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Caption Three margin testing

Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Automount NTFS Drives on Ubuntu

HowTo: Automount NTFS Drives - Ubuntu Forums

Fire up a terminal, to do this click Applications > Accessories > Terminal
Then type (or copy/paste) the following - 1 line at a time
sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install ntfs-config
Ok so when that returns you to user@pcname, that should be it installed

Next, make sure you have NO drives mounted (they'll usually appear on your desktop). And then run the program from Applications > System Tools

Note: In Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) it appears that the configuration tool has moved to System > Administration.

Enter your password when prompted - and then choose the drives that you want to be automounted. Click Apply.

Now simply make sure that "Enable Write Support for Internal Drives" and click OK.

Enjoy your automounted NTFS Drives

Google网站性能优化工具Page Speed

Google网站性能优化工具Page Speed-月光博客

  和Yahoo的YSlow一样,Google的开源网站优化工具Page Speed,是一个基于Firebug的FireFox插件,和YSlow一样,Page Speed可以帮助用户改善网站性能的工具。在运行它之后,可以看到一个帮助你的网站加载速度加快的建议列表,它会根据列表中的每一项检查你的网站并标明是否通过。

  Page Speed在运行时会分析一些Web服务器配置和服务器上下载下来的代码,还会创建一个结果列表,其中包括如何改进网页的建议。分析基于一个分为五类的最佳实践列表:

  * 优化缓存——让你应用的数据和逻辑完全避免使用网络

  * 减少回应时间——减少一连串请求-响应周期的数量

  * 减小请求大小——减少上传大小

  * 减小有效负荷大小——减小响应、下载和缓存页面的大小

  * 优化浏览器渲染——改善浏览器的页面布局


  点击访问:Google Page Speed

Friday, October 30, 2009

Using Webilder to set desktop wallpaper on Ubuntu

Howto Set Flickr images as Ubuntu desktop wallpaper | Ubuntu Geek

Webilder delivers stunning wallpapers to your Linux desktop, directly from Flickr and Webshots. You choose what keywords (tags) to watch for, and photos are automatically downloaded to your computer. Webilder can also change the wallpaper every few minutes.

Webilder Features

  • download flickr photos that match tags (for example: beach,party)
  • download photos from flickr users of your choice.
  • download most interesting photos from flickr.
  • download amazing daily proshots from Webshots (requires Webshots account).
  • automatically download new photos for you.
  • change your wallpaper every few minutes.
  • import webshots collections (wbz or wbc formats).

Install Webilder in Ubuntu

First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and add the following source list which is suitable for you save the file and exit

For Ubuntu Intrepid (i386, amd64, powerpc of sparc) Users

deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ intrepid main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ intrepid main

For Ubuntu Hardy (i386, amd64, powerpc of sparc) Users

deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ hardy main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ hardy main

For Ubuntu Gusty (i386, amd64, powerpc of sparc) Users

deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ gusty main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ gusty main

For Ubuntu Feisty (i386, amd64, powerpc of sparc) Users

deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ feisty main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ feisty main

For Ubuntu Edgy (i386, amd64, powerpc of sparc) Users
deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ edgy main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ edgy main

For Ubuntu Dapper (i386, amd64, powerpc or sparc) Users

deb http://debian.websterwood.com/ dapper main
deb-src http://debian.websterwood.com/ dapper main

Now you need to update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Install Webilder using the following command

If you are using GNOME Desktop use the following command

sudo apt-get install webilder webilder-gnome

If you are using KDE Desktop use the following command

sudo apt-get install webilder webilder-kde

This will complete the installation process

Adding Webilder to your Desktop Panel

For GNOME Users

Right-click on the GNOME panel you should see the following screen here you need to choose "Add to Panel"

Once you choose Add to Panel option you should see the following screen here under utility you need select "Webilder Webshots Applet" and click on add

Now you should see one small camera icon marked with Red added to your desktop panel

For KDE Users

From the graphics menu, start KWebilder. Go to the preferences Window, to the Advanced Tab, and select KDE wallpapers settings

Now you need to download photos from flicker for this right click on Webilder on your desktop panel and select "Download Photos" option you can see this in the following screen

Downloading Photos are in progress

Once dowload finished your desktop will start refreshing wallpapers by default 5 min if you want to change this option you need to right click on Webilder on your desktop panel and select "Preferences"

You should see the following option here you can select what time your wallpaper need to be refresh or photos download option

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Q and A - How to Defrag a Linux System

Q and A - How to Defrag a Linux System - Question - NYTimes.com

Published: October 28, 2009

Q. I recently bought a netbook with Ubuntu as its operating system and would like to know if there is any simple way to defragment the drive. The help manual for the system talks only about a complete start-over with reinstalling the OS, rather than defragmenting it.

A. Ubuntu Linux uses a different file system, or method of storing and organizing data, than other operating systems do. Most Ubuntu systems use the ext3 file system, which does not need regular defragmentation like a Windows system does.

Windows uses either the NTFS or FAT file systems, which do not always store all the pieces of a file near each other on the hard drive. Running the built-in Disk Defragmenter program reorganizes these fragmented file parts near each other for faster access by the system.

The ext3 system used by Ubuntu Linux, however, keeps all the parts of a file together (or nearby), making regular defragmentation unnecessary. A page on the Community Ubuntu Documentation site has a full explanation at bit.ly/4iKt4.

It's not impossible to defragment a Linux system, however; the Web Upd8 blog has some tips for doing so at bit.ly/4r2yS1. A newer version of the Linux file system, ext4, includes a built-in defragmenting program.

Personal Tech invites questions about computer-based technology, by e-mail to QandA@nytimes.com. This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Linux GUI Diff Tool - Meld

Meld : Home Page

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. You can compare two or three files and edit them in place (diffs update dynamically). You can compare two or three folders and launch file comparisons. You can browse and view a working copy from popular version control systems such such as CVS, Subversion, Bazaar-ng and Mercurial. Look at the screenshots page for more detailed features.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Ubuntu 9.10 v Windows 7

Ubuntu 9.10 v Windows 7 | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Canonical will release the latest version of the open-source operating system Ubuntu this Thursday, and we look at how it stacks up against Windows 7

Ubuntu 9.10, known as Karmic Koala The latest update to the open-source Ubuntu operating system will be released Thursday

Apple let Snow Leopard out of its cage earlier this autumn, and Canonical will release another beast this week: Karmic Koala, otherwise known as the open-source operating system Ubuntu 9.10. This comes on the heels of Microsoft's launch of Windows 7, a major update of Vista.

