最近一直在调度zen-cart,找到了下面这篇文章,是关于如果修改zen cart模版的,很有用,,跟大家分享一下。 DIR_WS_CATALOG // zent cat目录 这些在includes/configure.php定义 meta_tags.php //定义网站的meta信息。这些是从数据库中取出来的。在includes/modules/下面 HTML_PARAMS //模板语言常量文件定义的。 $current_page_base 在includes/init_inicludes/init_sanitize.php $_GET['main_page'] manufacturers_id 生产厂商ID product_id 产品ID $tmp_pagename index_home ====================== tpl_index_default.php {indeXDefaultMainContent 首页可以编辑} tpl_modules_featured_products.php -> tpl_columnar_display.php logo 修改 tpl_header.php 页面 在模板的images/logo.gif id="mainwrapper" common/tpl_header.php 功能:所有页面的页眉 基本可以不用或者广告用 id="headerwrapper" navColumnOnewrapper navEZpagesTOp 简易页面的连接 左边分类在 templates/模板/sideboxes/下面 sql参数在categories.php 1. 在首页顶部增加连接的方法。 2. Logo的替换。这个在后台是没有的。在语包的文件里定义。 3. 导航栏的东西〔这个后台的设计的) 4. 首页分类名称的修改 Column Width – Left Boxes spooer名称更改:define('BOX_HEADING_BANNER_BOX','Sponsors') 左边栏处理:只保留includes\templates\template_default\sideboxes\tpl_categories.php,在里面增加 右边栏的处理: 2.添加左边栏目内容,对tpl_box_default_right.php更改: 中部修改: 去掉顶部说明:<?php if (SHOW_CUSTOMER_GREETING == 1) { ?> 去掉欢迎信息: 去掉顶部导航: \tpl_header.php $_SESSION['customer_id'] == ")) { 上段从<div id="mainWrapper">抽出,放在它前面做全屏导航版块 include(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory(FILENAME_CATEGORIES_TABS)); '1′ && sizeof($links_list) >= 1) { ?> 的log背景: \tpl_header.php |
Friday, November 27, 2009
提高Google Adsense广告相关度的技巧
Google AdSense广告通常会针对用户网页的内容自动显示广告,但AdSense可能并不清楚你网页上的哪些部门的内容更重要,如果用户通过手动添加一些HTML代码的方式,突出或忽略网页中的某些部分,这在一定程度上可以引导AdSense抓取工具重点分析网页的某些部分或忽略某些部分,以提高广告的相关度。
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
Thursday, November 26, 2009
怎么去修改zen cart 程序
首页中间 August新进商品
首页中间 August特价商品
首页中间 推荐商品
Wappalyzer: Check which apps are powering a particular site
November 14th, 2009 Leave a comment Visited 160 times, 8 so far today
Wappalyzer is a useful add-on for Mozilla Firefox web browser that can be used to check the tools used by a particular website.
It can report on the CMS being used to power the website. You can also get information on the various third party plug-ins being used by it.
It can detect following applications and services:
AWStats, BIGACE, BigDump, Blogger, Clicky, CMS Made Simple, ConversionLab, Coppermine, cPanel, Crazy Egg, CubeCart, DirectAdmin, dojo, DokuWiki, Drupal, e107, ExtJS, eZ Publish, FluxBB, Google Analytics,Google Friend Connect, Google Maps, IPB, Joomla, jQuery, Koego, Kolibri CMS, LiveJournal, Magento, MediaWiki, MiniBB, MochiKit, MODx, MooTools, Movable Type, MyBB, MyBlogLog, OneStat, osCommerce, osCSS, papaya CMS, PHP-Fusion,phpBB, phpDocumentor, phpMyAdmin, Plesk, posterous, Prestashop, Prototype, punBB, Quantcast, s9y, script.aculo.us, Site Meter, SMF, SPIP, Squarespace, StatCounter, Tumblr, TypePad, TYPO3, TYPOlight, Ubercart, Vanilla, vBulletin, viennaCMS, VisualPath, Vox, VP-ASP, W3Counter, webEdition, WebPublisher, WikkaWiki, WordPress, XMB, xtCommerce, YaBB, YUI, and Zen Cart.
