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Friday, January 1, 2010

Why doesn't my new Favicon display?

Why doesn't my new Favicon display? - GoDaddy Help Center, Search the GoDaddy Knowledge Base

If you are using Firefox® and you're using an .ICO file as your favicon, you may need to do a "Force Refresh" to get the icon to display properly.

To Perform a Force Refresh in Firefox

  1. Using Firefox, navigate to your website.
  2. Change the URL to point directly at your favicon image file at the root of your site. For example, www.coolexample.com/favicon.ico.
  3. Right-click in the browser window and select Refresh.

The forced refresh prompts Firefox to reload the icon instead of a cached version. The updated icon displays in the address bar. However, you may need to restart Firefox to get the icon to display on tabs and in Favorites.

For information on applying your favicon to your Quick Shopping Cart, see Uploading a Favicon.

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