There are hundreds of different versions or distributions of Linux, some pitched for general use and others for specific needs or tasks such as high security, older machines or multimedia. In the five years since its launch, Ubuntu has risen to become one of the most popular.

Linux is popular running servers or embedded systems, but it remains a minority sport as a desktop operating system. Desktop Linux use figures are difficult to pin down and highly contested. Some put the figures as low as 1% while Linux enthusiasts say that figure is closer to 12%. As Bruce Byfield wrote earlier this year when looking at the figures, choose your logic and choose your figure.

Based on the Debian flavour of Linux, Ubuntu has focused on trying to bring Linux to the masses, promising "Linux for Human Beings". I'm going to put Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 head-to-head in this review.

Installation and upgrades

I'm relatively agnostic when it comes to operating systems, although I know that Linux purists and Microsoft advocates will be looking for any hint of bias in this review. Every day I use Mac OS 10.4 and Windows XP via virtualisation on a MacBook and Ubuntu 8.10 on an Athlon XP 2400+ desktop. I also have been using Windows 7 on the MacBook via multi-boot setup using the very useful rEFIt bootloader.

I'm using the latest release candidate for Ubuntu 9.10, and I'm using the Windows 7 beta on the MacBook for comparison.

For the purpose of this review, I did an in-place upgrade on a Dell Latitude Cpx with a 750Mhz Pentium III and a fresh install on the MacBook.

Upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu is easy. Like Windows and Mac OS X, Ubuntu automatically keeps your operating system up to date. Windows will update Microsoft software and the operating system. However, Ubuntu will not only update itself but also update any software installed on your system.

For the upgrade to 9.10, Ubuntu downloads the software to carry out the upgrade and steps you through the process. Even on this vintage hardware, it took about two hours, but on a faster machine, it would have taken far less. However, the time of the upgrade depends on the speed of your internet and the speed of your computer.

If it's the first time that you've installed Ubuntu, you can download a CD image and burn your own installation CD. One of the reasons that I began using Ubuntu is that the CD allows you to run the operating system without installing it to your hard drive. It's a try-before-you-format-your-hard-drive option. There is a shortcut on the desktop to begin the installation process.

The Wubi installer for Ubuntu The Wubi installer makes adding Ubuntu to a Windows system very easy

I also installed Ubuntu 9.10 on the MacBook using a helper application called Wubi, which makes installing Ubuntu alongside Windows a breeze. It asks how much of your hard drive you'd like to turn over to Ubuntu and asks you to set up an account for Ubuntu. Copying over the necessary files took less than 10 minutes. When I rebooted into Windows, I now had the option to boot into Windows 7 or Ubuntu. The first time I booted into Ubuntu, it finished up installing in about 5 minutes. While Ubuntu installs, you'll see useful information for those not familiar with the operating system and the open-source application included by default.

I installed the Windows 7 beta on the Athlon desktop upgrading from Windows XP. Upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 is relatively straightforward, but the update from Windows XP is more complicated. Jack Schofield has already given a full review of Windows 7. Of course, the big challenge for Ubuntu or any other version of Linux is that hundreds of thousands of computers will ship with Windows 7 pre-installed. However, Ubuntu does come as an option on computers from major manufacturers such as Dell, HP, Acer and Toshiba.

The main benefits of Ubuntu 9.10, Karmic Koala, over its predecessor are: • Faster boot times, which Ubuntu has been working on in the last two releases. • If you have a computer with Intel integrated graphics, Ubuntu has a new driver to improve graphics processing and stability. • Ubuntu has added an excellent cloud storage service, Ubuntu One. More on that in a bit. • Ubuntu has revamped the way to add new applications with a new Software Centre.

You can see all of the updates and new features in Ubuntu's 9.10 Technical Overview.

Verdict: Upgrading Windows Vista to Windows 7 was about as easy as upgrading Ubuntu from a previous version. Upgrading Windows XP to 7 was much more comlicated. The Wubi installer is a study in simplicity. Ubuntu wins this one with more options and simplicity across all options


In terms of speed, Windows 7 is definitely lighter on hardware than Vista. It was quite usable on the Athlon desktop, especially after I shut off the Aero visual effects.

This review isn't about speed tests but a feature comparison, and I'm not going to compare Ubuntu running on a nearly 10 year old laptop to Windows 7 running on a 2.0Ghz dual-core Core Duo MacBook or even an Athlon XP 2400 desktop.

However, if you've got an older computer that is starting to feel sluggish but you either don't want to or can't afford to buy a new computer, give Ubuntu a go. You'll get an up-to-date operating system running quite smoothly on your out-of-date computer.

Ubuntu also comes in several different versions. Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop, which has a nice mix of style and speed. Xubuntu uses the lighter-weight XFCE desktop to get the most of older hardware.

Verdict: Windows 7 is much better than its predecessor in terms of running well on older hardware. Ubuntu always has been strong on a wide range of hardware.

Drivers and hardware

Ubuntu has pros and cons when it comes to drivers. It is generally quite good at recognising a wide range of hardware. With Windows, I had to download a driver for my vintage 3Com WiFi PC Card, but with Ubuntu, it works out of the box. The support for the WiFi card even improved from Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10.

Ubuntu added extensions to take advantage of special keys for my laptop, and when I plugged in a spare Mac keyboard, it handled special Mac-centric keys too such as the CD eject button.

Those are the pros, but there are cons. My home desktop uses an ATI Radeon 9600XT video card. ATI's proprietary video driver is excellent for Linux, but they moved my not terribly old card to legacy support so I have to rely on the open-source driver, which doesn't deliver the same performance. I'm not going to upgrade Ubuntu on my home desktop until I get a newer video card. This isn't Ubuntu's fault, but it is a source of irritation.

If Ubuntu doesn't automatically install a driver, it can be quite a bit of effort getting something to work, and not all hardware and peripherals will work with Linux. Sometimes to get hardware to work, you'll have to go to the command line, which is terrifying territory for most users. It's worth checking to see if Linux drivers exist for your printer and other key peripherals.