Pretty comprehensive!
Checkout: Wappalyzer
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
放个完善的 Zen Cart 模版+运行环境
由 radnows » 2009年 9月 1日 03:54
3.完整的windows 运行环境 (apache + php +mysql)。解压到d盘根目录后,运行D:\apache\apache.exe和D:\apache\mysql41\mysqld41- start nolog后即可在浏览器浏览 (如已有apache和mysql运行,先停止其运行)。
大图只有水印那是new_product_preview.php里有个函数的参数没好少了个0 哈哈。补上即可。
- 代码: 全选
ImageCopyResampled($im_s,$im, 0, 0, 0,$width,$height,$width_orig,$height_orig );
- 代码: 全选
ImageCopyResampled($im_s,$im, $wpos, $hpos, 0, 0,$width,$height,$width_orig,$height_orig );
图片不居中是ImageCopyResampled($im_s,$im, 0, 0, 0, 0,$width,$height,$width_orig,$height_orig );作怪
- 代码: 全选
ImageCopyResampled($im_s,$im, $wpos, $hpos, 0, 0,$width,$height,$width_orig,$height_orig );
- 代码: 全选
<div class="centerColumn" id="advSearchResultsDefault">
require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_modules_search_product_listing.php', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/' . 'tpl_modules_search_product_listing.php');
- 代码: 全选
include(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('search_product_listing.php'));
<div id="productListing">
if ($show_top_submit_button == true) {
<div class="buttonRow forward"><?php echo zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_ADD_PRODUCTS_TO_CART, BUTTON_ADD_PRODUCTS_TO_CART_ALT, 'id="submit1" name="submit1"'); ?></div>
<br class="clearBoth" />
require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_list_box_content.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'common'). '/tpl_list_box_content.php');
<?php if ( ($listing_split->number_of_rows > 0) && ((PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '2') || (PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION == '3')) ) {
<div id="productsListingBottomNumber" class="navSplitPagesResult back"><?php echo $listing_split->display_count(TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS); ?></div>
<div id="productsListingListingBottomLinks" class="navSplitPagesLinks forward"><?php echo TEXT_RESULT_PAGE . ' ' . $listing_split->display_links(MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, zen_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'info', 'x', 'y'))); ?></div>
<br class="clearBoth" />
if ($show_bottom_submit_button == true) {
<div class="buttonRow forward"><?php echo zen_image_submit(BUTTON_IMAGE_ADD_PRODUCTS_TO_CART, BUTTON_ADD_PRODUCTS_TO_CART_ALT, 'id="submit2" name="submit1"'); ?></div>
<br class="clearBoth" />
if ($show_top_submit_button == true or $show_bottom_submit_button == true) {
<?php } ?>
http://drop.io/tawalll/asset/apache-php ... e_download
由 radnows » 2009年 9月 28日 14:40
请自行编辑tpl_order_history.php文件去掉gueston 写道: 首页“Recent Orders”栏目里的内容有重叠,看不清,如下图,是否能帮忙解决下,谢谢。
- 代码: 全选
ship to '.$customer_orders[$i]['customers_state'].','.$customer_orders[$i]['customers_country'].
由 radnows » 2009年 10月 13日 07:51
修 改tpl_index_categories.php,在require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('sideboxes/categories.php'));下增加 require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory('sideboxes/manufacturers.php'));gueston 写道:这个模版好像没有品牌(制造商)的选择了了,像我这样的目录就有必要用到品牌的筛选了http://cbwp.us 。Jack 写道:本站搜索下如何重置管理员密码
由 radnows » 2009年 10月 13日 07:53
18 Great Shopping Carts to Power Your Online Store
by Sean P Aune
The ecommerce boom shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, and each year the amount spent during the holiday season continues to increase. The question of getting into the market is a fairly easy one if you have products to sell, but how do you even begin to sort through the hundreds of shopping cart options that are in the space?
