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Monday, February 8, 2010

Synchrorep - A one click folders synchronization

Synchrorep - A one click folders synchronization | Ubuntu Geek

Synchorep is an open source software to synchronize two directories, that mean reporting all modifications of one to the other and vice versa. At the end of synchronization, both directories will be strictly the same.
This is usefull for users who work with a laptop or usb key but may interest also users who want making differential backup to gain time.

Install Synchrorep in Ubuntu

Preparing your system

Note:- You should be running ubuntu version 8.10 and above

Install following packages

sudo apt-get install python python-pysqlite2 python-gtk2 python-nautilus

Now you can download .deb package from here

Install the downloaded .deb packge by double clicking on that or run the following command from your terminal (Make sure you are in correct path)

sudo apt-get install synchrorep-1.3.6.deb

Using Synchrorep

You can start Synchrorep by right click on folder to synchronize.

You can check more screen shots from here

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