The installation went pretty smoothly on the MacBook apart from the sound driver. Sounds plays from the speakers but not from headphones. UPDATE: As commenter Yelvington points out, the headphone issue isn't down to drivers but something even slightly more bedeviling. The headphone sound is muted by default after the installation, and I had to install the Gnome Alsa Mixer to unmute it.

Windows has always had issues with drivers. I still am baffled why Windows forgets hardware that I have installed previously. Windows 7 doesn't seem to have completely solved these issues.

The Windows and by extension Linux hardware eco-system has always been both a strength and a weakness. Thousands, if not millions, of vendors make hardware and peripherals for Intel-based computers that can run Windows or Linux. It is wonderful to have so much choice and competition. However, it does make handling drivers much more complicated than in the relatively limited Apple hardware world.

Verdict: Both Microsoft and Ubuntu could improve on how they handle drivers.


Windows Media Centre Windows Media Centre is included on all but the entry level version of Windows 7, and it manages media well and is great software to watch TV

Looking at the default applications that come with both Windows 7 and Karmic Koala, Ubuntu installs the Rhythmbox player for music and the Movie Player for video. Both are capable, and anyone familiar with Apple's iTunes will find the application easy to navigate.

Due to licencing restrictions and Ubuntu's own philosophy, it does not ship with the ability to play commercial DVDs. It's relatively easy to add commercial DVD support by adding Ubuntu Restricted Extras in the Software Centre, which I'll get to in a minute.

Most versions of Windows 7 come with Windows Media Player and Media Centre. The Media Centre is impressive and polished. It organises your pictures, video and music files, and it gives you the kind of 10-foot interface that works well from your couch in the lounge.

If your computer supports it, Media Centre also has an excellent interface for watching television. The electronic programme guide is excellent and makes it easy to schedule recording of TV programmes.

Verdict: Microsoft wins this one. Windows Media Centre ships with all but the most basic version of Windows 7, and it's a nice piece of software. I'm sure that Linux enthusiasts will be quick to point out the digital-rights management issues of Windows, but in terms of included software, Windows Media Centre beats the applications included with Ubuntu.

Software and applications

Ubuntu Software Centre Ubuntu has a new application to add software, the Software Centre

In terms of software, Ubuntu is like the iPhone. Almost anything you'd care to do, there's an app for that. However, you'll have to learn to translate from the applications that you're used to on the Mac or Windows. For people looking to make the switch to Linux, Osalt.com is a good directory of open-source alternatives to common commercial software.

Ubuntu comes with OpenOffice installed by default as its office productivity suite. The default installation has word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software, and a database application can be added. Ubuntu also has GIMP photo editing software installed. GIMP is full featured, but the interface is confusing. Similar to Apple's included photo management software iPhoto, Ubuntu comes with F-Spot.

Windows 7 users will need to buy Microsoft Office, or you can also download OpenOffice and GIMP. Windows users will be used to Outlook to handle their email. Ubuntu ships with Evolution, which handles email and also has calendaring software.

Ubuntu 9.10 comes with Firefox 3.5 as standard, and it now ships with the Empathy multiple protocol instant messaging client. Empathy works with most instant messaging systems including AIM, Gtalk/Jabber, MSN and IRC, just to name a few.

Windows 7 has MSN messenger and ships with Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8, which is a vast improvement over previous versions.

To install other applications, Ubuntu 9.10 changed the Add/Remove Software application with a refreshed tool called Ubuntu Software Centre. You can search the directory full of hundreds of applications.

Other software sources can be added to install software such as Skype and Google. It's not an uncomplicated process,

Windows 7 comes with a simple application to manage your photos and do basic editing, quite capable multimedia software and an internet browser. Everything else you'll have to pay for, although many of the open-source applications available on Linux are now also available for Windows.

Verdict: Ubuntu wins this hands down with a huge range of free software packages ready to download.

Ubuntu in the cloud

Ubuntu One cloud storage on the desktop Ubuntu One cloud storage appears as a desktop folder

The last release of Ubuntu, 9.04 or Jaunty Jackalope, brought a lot of cloud-computing features to the open-source operating system. OpenNebula and Eucalyptus ave system administrators the flexibility to build private, public and even hybrid clouds. The additions allowed Ubuntu to easily take advantage of Amazon's EC2 cloud computing service. However, these additions were aimed at system administrators not consumers.

Ubuntu 9.10 brings cloud storage to the masses with its Ubuntu One service. It's simple and well integrated. Whenever you save a file, you have the option to save it directly to Ubuntu One. Up to 2GB of storage is free, and you can pay for higher amounts of storage.

You can also share files with other people, and your files are easily available on other computers, even ones not running Ubuntu. However, I had some issues accessing Ubuntu One on a MacBook with Safari. However, it worked well on the open-source browser Firefox. The service is in beta so I'd expect a few glitches.

Apple has long had it's .Mac and MobileMe services. Microsoft doesn't have a similar service built into Windows.

UPDATE: As commenter snipsnip reminds me, Microsoft does have a remote storage and remote desktop service in beta called Live Mesh and SkyDrive, which offers 25GB of storage for free. It's not yet integrated into the operating system in the way that Ubuntu One is, but Microsoft is under scrutiny about what it integrates into the OS because of its market dominance. It is cross-platform to a point. Like Ubuntu One, you can access it via a browser. However, some of its functionality relies on Microsoft's Silverlight.

Verdict: Ubuntu wins this as well. Microsoft doesn't really have an answer for this feature, yet. UPDATE: Microsoft does have an answer in Live Mesh and SkyDrive. Live Mesh isn't quite yet as well integrated as Ubuntu One is immediately from startup.

Ease of use

This is a subjective decision. I've spent the last two years using Ubuntu, and I find it relatively easy. However, just like anyone moving to a new operating system, there is a learning curve, and Linux advocates often gloss over this. Ubuntu has made great strides in ease of use, but average users will still struggle with it at times.

Adding new software sources so that you can easily install applications such as Skype or Google Earth will be beyond most average users. User interface design for Linux has made huge strides this decade, but it still lags behind software on Mac OS X and Windows 7.

Windows 7 will be an adjustment for XP users. Vista users won't notice a change apart from a faster, smoother experience and less annoying pop-ups second-guessing your choices.