We've helped you out a little bit by gathering up 18 choices that represent the best of the free and fee-based options out there. Read about each one very carefully, though, as they all have their pros and cons.
Free Shopping Carts
AgoraCart: AgoraCart offers a free version of its software with all of the usual bells and whistles, but if you upgrade to the gold version you will get access to more modules and support.
Batavi: Batavi was born in 2007 by osCommerce core-team members and ICEshop over frustration that osCommerce 3.0 seemed to be going nowhere. This cart is based on that unfinished version of 3.0, but is completely rewritten. It offers customer- and group-specific pricing, payment and shipping modules, related products for crossselling and upselling, product price rules for pricing large product volumes and many other features that make it very friendly for business-to-business selling.
Magento: Magento was originally envisioned as a branch of osCommerce, but as development began they decided to code something original from the ground up and that is how this shopping cart was born. Built on the Zend framework, the system is PHP-based and is available as an open source option with extra modules that can be installed, or as an Enterprise edition, for a fee, for larger companies needing a shopping solution. For additional information, check out the SitePoint podcast with Roy Rubin of Magento.
OFBiz: Apache OFBiz is a solution for a multitude of enterprise business needs, but can be rolled out as an ecommerce solution easily for businesses of any size.
OpenCart: OpenCart is another in the long line of open source shopping carts in the marketplace, but this seems to offer a bit more options than most of them. It supports a full templating system, support for over 20 payment gateways, over 8 different payment gateways, unlimited categories and products and more.
osCommerce: Probably the best known of the free cart solutions, osCommerce has been around for several years and features a constantly growing developer community that continues to develop new plugins to make this shopping cart do everything but clean the windows. The front end of the cart is highly customizable, but it comes with a fluid-width template that is fairly decent on its own. Due to the number of installs it has become quite common and instantly recognizable. The biggest drawback at this point is the exceedingly long time version 3.0 has been in development. It is PHP-based and uses MySQL databases.
PrestaShop: PrestaShop runs on PHP and MySQL and makes extensive use in the admin panel. The system allows you to have orders placed for out of stock items, package tracking, merchandise return and a lot more. Many expansion modules are available for free, but there are some paid ones and templates available in the PrestaStore.
Satchmo: Originally designed in Python to try to overcome some of the shortcomings of PHP, Satchmo now is using the Django web application framework. It includes many features such as PDF invoice generation, automatic thumbnail generation, inventory tracking and a whole lot more.
Ubercart: Developed to work with Drupal, Ubercart fully integrates with your site and community on any server that can run PHP and MySQL. It seems best suited for people or companies with a limited number of items to sell.
VirtueMart: Starting life as a plugin named mambo-phpShop, VirtueMart changed its name when Mambo became Joomla, and it still requires Joomla to function as it is incapable of running on its own. It runs on PHP and MySQL, and is capable of supporting an unlimited number of products and categories, but is recommended for light to medium traffic sites.
Zen Cart: Zen Cart is a branch off from osCommerce that adds features such as a templating system and includes some popular osCommerce plugins in its core coding such as the gift certificate module. It is PHP-based and uses MySQL databases.
Fee-Based Shopping Carts
Avactis: Avactis offers all of the usual bells and whistles of a PHP/MySQL shopping cart such as real-time shipping calculation, multiple currencies, sales reports, marketing and so on. The program offers a tag based cart system that allows you to add the system to any web site of your choice, whether it's a static site or not. They offer a free trial with limited functionality that you can install and test.
CubeCart: CubeCart runs on PHP and MySQL and is template driven, offers tax by state/zone or country, inventory control, gift certificates and more. The company also offers free updates for life and more modules for additional functionality.
Magellan Commerce: Magellan is a bit limited in its scope, but it is still very serviceable depending on the needs of the retailer. It offers over 30 templates, real time shipping calculators, order and inventory tracking and a lot more.
