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Friday, June 25, 2010

Chinese ecommerce comes to US


Linking suppliers and sellers

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Chinese small business trading site Alibaba has made its first US acquistion - buying Vendio Services which provides eBay listing tools, ecommerce and online selling platforms for small firms.

Alibaba, and AliExpress.com, is a massive database of potential suppliers. Now Vendio's 80,000 small business customers will soon have easy access to Chinese suppliers.

The idea is that Vendio customers will be able to source supplies from AliExpress then use Vendio services to

flog the stuff on eBay, other ecommerce sites or even their own sites.

David Wei, chief executive of Alibaba.com, said the deal would make it easier for its customers to do business around the world. He also said the company was still looking for other possible purchases to grow its customer base and add technology.

Wie said: "The connection of Vendio with Alibaba.com will completely integrate the e-commerce value chain between the B2B and B2C platforms, fully realizing the B2B2C model. I am confident that our complementary businesses will create enhanced opportunities for our customers."

Financial terms were not released but Alibaba did say the deal was part of a $100m investment in AliExpress this year. ®

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