Verdict: Windows still is easier to use than Linux for some key tasks. As I said, this is a subjective choice based on assumptions I'm making about average computer users. I don't find Ubuntu difficult to use, but I have invested quite a bit of time learning how to use it over the last two years. Most users just want things to work. Ubuntu is making a lot of progress, but Microsoft has stepped up its game as well.

Final Verdict

Windows 7 is a worthy successor to Windows XP. Vista had well known flaws, which meant that it never replaced XP for most users. For those with a lot of investment in Windows software, there probably will be no reason to look elsewhere. Windows 7 is a worthwhile upgrade. Most people use Windows not because they really think about operating systems but because the software they use runs on Windows.

For those not that tied into the Windows world, Ubuntu is worth a look for people looking for an alternative. My final take away from using Mac OS X, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 is that consumers have never had more choices for capable, powerful and easy to use operating systems. Linux users will be quick to point out that Ubuntu is only one Linux distribution.

I had tried Linux frequently as soon as I got broadband almost 10 years ago, but I always gave up after a few days until Ubuntu. It's a relatively easy to use, modern operating system that will only cost you the time to download it.

Steps in Securing Your Zen Cart™ Store

Important Site Security Recommendations - Zen Cart(tm) Wiki

SSL Security Protection Tips

Without applying extra efforts to your connection on the internet you are wandering around an unsecured environment. Before you make administrative modifications to secure Zen Cart™ and its database, you need to equip yourself with secure ways to make these modifications. Otherwise if someone is watching/listing to the information you transmit, it might not be long before your private business information becomes public. The bare minimum you should have is access to shared SSL services from your hosting company.

The preferred would be to have a dedicated SSL certificate for your store, as it is more professional in appearance than the use of a shared certificate. There will be an expense incurred to obtain a dedicated SSL certificate and dedicated IP address in your hosting account.

Additionally, it would be prudent (if your hosting company offers FTPS support) to use a program that offers FTP over SSL/TLS instead of just traditional non-secure FTP. This tool will encrypt the information you transmit and receive.

The following is a list of several steps you can take to secure your Zen Cart™ site:

1. Delete the /zc_install folder

Once installation is complete, delete the /zc_install folder from the server. Don't simply rename the folder, as this leaves you vulnerable if someone were to discover this renamed folder.

2. Rename your /admin folder

It is recommended for additional security that you rename your admin directory after installation. This way, it will be significantly harder for hackers to find your admin area or attempt any attack on breaking into it.

(Before making the following changes, make sure to have a current backup of your files and your database.)

A - Open your admin/includes/configure.php, using a simple text editor like notepad. Change all instances of admin to your chosen new admin folder-name. For maximum security, you may want to consider that new folder name should include numbers and a combination of upper and lower case letters. The longer you make this folder's name the more secure it will be. Make sure you leave all the / intact.

Change this section:

 define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/admin/');  define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/');  define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN', '/admin/');  define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/');

And this section:

 define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/home/mystore.com/www/public/admin/');  define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/mystore.com/www/public/'); 

B - Find your Zen Cart™ /admin/ directory, using your FTP software or your webhost File Manager. Rename the directory to match the settings you just made in step A.

C - To login to your admin system you will now have to visit a new URL that matches the new name used in steps A and B above. For example instead of visiting http://www.example.com/admin/ visit http://www.example.com/NeW_NamE4u/. Use of SSL is highly recommended to protect you and your customers' information. To protect the new admin folder name from packet sniffers, use https in the example link above (this of course depends on your server having an SSL certificate installed).

D - You should also protect your admin area by using an .htaccess file similar to the one shown below, and placing it into /admin/includes. This should already exist in Zen Cart™ versions 1.2.7 and greater.

3. Set configure.php files read-only

It's important that you CHMOD (set permissions) on the two configure.php files as read-only. Typically this means setting them to 644, or in some cases 444.
The configure.php files are located in:

Quite often setting permissions on a file to read only via FTP will not work. Even if the permission looks like it was set to read only, it really may not have been. You must verify the correct setting by entering the store and seeing if there is a warning message on the top of the screen. "Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file:..." In this case you will need to use the "File Manager" supplied with your webhosting account.

If you're using a Windows server, simply set the file as Read-Only for Everyone and especially the IUSR_xxxxx (Internet Guest Account) user if running IIS, or the System account or apache user if running Apache.

4. Delete any unused Admin accounts

Admin > Tools > Admin Settings

In your Admin area, open the Tools menu, and choose Admin Settings. Check for any unused Admin accounts, and delete them. Especially the Demo account, if it exists.

5. Admin Password Security

It is wise to use complicated passwords so that a would-be hacker can't easily guess them.

You can change your Admin password in Admin > Tools > Admin Settings, and click on the Reset Password button, or click on the icon that looks like a recycle symbol.

We recommend that you use passwords that are at least eight characters long.

Making them alpha-numeric (including letters, numbers, upper-and-lower-case, etc) helps too.

If you are going to use normal words it is a good idea to join together two normal words that don't normally go together.

6. Protect your "define pages" content in "html_includes"

After you have finished editing your define pages (Admin > Tools > Define Pages Editor), you should protect them:

A. Download a copy of them to your PC using your FTP software. They are located in the /includes/languages/english/html_includes area.

B. Make them CHMOD 644 (or "read-only" for Windows hosts). See notes above on CHMOD. /includes/languages/english/html_includes – and all files/folders underneath

If you make them read-only, then a would-be hacker cannot edit them if they gain access to your system, unless they can get permissions to change the read-only status, which is more complicated.

Note: Of course, once you set them read-only, then you'll have to go and set them read-write before making additional changes using the define-pages editor.

7. Use .htaccess files to protect against unwanted snooping

In several folders, there are .htaccess files to prevent users from being able to browse through the files on your site unless they know exact filenames. Some also prevent access to any .PHP scripts, since it's expected that all PHP files in those folders will be accessed by other PHP files, and not by a browser directly. This is good for security. If you delete these files, you run the risk of leaving yourself open to people snooping around.

There are also some blank index.html files in several folders. These files are there to protect you in case your FTP software won't upload .htaccess files, or your server won't accept them. These only prevent directory browsing, and do not stop execution of .PHP files. It's a good alternative, although using .htaccess files in all of these folders is the better choice, for servers that accept them.