ProductCart: ProductCart is written in ASP and relies heavily on AJAX to speed up the consumer experience with their shopping cart. The system can also integrate with your current site if you prefer to building one totally on top of the cart.
ShopSite: This shopping cart solution allows you to add buttons to an existing site, or you can build an entire site with their wizard. This would be a great solution for those who want complete control of their design without being encumbered by the limitations of a complete shopping cart site. ShopSite offers three levels of subscription to its shopping cart system, or you can pay one time fees for the top two tiers of service.
ViArt: A PHP-based shopping cart that is offered in multiple flavors so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. There is a free version, but it is so limited that it would only be suitable for the smallest of online stores. ViArt also provides you with a full CMS and Help Desk that can be integrated into the online store.
X-Cart: X-Cart offers different versions of its software to match the different needs of merchants. From the most basic version on up it features a CSS-based layout for customization, MySQL databases, search engine friendly and more.
WinFF – GUI for the command line video converter FFMPEG
(Failed to install on Ubuntu 8.10, HL)
Install Winff in Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install winff
Or click on the following link
Using WinFF
You can open winff from Applications—>Sound & Video—>WinFF
Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
1. The File List
2. Add/Remove Videos
3. Output Details
4. Play Video
5. Start Converting
6. Additional Options
7. Menus
Monday, November 23, 2009
How to view CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help) files in Ubuntu
(I used xchm, HL)
You can use either kchmviewer or gnochm or xchm.
kchmviewer from KDE
kchmviewer is a CHM (Winhelp) files viewer written in Qt/ KDE. It can be build as a stand-alone Qt-based application or a KDE application. The main point is compatibility with non-English CHM files, including most international character sets. It has the features set of standard viewer: search (including non-English CHMs), bookmarking, font size changing, index/content browsing, codepage support, and more.
Install kchmviewer Using the following command
sudo aptitude install kchmviewer
gnochm from Gnome
GnoCHM is a CHM file viewer for GNOME. It is implemented in Python, using the PyCHM bindings for chmlib.
Install gnochm Using the following command
sudo aptitude install gnochm
xCHM is a cross-platform GUI front-end to chmlib, with borrowed bits from Pabs' chmdeco project.
Originally written for UNIX systems (Linux, *BSD, Solaris), xCHM has been since ported to Mac OS X and Windows.
xCHM can show the content tree if one is available, print pages, change font face and size, remember bookmarks, display a searchable index, and search for words in the current page and the whole book.
Install xchm Using the following command
sudo aptitude install xchm
Opera 10.10 with Unite and Turbo now available
Paul O'Brien (RSS feed) Nov 23rd 2009 at 12:00PM
Opera have released version 10 of their browser, now with Opera Unite and Opera Turbo included.
Opera Unite gives your web browser the ability to deliver content as well as consume it. The standard download includes a number of Unite applications, with more available for download from the application directory. The bundled applications include a file sharing server that allows you to make files available to the world (as well as allowing the world to upload content to your machine), a virtual fridge door for you to share notes with friends and family (pictured), a media player that allows you to play content from your Unite equipped machine remotely, an instant messaging server, a photo sharing application and a web server for serving your own web content.
The inclusion of Opera Turbo in the new browser marks the migration to the desktop of a technology that has long been a key feature of Opera's Mini product. Opera Turbo speeds up your browsing session by compressing content at Opera proxy servers before delivering it to your machine - particularly useful for those on low bandwidth connections.
Opera 10.10 is available free from www.opera.com for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Copy MySQL database from one server to another remote server
by Vivek Gite · 22 comments
Usually you run mysqldump to create database copy:
$ mysqldump -u user -p db-name > db-name.out
Copy db-name.out file using sftp/ssh to remote MySQL server:
$ scp db-name.out user@remote.box.com:/backup
Restore database at remote server (login over ssh):
$ mysql -u user -p db-name < db-name.out
How do I copy a MySQL database from one computer/server to another?
Short answer is you can copy database from one computer/server to another using ssh or mysql client.
