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Monday, March 1, 2010

gphotoframe - A photo frame gadget for the GNOME Desktop

gphotoframe - A photo frame gadget for the GNOME Desktop | Ubuntu Geek

GNOME Photo Frame is a photo frame gadget for the GNOME desktop. It shows pictures on the desktop from multiple sources: local folders, F-Spot databases, Flickr API, Picasa Web Album API, Tumblr API, and RSS.
Install gphotoframe in ubuntu 9.10 and 8.10

First you need to edit sources.list file

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

For ubuntu 9.10 users add the following line

deb http://www.tsurukawa.org/debian/squeeze/ ./

For ubuntu 8.10 users add the following line

deb http://www.tsurukawa.org/debian/lenny/ ./

Save and exit the file

Update source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Install gphotoframe

sudo apt-get install gphotoframe


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