Suggested content for .htaccess files in folders where there is an index.html file but not yet an .htaccess file would be something like the following (depends on your server configuration):

 #.htaccess to prevent unauthorized directory browsing or access to .php files   IndexIgnore */*   <Files *.php>    Order Deny,Allow    Deny from all   </Files> 
 #add the following to protect against people discovering what version your spiders.txt file is   <Files *.txt>    Order Deny,Allow    Deny from all   </Files> 

If your webhost configuration doesn't allow you to create/use your own .htaccess files, sometimes they provide an interface in your hosting admin control panel where you can set the desired .htaccess settings.

It is recommended that you work with your host to configure these settings if this is the method they require. You need to choose, and use, the appropriate method for your server. As mentioned above, it's best to work with your web hosting company to select and implement the best method for your specific server. We can't tell you what to use for your specific server, but we offer these guidelines as a starting point.

8. Disable "Allow Guest To Tell A Friend" feature

You may wish to go to Admin > Configuration > Email Options > Allow Guest To Tell A Friend and set the option to false. This will prevent non-logged-in customers from using your server to send unwanted email messages.

9. Protect your "images" and other folders

During initial installation, you are advised to set your images folder to read/write, so that you can use the Admin interface to upload product/category images without having to use FTP for each one. Similar recommendations are made to other files for various reasons.

However, leaving the images (or any other) folder in read/write mode means that hackers might be able to put malicious files in this (or other) folder(s) and thus create access points from which to attempt nasty exploits.

Thus, once your site is built and your images have been created/loaded, you should drop the security down from read/write to read. ie: change from CHMOD 777 down to 644 for files and 755 for folders.

Additionally, *IF* your server is running PHP as a CGI application and not as an Apache module, and you wish to prevent hackers from executing scripts in your images folder (which is only an issue *if* they are able to successfully hack to your images folder and insert rogue script files), you could further secure it by adding a custom .htaccess file which only allows images to be displayed, and won't allow the use of php files etc. Here's the code for said custom .htaccess file:

 # Prevent directory viewing and the ability of any scripts to run.  # No script, be it PHP, PERL or whatever, can normally be executed if ExecCGI is disabled.  OPTIONS -Indexes -ExecCGI 

File/Folder permissions settings

On Linux/Unix hosts, generally, permission-setting recommendations for basic security are:

  • folders/directories: 755
  • files: 644

On Windows hosts, setting files read-only is usually sufficient. Should double-check that the Internet Guest Account has limited (read-only) access.

Folder Purposes

The folders for which installation suggests read-write access for setup are these. If your site supports .htaccess protection, then you should use it for these folders.

  • /cache
    This is used to cache session and database information. The BEST security protection for this is to move it to a folder "above" the public_html/htdocs/www area, so that it's not accessible via a browser. (Requires changes to DIR_FS_SQL_CACHE setting in configure.php files as well as Admin > Configuration > Sessions > Session Directory.
  • /images
    See other suggestions earlier.
  • /includes/languages/english/html_includes
    See other suggestions earlier.
  • /media
    This is only suggested read-write for the sake of being able to upload music-product media files via the admin. Could be done by FTP as an alternative.
  • /pub
    This is used on Linux/Unix hosts to have downloadable products made available to customers via a secure delivery method which doesn't disclose the 'real' location of files/data on your server (so that people can't share a URL and have their friends steal downloads from your site)
  • /admin/backups
    This is used by automated backup routines to store database backups. Optional.
  • /admin/images/graphs
    This is used by the Admin > Tools > Banner Manager for updating/displaying bar graphs related to banner usage. If not writable, feature is ignored.

10. Remove the print URL feature from your browser

To stop the browser from printing the admin URL on the invoice follow these steps:.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    • Click on File then Page Setup
    • At page setup window, remove these two character combination "&u" from the header or footer text box.
  • Firefox
    • Click on File then Page Setup
    • On page setup window click on the tab "Margins & Header/Footer". In the "Header & Footer" section set all of the drop downs to --blank--. (Or at least remove all instances of "Title" and "URL" from the various boxes.)

11. Things to Check Up on Regularly

  1. Be sure you've done all the steps listed in this document.
  2. Make recent backups of your website files and database.
    • Backup the database over a secure connection (SSL).
    • Backup the website files over a secure connection FTP over SSL/TLS.
    • Store the backed up database and website files into an encrypted file.
  3. Check your server's error log regularly for odd or suspicious activity.
    • Look for any links that went to a page that isn't in your site.
    • Look for links that have http after the index.php.
  4. Check your website files regularly to be sure nothing's been added or altered.
  5. Ask your web host what they have done to be sure the server you're on is safe and secure so that outsiders cannot do any harm, and so that other websites on your server cannot be used to get to your site and cause any harm (in case they have security holes in them).
  6. If your business warrants, or you still want additional assurance (especially if running forum software on your site, or other scripts outside of Zen Cart™), hire a security consultant to check your site regularly and give you peace of mind in exchange for a few dollars.

12. Admin Access Protection

It is wise to observe caution while working in your admin area:

  • use only one browser tab to access your admin area
  • do NOT visit other sites when your browser has an active admin login session enabled even in another tab
  • always log out of your admin when not using it

Monday, October 26, 2009

在JavaScript文件中使用Google Analytics谷歌分析的统计代码

在JS文件使用Google Analytics谷歌分析的统计代码-月光博客

  Google Analytics(谷歌分析)是一个企业级的网络分析解决方案,可以让网站主了解详细的网站流量,不过在使用过程中,很多人碰到这样一个问题,就是不想批量修改原来的静态HTML页面,而是使用外部Javascript文件的方式进行修改,而Google Analytics的代码是无法直接加到JS文件中的。

  这里介绍一个方法,使用这个方法,就可以直接将Google Analytics(谷歌分析)的代码放到外部JS文件中了。

  具体方法是,将下面的代码修改为你的ID,然后加入外部JS文件,即可实现在JavaScript文件中使用Google Analytics(谷歌分析)。

document.write('<script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>');
function analytics()
_uacct = "UA-*******-*";//你的ID
if (document.all){

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Batch Convert FLV to MP3

Four Loves Four: Batch Convert FLV to MP3

Many times on youtube I find concert videos or acoustic shows that I want to keep for later. Using the Firefox plugin VideoDownloader, I can download these videos as flv files but these flv's are not as portable as mp3. So I searched for a way to convert flv to mp3 and found help on the Ubuntu forums.