You can run all the above 3 commands in one pass using mysqldump and mysql commands (insecure method, use only if you are using VPN or trust your network):$ mysqldump db-name | mysql -h remote.box.com db-name
Use ssh if you don't have direct access to remote mysql server (secure method):$ mysqldump db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql db-name
You can just copy table called foo to remote database (and remote mysql server remote.box.com) called bar using same syntax:$ mysqldump db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql bar
This will not just save your time but you can impress your friend too ;). Almost all commands can be run using pipes under UNIX/Linux oses.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Handle rar Files on Ubuntu
(I did it this way on my Ubuntu 8.10, HL)
Have u ever tried to open RAR files on Ubuntu??? I did and found that Ubuntu Archive manager can't handle RAR files. Reason is by default it is not activated in Ubuntu as it has proprietary issue.
To activate RAR support in Ubuntu run the following command on terminal (Applications → Accessories → Terminal)
sudo apt-get install unrar-free
Now try and open rar files in ubuntu, it'll work like magic
Google ChromeOS: It's basically a modified browser that runs web apps
by Brad Linder (RSS feed) Nov 19th 2009 at 1:37PM
So what exactly is Chrome OS? It's an operating system based on a web browser called... Google Chrome. The idea is that you won't have to (or be able to) install a single application directly on your PC. Rather, all of your apps will be run from the web and all of your data will be stored in the cloud.
That doesn't mean the computer won't be able to play games or interact with USB peripherals. For instance, Google demonstrated that you can plug in a camera and watch videos using a web-based video player or copy files to cloud-based storage. And because Google has been working to give web apps access to your PC's hardware, even video games with 3D graphics should be possible as long as you have a video card that's supported by ChromeOS.
The version of ChromeOS that Google demonstrated today is still a work in progress, and we were told that the user interface could change significantly before the final product is released. But the OS already boots in just 7 seconds, and Google says it takes another 3 seconds to launch applications.
The screenshot above shows an app menu that you can use to launch some web apps. You can create permanent shortcuts to these programs by "pinning" them to the ChromeOS toolbar. See those tiny tabs at the top? Those are pinned tabs.
There will also be persistent "panels" that pop up and stay on top even when you flip between browser tabs. For instance you can bring up a Google Talk panel, a music player, or a notepad.
ChromeOS will be automatically updated each day by connecting to the web and making sure that you have all the latest updates.
What do you think? Are you ready for an OS that's effectively useless without an internet connection? While the operating system stores some data on a local storage partition, Google says it's basically just a user cache area and that data will all be synced with the web. That means if you lose your netbook or buy a new one, you should be able to pick up where you left off without missing a beat.
Stay tuned for details. The news conference is still underway. In the meantime, you can check out a few more photos after the break.
Update: You will be able to perform some tasks while offline. For instance, you can cache movies, music, or eBooks and access them while you're on a plane. But the OS is primarily designed for interacting with web services.
Update 2: If you have absolutely no intention of picking up a machine with Google Chrome OS, there's good news: All of the new features that show up in Chrome OS will be able to work with the Google Chrome browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Google to show off Chrome OS Thursday, release it in 2010
by Brad Linder (RSS feed) Nov 17th 2009 at 6:30PM
Google Chrome OS is expected to be available sometime next year, although it's still possible that a beta could be launched before the end of 2009. From what we know, the operating system, which will be initially aimed at netbooks is designed to blur the lines between desktop and cloud by essentially treating an always-open browser as the desktop. For instance, that will make it just as easy to save documents to Google Docs as to your desktop, if not easier.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Duplicate a website like Teleport on Ubuntu Jaunty Linux
(I also installed GWget, a GUI to wget through Synaptic Package Manager, HL)
If you are a Windows user, you probably know about Teleport to download or create a copy of a website on your hard-disk
What about on Linux? Well, you have another alternative powerful option: using wget
- To mirror your website:
-r http://www.yoursite.com
- To download specific file types:
wget –accept=.html,.doc,.docx,.pdf,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx –recursive –no-clobber –page-requisites –convert-links –restrict-file-names=windows –domains yoursite.com –no-parent http://yoursite.com/path
Is there any better alternatives? Please share with me.
