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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Many Servers They Have?


Facebook might
vie with Google for the largest website in the world, but let's be honest: Facebook serves pictures and text. It's hardly intensive work. Check out another great article from Data Center Knowledge for some numbers -- or read my bullets:
  • Facebook, with 60,000 servers is big, but not that big
  • Google had, it is speculated, 450,000 servers in 2006 -- God knows how many they have today. Over a million?
  • Microsoft and Intel are probably in second place, with between 100 and 500 thousand servers. Microsoft is probably reaching a similar number to Google with the launch of its newAzure cloud processing service. Amazon likely has a similar number of servers too, but it's impossible to put an exact figure on it -- it depends just how big S3 is today!
  • After the big corporations come the big resellers -- GoDaddy, Rackspace, The Planet, 1&1 Internet, all with 50,000 or more servers.
With Facebook moving into search, and with other neat ideas no doubt up its big blue sleeve, I'm sure that upwards trend will continue until they have one of the biggest installations in the world.

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