After looking at the script and looking at my flv files, I noticed that it would be very inefficient to do each file individually. Therefore, I modified the script to convert a whole folder of flv's. I will show the whole script itself and how to run it, but first lets install some programs that we need in order to convert the flv's.
sudo apt-get install ecasound mpg123 lame ffmpeg
The script itself is the following:
# FLV to MP3


for vid in *.flv
ffmpeg -i $vid -f mp3 -vn -acodec copy /tmp/temp.mp3
ecasound -i /tmp/temp.mp3 -etf:8 -o ${vid/.flv}.mp3
rm -f /tmp/temp.mp3

exit 0
I save my scripts in a ~/scripts and don't forget to make the script executable.
chmod u+x flv2mp3.sh
Run as follows:
user@home:/scripts~$ ./flv2mp3
Let's take a closer look at the code.
FLV_FILE is the location of the flv video files that we want to be converted. In the next line, the directory is changed to the location of the videos.

Next, we will look through the files in that directory, only using the .flv files. Notice:
for vid in *.flv
Next we will convert the video to mono audio and create a temporary mp3 called temp.mp3
ffmpeg -i $vid -f mp3 -vn -acodec copy /tmp/temp.mp3
Since the audio by default is mono, we will then convert it to stereo, output it into the current directory, and save it as an mp3, while keeping the basename. The file is renamed by ${vid/.flv}.mp3
ecasound -i /tmp/temp.mp3 -etf:8 -o ${vid/.flv}.mp3
rm -f /tmp/temp.mp3
That is pretty much it. Any comments or ways to make it better, please let me know.

Download YouTube Videos on Linux and Convert FLV to MPG Movies and rip MP3 Audio

Download YouTube Videos on Linux and Convert FLV to MPG Movies and rip MP3 Audio | Webmaster Tips

This tutorial shows how to bulk download YouTube videos on Linux and then convert the FLV files to MPG video and MP3 audio files.

Required Software

I am using Ubuntu Linux, but the concept should be the same for other distros. Make sure you already have all of the multimedia codecs including ffmpeg and mplayer. You will also need to install youtube-dl:

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

Downloading YouTube Videos on Linux

To download YouTube videos on Linux, use youtube-dl in the terminal like this:

youtube-dl [options] video_url

To see available options type man youtube-dl in a terminal.

Converting YouTube Videos to MPG on Linux

To convert YouTube movies from FLV to MPG on Linux use ffmpeg like this in the terminal:

ffmpeg -i old-file.flv new-file.mpg

Ripping MP3s from YouTube Videos on Linux

It is easy to extract MP3 audio from a YouTube movie on Linux with mplayer.

The method to rip MP3 audio from FLV files with ffmpeg from this site doesn't work on my computer so I use mplayer to do it:

mplayer -dumpaudio old-file.flv -dumpfile new-file.mp3

Automating the Process with a Shell Script

If you want to download a set of YouTube movies and convert them to MP3 audio, or save them as MPG movies on your hard drive, you can automate the process with a shell script.

This is just a quick script showing how it might be done. Use the following code at your own risk, and make sure you understand what it does before doing it. It will delete all the FLV files in the current directory after it processes them.

#!/bin/sh  # This script downloads YouTube videos and converts them # You will end up with an MPG video and MP3 audio of each YouTube movie # You need to install the following three programs: # youtube_dl, ffmpeg, and mplayer  # Use this script at your own risk! # Make sure that you understand how it works before you use it!  # USAGE: # Make a file called videos.txt with the URL of 1 YouTube video on each line. # Don't leave any blank lines in the file # Put the videos.txt file in an empty folder along with this script # run this script with the following commands: # $ ./youtube_downloader.sh # It will take a long time to run, depending on # how many videos you have in your videos.txt file.  while read inputline do   youtube_url="$(echo $inputline)"   youtube-dl $youtube_url done < videos.txt  # Convert the flv files to mpg and mp3 files for i in *.flv do   ffmpeg -i $i $i.mpg   # comment out the next line if you don't want MP3's extracted   mplayer -dumpaudio $i -dumpfile $i.mp3   # The next line deletes all FLV files in the current directory to cleanup   rm $i done 

See also pytube...


Convert .flv (Google Videos) to .mpg using ffmpeg on Ubuntu

Convert .flv (Google Videos) to .mpg using ffmpeg | Ubuntu Geek

Install ffmpeg Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

convert .flv to .mpg using ffmpeg

First you need to download your .flv file to a folder and you need to Open a terminal window and go in to the .flv file folder and type the following command

ffmpeg -i jokes.flv jokes.mpg


ffmpeg -i jokes.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320×240 jokes.mpg

jokes.flv is the file you want to convert, so the name must be the same as the source file.You can name jokes.mpg whatever you want as long as it has the .mpg extension.

-b bitrate: set the video bitrate in kbit/s (default = 200 kb/s)

-ab bitrate: set the audio bitrate in kbit/s (default = 64)

-ar sample rate: set the audio samplerate in Hz (default = 44100 Hz)

-s size: set frame size. The format is WxH (default 160×128 )





  支持 UCenter 建站程序一览表


  历史版本 Discuz! 6.1.0
  当前版本 Discuz! 7.0.0

  二、UCenter Home

  历史版本 UCenter Home 1.0.0 UCenter Home 1.2.0 UCenter Home 1.5.0
  当前版本 UCenter Home 2.0.0


  历史版本 SupeSite 6.0.0_UC
  当前版本 SupeSite 7.0.0


  历史版本 帝国 eCMS 5.1
  当前版本 帝国 eCMS V6.0测试版

  历史版本 PHPcms 2008 正式版
  当前版本 PHPcms 2008 SP1 正式版

  历史版本 HDWiki 3.0.0 HDWiki 4.0.0 HDWiki 4.0.2
  当前版本 HDWiki 4.0.5 正式版

  当前版本 PBdigg 2.0

  历史版本 爱聚合 AiJuhe 4.0.0 AiJuhe V5.0
  当前版本 爱聚合 中文版 AiJuhe V6.0

  历史版本 Modoer 1.1
  当前版本 Modoer v1.2 正式版

  feed类博客聚合CMS,php,主要针对UCenter home开发版本
  官方支持 UCenter
  当前版本 Feedig for Ucenter Home