KWebGet provides a graphical interface for wget.
Khttrack is an offline web browser that could be a good Teleport alternative.
Monday, November 16, 2009
How Do I Set Up The PayPal™ Payment Module?
Detailed setup instructions are contained in the Zen Cart™ distribution zip file in /docs/3.readme_paypal_ipn.html.
PayPal™ Setup Instructions in a Nutshell
This applies to North American PayPal™ users (and maybe others too).
- Log in.
- Click on Profile.
- Click on Email.
- Write down your primary email address, noting any UppErcAse LettERS (if any). You need to use this exact email address in your Zen Cart™ settings in the next section below.
- Click on Back to Profile Summary.
- Click on Instant Payment Notification Preferences.
- Click on Edit.
- Turn it on (check the box).
- Set the URL to: http://www.myz_domain.com/MY_SHOP/ipn_main_handler.php. (The complete correct URL can be obtained from your Admin area inside the PayPal payment module's information settings.)
- Click Save.
- Click on Website Payment Preferences.
- Auto Return for Website Payments - set to on.
- Provide the Return URL (obtain correct URL from your Zen Cart admin ... it will take the form of something like the following examples): http://www.myz_domain.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for nonSSL sites) or
- https://www.myz_domain.com/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for sites with their own SSL Certificates) or
- https://myz_domain.secureserver.net/MY_SHOP/index.php?main_page=checkout_process (for shared SSL)
- Other settings in this area can be set based on your preferences. Consult PayPal™ for their meanings.
- Payment Data Transfer ... If you're using PDT, make sure you have the same token in Zen Cart as you have in PayPal.
- Encrypted Website Payments ... set this to OFF. Zen Cart does not currently support this option.
- PayPal™ Account Optional ... if you want to allow customers to pay by credit card and not have to create a PayPal™ account, set this to ON
- Click Save.
- If your website's language is not a Western/European language, go to Language Encoding and set your language.
- Turn off ALL tax and shipping settings in your PayPal™ account. These will cause your transaction amounts to not match Zen Cart™ amounts, and thus your orders will not be released.
- Oh ... and ... if you've never had your PayPal™ account "verified", you should follow their steps to do so.
- Admin > Modules > Payment > Paypal.
- If this is the first time configuring for PayPal™ on this site, then you need to click on Install.
- Otherwise, click on Edit.
- Enter the primary email address of your PayPal™ account.
- Configure any other options as desired.
- Note the URL's suggested in the top of the PayPal™ module's instructions - they should match what you have set in your PayPal™ profile in the steps above for the PayPal™ site.
Another tutorial you might check out is at Camelot Hosting - PayPal™ Setup Tutorial.
Using PayPal on Multiple Sites
You can use a single PayPal™ account to collect payments from multiple Zen Cart™ sites simply by following the "In Zen Cart™" instructions above, for each site. Zen Cart™ will send override information to PayPal™ to let them know which store to send its notifications to.
If you use your PayPal™ account on non-Zen Cart™ sites or on eBay™, be sure that you have all "taxes" and "shipping" options disabled in your PayPal™ profile; otherwise these charges will be added to your Zen Cart™ orders and cause them to not match, and therefore they won't be released or added to your orders list.
Things to check if it's not working
These are the common configuration errors:
- If it "was" working, but stopped, make sure PayPal's services are running properly. PayPal Live Server Status
- Make sure your site is *not* in down-for-maintenance mode.
- Make sure your site does *not* have password-protection via .htaccess in order to get to the "store" area.
- Check that the email address you enter for PayPal™ in Zen Cart™ admin matches CaSE-SenSItiVE exactly with your PRIMARY email address setting in your PayPal™ account profile on PayPal's™ site.
- Is your PayPal™ account "verified" yet?
