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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Duplicate a website like Teleport on Ubuntu Jaunty Linux

Duplicate a website like Teleport on Ubuntu Jaunty Linux | Tech Mix

(I also installed GWget, a GUI to wget through Synaptic Package Manager, HL)

If you are a Windows user, you probably know about Teleport to download or create a copy of a website on your hard-disk

What about on Linux? Well, you have another alternative powerful option: using wget

- To mirror your website:

wget --convert-links -r http://www.yoursite.com

- To download specific file types:

wget –accept=.html,.doc,.docx,.pdf,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx –recursive –no-clobber –page-requisites –convert-links –restrict-file-names=windows –domains yoursite.com –no-parent http://yoursite.com/path

Is there any better alternatives? Please share with me.


KWebGet provides a graphical interface for wget.
Khttrack is an offline web browser that could be a good Teleport alternative.

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