  官方支持 UCenter
  当前版本 ECShop 2.6.1

  当前版本 ECMall 1.1 final

  当前版本 SupeV 1.01

  历史版本 ebcms 1.0
  当前版本 落伍php分类v2.0 beta版本

  十五、 织梦CMS(DedeCms)
  历史版本 DedeCms 5.3
  当前版本 DedeCms 5.5

  当前版本 Cyask3.2

  当前版本 PhpSay 2.0.6

  十八、Mediawiki 1.13.2
  Mediawiki 1.13.2+UCenter GBK整合精简版

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Want To Impress Your Friends? Run Chrome OS

Want To Impress Your Friends? Run Chrome OS

We have all read the news that Google is planning to enter the operating system market with their soon to be released Google Chrome OS which is initially targeting the netbook market. Google Chrome OS is based on Google's web browser Google Chrome and a Linux kernel. Little information are know as of yet. The ones that are available state that Google Chrome OS will be released as Open Source, that it will use a minimalistic design and that it will likely be released in the second half of 2010.

Fake videos showcasing the new Google Chrome OS have been making their rounds on the Internet in the last months. There have not been on the other hand lots of attempts to turn an existing Linux distribution into something that resembles the Google Chrome OS.

Chrome OS is one of the first attempts. It is offered as a Live CD and virtual image currently. Chrome OS uses a GNOME 2.24 desktop environment with the Google Chrome 4.0.207 web browser integrated. Several other programs like Open Office or Flash Player have also been integrated into the distribution.

chrome os

To be 100% clear here. This is a custom Linux distribution and not the official Google Chrome OS. It still resembles the operating system and can be used as a Live CD to run the Google Chrome web browser on Linux. Interested users can download the Live CD or the virtual image from the Chrome OS Linux website.

Download Youtube Videos

Download Youtube Videos

Many Internet users want to download Youtube videos. Downloading the videos can be beneficial in several ways including the option to play the video at any time without having to access the Youtube website on the Internet. It can also save bandwidth and be used to transfer the Youtube videos to devices like cell phones, media players or gaming systems that are usually not connected to the Internet or that do not offer the speed needed to enjoy the videos.

There are basically three ways of downloading Youtube videos: Using a web service, a web browser add-on or a standalone software program. All methods have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. Web services for example are usually independent of operating systems and can be used instantly without having to install software.They do usually lack the ability to download multiple Youtube videos at once.

Web browser plugins require installation. They have the advantage that they work directly on the site which is very comfortable for the user. They also usually do not provide the means to add multiple videos at once to a download queue.

Software programs to download Youtube videos usually come with the option to add multiple video links to the queue before starting the download. They do need to be installed on the other hand and lack a solid Youtube browser sometimes.

Online services to download Youtube videos:

Web services are websites that provide the means to download Youtube videos to a local computer system. Some offer advanced features like converting the video to another format. The list has been limited to ten free services that provide options to download Youtube videos.

1. Keepvid: A straightforward service. The user needs to paste the url of the Youtube video in the form provided on the website. Keepvid will then offer low quality and high quality downloads of the video. Works with other video portals like MySpace video or Dailymotion as well. Offers a bookmarklet which works more comfortably than copying pasting Youtube urls.


2. Zamzar: A file conversion service that can not only download Youtube videos but also convert the videos into different formats. Great for users who need the video in a different format and do not want to convert them on their computer system.


3. KCoolOnline: Currently supports 231 video portals including Youtube. It has a basic interface. All that needs to be done is to paste a video url in the form to download the Youtube video. Users who like to download videos from many different video portals might like this as it supports a lot of them.


4. Video Downloader: Another basic web interface that allows users to download and convert videos from sites like Youtube, Dailymotion or MySpace. Nothing much to say about this service except that it offers downloads in the original flv format but also in mp4 out of the box.

Video Downloader

5. SaveVid: Offers Youtube videos in original flv or mp4 format. Displays a live list of videos that get downloaded by users on the website which can be a great source of videos as download links are displayed directly. Offers top 10 lists, archives and categories as well.


download youtube videos

6. Vidgrab: Vidgrab offers a web form that can be used to paste Youtube videos into it. These videos can then be downloaded in their original format. One interesting aspect of Vidgrab is the list of popular videos that are displayed on the website. These can also be downloaded directly to the computer system.


7. Vixy: Vixy is a video converter that supports Youtube videos. It does not offer the means to download Youtube videos in their original format. Videos can be converted into various formats including avi, 3gp, mov or mp4.


8. KeepTube: Online service to download Youtube videos with preview and options to download the video in various formats including normal and high quality flv, 3gp and mp4. Offers additional ways of downloading the videos including a bookmarklet and a very ingenious way by adding keep- after the www. of the youtube url.


9. KissYoutube: Offers a similar service as Keeptube by allowing users to add the word kiss after the www. of the youtube url to download videos directly without having to visit the KissYoutube website manually. Comes with the usual form to download videos from Youtube as well.


10. Video Getting: Another service that combines video downloading and conversion in one interface. Users can paste Youtube videos in the form and download them in eight different formats.

Video Getting

download youtube video

Web Browser Add-ons to download Youtube videos

The following list contains ten web browser add-ons and plugins for popular web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer that allow users to directly download videos from video portals like Youtube. These add-ons have the advantage that the videos can be downloaded directly without having to visit another website to do so.

1. Video Download Helper (Firefox): One of the most popular Firefox add-ons. It supports many different video portals including Youtube. The add-on will change its icon in the status bar whenever a website with media links is visited.

Video Download Helper

2. NetVideoHunter (Firefox):

NetVideoHunter: Will recognize Youtube videos and add them to its queue with the possibility to download the videos immediately or at a later time. Videos can also be played in the interface as well.


3. Viloader (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera): A plugin that installs itself in three different web browsers. It offers a download video right-click context menu option that can be used to download the videos from Youtube and other video portals.


4. IE7Pro: IE7Pro supports Internet Explorer 8 as well despite its name. It comes with a userscript engine and a script pre-installed that can download Youtube videos. The browser plugin will display a download video link in the video description on Youtube.


internet explorer youtube video downloads

5. Flash Video Downloader (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera): Flash Video Downloader operates a web service to download videos and an add-on that can be installed in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. The Opera is one of the few Youtube video download widgets that currently work with Opera 10.

