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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Future of the Internet

Linux Magazine: During the 2009 Google I/O Conference, Google’s technologists revealed a number of groundbreaking technologies over the course of two days. All of the Google inventions are worthy of your attention.
  1. Google Wave is nothing short of a revolution in personal communications and collaboration. The Wave application is still in development, but Google is granting access to Wave’s API to select developers.
  2. Google Web Elements are free Google applications that can be embedded into any Web page via cut-and-paste. The Web Elements are available for immediate use.
  3. Google Android 2.0 is a new, Linux-based operating system for Android-powered devices. Scheduled for release in late 2009.
  4. Google App Engine is a high-performance cloud computing solution for enterprise applications. Previously available for Python coders, the Engine is now open to all Java developers, and costs nothing for resource-limited apps.
  5. O3D is a development framework for building 3-D apps capable of running in a browser. The tool set and code is freely available.
  6. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 2.0, a toolset for Java-to-Javascript cross-compilation, takes the headache out of browser-specific JavaScript coding. GWT 1.5 is freely available now, but 2.0 is still in development.

Linux Magazine describes each technology in more detail.

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