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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fix and Get the Best Firefox Font in Ubuntu

Fix and Get the Best Firefox Font in Linux | Ubuntu Site

  1. Install Microsoft fonts:
    sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
    Log out and log in back. If you do not want to logout, the Font cache can be reloaded wit the command:
    sudo fc-cache -fv
  2. Download this file, extract it to /home/$username/.fonts

If the directory doesn't exist, just create it and paste all the contents there. To make it available for use to Firefox, then just do a right-click on your desktop click on change background themes, click the font tab and use the extracted file. It should look something like this.

font%20settings Fix and Get the Best Firefox Font in Linux

Check now your Firefox's font rendering. Here's mine.


before%20font Fix and Get the Best Firefox Font in Linux


after%20font Fix and Get the Best Firefox Font in Linux

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