whether they are flashcards, quizzes, audio recordings or written and spoken essays, are delivered through a Web browser. Michael Schutzler, Livemocha's chief executive, says the Web site's advantage is the ability to practice with a real person.
"The great irony is that even if you have years of classroom Spanish, you don't have a lot of confidence to go into a bar and have a conversation," he said.
The casual connections with real people throughout the world, however brief, are not just fun and surprising but reveal more about how the language is really used. The boy from Tunisia, while knocking my conjugation, passed along slang and attitude, something rarely found in textbooks.
I doubt that many traditional students of French find their way into conversations with so many diverse people. Maria, an older woman from Brazil who speaks French, was kinder and offered slightly different corrections. Melina, a woman from Southern France, used blue to emphasize her corrections to my work. It was a kind touch.
"What actually cements the ability really comes down to interacting with human beings." Mr. Schutzler said. He added, "My mom aced all of her English Lit before coming to the U.S., but when she came to the U.S., she couldn't get a cup of coffee at the diner."
Livemocha is experimenting with a variety of ways to motivate people that resemble the social games found on Facebook. The flashcard exercises, for instance, are scored, and the totals earned by studying and teaching appear on the front page. I earned a bronze medal, actually an icon of one, on my first day for helping many people with their English. The site even hopes to help its best contributors to sell their services to the more serious students.
Not every service is as well structured. MyLanguageExchange.com just maintains lists of people who know certain languages and want to learn others. Anyone can search the database, but only gold members, who pay $24 a year, can send e-mail easily to others.
Each person sets up a profile and includes a short description of age, location and what he or she would like to talk about. There is a big demand to practice English, and I found many possible pen pals.
Marie, 40, was born in Spain but lives in France near the Bordeaux region. She wants to improve her English and "perhaps find a job in sales export." Serge, a Parisian who is retired, studies genealogy and wants to improve his English, Spanish and Swedish.
MyLanguageExchange.com claims it has more than 1.5 million members studying 115 languages.
I find the right partner through what are essentially classified ads. If I wanted to study Luxembourgish, the Germanic tongue of Luxembourg, there were 11 people looking to study English. There are 32 willing people who are fluent in Tswana, a Bantu language generally spoken around Southern Africa, mainly in Botswana. An e-mail or two is all it takes to find a study partner.
Maria, one of 113 people ready to help with Uyghur, which is spoken in western China, says she is also fluent in Mandarin but wants to practice Russian, Hindi and English. It is a big database.
"Our site tends to attract more of the serious language learners," said Dan Yuen, who helped found MyLanguageExchange.com in 2000. "They are also more likely to be effective language partners. In turn, this helps to attract more language learners to our community."
Some of the other choices are more limited but still useful.RhinoSpike.com set up a market for recordings spoken by native speakers. Anyone can post a selection of text and anyone can post a recording.
"The problem for many people learning a language is that they can't hear what the text is supposed to sound like," said Peter Carroll, one of the founders. "We built RhinoSpike to get native speakers to read the text that we post, so that we can both see and hear what is being said." Almost 2,500 recordings have been posted since the site opened in March.
Companies like RosettaStone.comGermanPod101.com,ChinesePod.com and a surprisingly large number of other Web sites are competing to offer lessons and tutoring to students throughout the world. I found dozens of others offering what was found only on PC software a few years ago.
There are even more casual approaches that come with even less infrastructure and fewer of the protections for consumers that it may offer. It is easy to find, for instance, people who want to practice languages with a free phone call through the forums run by Skype. One click and you can talk free with someone who wants to practice another language. The standard protocol is to spend half the time on one language and half the time with the other.
Some sites, like UsingEnglish.comenglishcafe.com andEnglishbaby.com, are devoted to helping people practice English but add the elements of sharing photos and interests like a dating service.
The depth and quality of random conversations like these vary greatly, but they are generally easier and more free than meeting people in bars, stores or in public.
Orlando R. Kelm, a professor at the University of Texas, Austin, who uses Livemocha and other tools in his language classes, says he finds that working with a partner on written words is often easier than with spoken conversation.
"A lot of times people write better than they speak," he said.
Still, he finds it ultimately worthwhile to work with others on the Web and search for the better partners because that provides a real connection that cannot be found from a book or a simple computer program.
"When I have to do an exercise and submit it to the world, when I know that real people are going to look at it and comment on it, it really jacks up my brain," he said.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


iGFW »

2011年5月16日 | 分类: 翻墙相关 | 标签: 
使用GAE(Google App Engine)翻墙是比较好的方法,一般使用python或java开发可以运行于Windows、Linux和Mac OS等多种系统,免费、速度快(比一般的ssh、vpn要快);GAE翻墙代理比较多如cms4g-proxypywebproxytohrgappproxy2GAppProxyGoAgentwallproxyhyk-proxy……其中比较流行的是GAppProxy、GoAgent、wallproxy和hyk-proxy。
GAE翻墙在手机上也有移植比如Android系统上的 gaeproxy iOS上的gfwinterceptor和symbian系统上的red-apricot等。

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