6. Google Chrome Bookmarklet: Users can use a bookmarklet to download videos in the Google browser. All they need to do is to create a new bookmark in the web browser and add the following JavaScript code as the url:

javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + swfArgs['video_id']+ "&fmt=18" + "&l=" + swfArgs['l'] + "&sk=" + swfArgs['sk'] + '&fmt_map' + swfArgs['fmt_map'] + '&t=' + swfArgs['t'];

A click on the bookmark on any Youtube video page will download that video in the Google Chrome web browser.

Software Programs to download Youtube videos

The following list contains software programs for all popular operating systems that allow a user to download videos from Youtube.

1. TubeQueue (Windows):

TubeQueue: A program for the Windows operating system that can queue, convert and download multiple Youtube videos. The program comes with its own search interface making it completely independent from the Youtube website.

youtube videos download

2. Free FLV Converter (Windows):

Free FLV Converter: A software program that can search for, download and convert Youtube videos and videos from other web services. It's biggest strength is the search that can easily handle thousands of results providing comfortable options to download multiple videos at once from Youtube.

youtube mass downloader

3. Orbit Downloader (Windows) : Orbit is a very popular download manager that supports a variety of popular media sites out of the box including Youtube, MySpace or Pandora. It integrates with web browsers and comes with the Grab++ module that can be used to catch and download media files.

Orbit Downloader

4. Youtube-DL (Linux, Windows): A command line program to download videos from Youtube


5. Abby and CCLive (Linux): Abby is a frontend for CCLive that can be used to download videos from various popular video hosting websites including Youtube.

Abby and CClive

6. GetTube (Mac): An application for Apple Mac computers that can be used to download Youtube videos.


There are literally dozens of other applications, web services and browser plugins that can be used to download videos from Youtube. Please leave a comment if you think we should add another free services, plugin or software to the list.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sun Report Builder

Sun Report Builder | OpenOffice.org repository for Extensions

Create with the Sun Report Builder stylish, smart-looking database reports. The flexible report editor can define group and page headers as well as group and page footers and even calculation fields are available to accomplish complex database reports.

Along with the flexible database client of StarOffice it is possible to create database reports from HSQL, Oracle, or almost any other database type.

The Sun Report Builder uses the Pentaho Reporting Flow Engine of Pentaho BI.

Download extension
Operating System: System Independent
Compatible with: OpenOffice.org 3.1 | StarOffice 9 Update 1 or higher.

How to Install Zen Cart on a LAMP server

How to: Install Zen Cart on a LAMP server

(Note: I first installed through Godaddy's Connection but found automatically created MySQL database can't be accessed remotely. Then I am trying to install manually. HL )

If you have ever had a need for an on-line shopping cart, and have ever tried to install a shopping cart, you know that making a choice can be a challenge, and getting the shop up and running can be a challenge.

Not so much with Zen Cart. Zen Cart is an open source e-commerce solution that serves as a stand-alone shopping cart and is installed on top of a LAMP server. If you're not sure how to install a LAMP server check out my article "How to: Install a LAMP server." With that LAMP server up and running you are ready to install Zen Cart.

The installation of Zen Cart will require you to use a few Linux commands: zip, mv, and chmod. But that is it. For the purposes of this article I will assume you are using phpmyadmin for the database creation. If you need help installing phpmyadmin check out my article "Install phpmyadmin for easy MySQL administration."

With all of that in mind, let's begin the installation.

Getting Zen Cart

The first thing you need to do is download Zen Cart. But don't just open your browser to the download page. Instead ssh to the server that will house Zen Cart, cd to the server document root, and use wget to download the necessary file into the correct directory. The command to download Zen Cart is:

sudo wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/zencart/CURRENT_ Zen Cart 1.3.x Series/Zen Cart v1.3.8 - Full Release/zen-cart-v1.3.8a-full-fileset-12112007.zip"

NOTE: Since there are space in the path name you do have to make use of the "" when using wget to download the file.

With the file downloaded and in place it is time to unzip the file. To unzip the Zen Cart file issue this command:

sudo unzip zen-cart-v1.3.8a-full-fileset-12112007.zip

which will create the directory zen-cart-v1.3.8a-full-fileset-12112007. To make your life easier you will want to change the name of that directory to a much easier name. This directory is what you (and your customers) will use to access your shopping cart, so make it easy. I rename mine zencart or shopping. Rename this to suit your needs. Rename it with the command:

sudo mv zen-cart-v1.3.8a-full-fileset-12112007 zencart

Now it's time to create the configuration file and make some changes to permissions.

Configuration files and permissions

Zen Cart does not unpack with the necessary configuration files in place. What you have to do is rename to files so they will serve as your configuration files. To do this issue the following commands (from within your Zen Cart directory):

sudo mv includes/dist-configure.php includes/configure.php


sudo mv admin/includes/dist-configure.php admin/includes/configure.php

The next step is to change the permissions of the configuration files like so:

sudo chmod 777 includes/configure.php


sudo chmod 777 admin/includes/configure.php

The configuration files are set. Time to change permissions of some directories.

Below are all of the commands you need to run to set the correct permissions for your installation:

sudo chmod 777 cache
sudo chmod 777 includes/languages/english/html_includes
sudo chmod 777 media
sudo chmod 777 pub
sudo chmod 777 admin/backups
sudo chmod 777 admin/images/graphs

With this complete you are now ready to create your database and log into the web-based installer and install Zen Cart.

Installing via web

After you create your database (using phpmyadmin) log into the Zen Cart install like so:


Where IP_TO_SERVER is the actual IP address of your server and ZENCART is the name you have given your Zen Cart directory.

The web-based installation is very simple. You will only have to insert options like the MySQL user and password, name of site, administrator name/email, etc. Outside of some very easy questions, Zen Cart will most likely correctly guess all of the details of your installation.

After you have stepped through the installation wizard your Zen Cart installation is done. You will be directed to either immediately administer the site or view the site.

Final thoughts

Zen Cart is one of the better shopping cart systems available from the open source community. It is easy to install/administer, robust, feature-rich, and reliable. If you have a need for ecommerce make sure you check out Zen Cart first.

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