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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wappalyzer: Check which apps are powering a particular site

Wappalyzer: Check which apps are powering a particular site
November 14th, 2009 Leave a comment Visited 160 times, 8 so far today

Wappalyzer is a useful add-on for Mozilla Firefox web browser that can be used to check the tools used by a particular website.

It can report on the CMS being used to power the website. You can also get information on the various third party plug-ins being used by it.

It can detect following applications and services:

AWStats, BIGACE, BigDump, Blogger, Clicky, CMS Made Simple, ConversionLab, Coppermine, cPanel, Crazy Egg, CubeCart, DirectAdmin, dojo, DokuWiki, Drupal, e107, ExtJS, eZ Publish, FluxBB, Google Analytics,Google Friend Connect, Google Maps, IPB, Joomla, jQuery, Koego, Kolibri CMS, LiveJournal, Magento, MediaWiki, MiniBB, MochiKit, MODx, MooTools, Movable Type, MyBB, MyBlogLog, OneStat, osCommerce, osCSS, papaya CMS, PHP-Fusion,phpBB, phpDocumentor, phpMyAdmin, Plesk, posterous, Prestashop, Prototype, punBB, Quantcast, s9y, script.aculo.us, Site Meter, SMF, SPIP, Squarespace, StatCounter, Tumblr, TypePad, TYPO3, TYPOlight, Ubercart, Vanilla, vBulletin, viennaCMS, VisualPath, Vox, VP-ASP, W3Counter, webEdition, WebPublisher, WikkaWiki, WordPress, XMB, xtCommerce, YaBB, YUI, and Zen Cart.

Pretty comprehensive!

Checkout: Wappalyzer

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