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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sacramento County Office of Education’s website earns national honor

 - Lodi News-Sentinel: News

By News-Sentinel Staff | Posted: Thursday, August 4, 2011 12:00 am
The Sacramento County Office of Education's website, an online interactive English language learning website, has earned a 2011 Literacy Leadership Award from the National Coalition for Literacy.
The Literacy Leadership Award recognize individuals and/or organizations that have made extraordinary national contributions to improving adult literacy and English language learning in the United States.
SCOE assisted the U.S. Department of Education in the development of the U.S.A. Learns website. The site is an easily accessible Internet learning tool with simple directions, and offers free instructional materials to teach basic English skills, according to a press release.
The site, which receives more than 11,000 visitors each day, was developed primarily for immigrant adults with limited English language skills who cannot attend traditional classroom programs because of difficulty with schedules, transportation or other barriers.
Students are able to work from home or a public library. Learners do not need advanced computer skills to use U.S.A. Learns.
"We are very pleased to present these awards to such deserving individuals and organizations this year," John Segota, interim president of the National Coalition for Literacy, said in announcing the winners. "Each has made a unique contribution to advancing the cause of adult education and literacy through programmatic innovation or by raising public awareness of the issue."
The National Coalition for Literacy aims to advance family literacy, adult education and English language skills in the country.

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