- Is your PayPal™ account a "Business" account? (Business is preferred. Premier can be used in some cases. Personal cannot.)
- Check with your host that port 80 and 443 are open for bidirectional communication.
- Use your browser and go to the Login page of your store. If the page is SSL, do you get any certificate errors in your browser? Test from a couple different computers that you don't normally use. An invalid SSL certificate or one that has errors of any sort, could prevent PayPal from successfully posting the notices to your site.
- Try accessing http://your_site.com/ipn_main_handler.php with your browser. If you see PHP errors, those will need to be resolved. If you get a white screen, then the first phase of PayPal™ contacting your site isn't encountering errors. This doesn't mean there aren't any, it just means the initial most obvious steps are working.
- There are two communication testing tools available in the support forum. If you are asking for troubleshooting help, please supply the URL to each of these tools after you have installed them on your site, so we can assess the responses they reveal.
- Turn on debug logging in your PayPal™ module, and post a link to the zipped log files so they can be analyzed. You'll need to check to be sure that your /includes/modules/payment/paypal/logs folder is marked read/write (chmod 777). Then use your FTP program to access/view those logs and zip-and-upload them for analysis.
- Check there is no IP block or firewall to prevent PayPal's™ servers from talking to your server (your host should check this, and you should check any blocking you may have done via your control panel. Also check .htaccess for any deny from statements and be sure none of them are addresses related to PayPal™.
- PayPal IP Address List (these should be in your host's firewall whitelist)
- notify.paypal.com (as of February 2008; check the link above for specifics):
- For sandbox testing, also open: ipn.sandbox.paypal.com ->
- NOTE: There are others worth checking on PayPal's Go Live Checklist page
- You may find it helps to Uninstall ("remove") and Re-Install the payment module in Zen Cart™ admin.
- When you use two PayPal™ accounts to make a simulation, make sure you're using the right account.
- Check your PayPal™ profile settings on paypal.com
- You need your Instant Payment Notification preferences ON
- Instant Payment Notification URL must be set to the URL of your site's ipn_main_handler.php (ie: http://www.your_site.com/ipn_main_handler.php or http://www.your_site.com/directory/ipn_main_handler.php )
- In Website Payment Preferences, your Return URL should be set to your site's checkout_process page. (ie: http://www.your_site.com/directory/index.php?main_page=checkout_process).
- It is advisable to have Auto Return set to On.
- Turn off ALL tax and shipping fees in your PayPal™ profile. They will cause the purchase price to mismatch when returning to Zen Cart™.
- Using your hosting control panel, find the "Error Log" option, and check your server's errorlog entries to see if any attempts to access your site's ipn_main_handler.php file are being denied for any reason.
- If you have a SEFU or SEO contribution installed, try removing it and testing again. Some are not configured to allow PayPal processing.
- Prior to v1.3.8, the PayPal™ IPN handler (ipn_main_handler.php) uses its own version of application_top. If you make changes to your application_top.php, be sure to make these same changes (if applicable) in includes/modules/payment/paypal/ipn_application_top.php.
- If you're using Payflow Pro (or Website Payments Pro UK), check your PayPal Manager area for any IP address restrictions. If you've got it restricted to only accept payment requests from certain IP addresses, make sure your webserver's IP address is in the list. Or clear the list out completely. A call to PayPal tech support can verify whether they have any additional IP addresses recorded that you can't see.
- You can check whether PayPal has tried to send you IPN notifications that have failed, and re-send them if needed. In your PayPal account, in the My Account tab, go to the History menu and choose the IPN History option. Tick the relevant boxes and press "Resend selected". If there are many "failed", it's best to start with just checking ONE and attempting Resend. Then check your store to see if it comes through (give it 10-30 minutes). If it doesn't show up in your store, check the IPN debug logs on your server and see what errors have been recorded there.
How Does IPN work?
"IPN" = "Instant Payment Notification" ... part of PayPal's™ "Website Payments Standard" service.
- Customer places an order on your site
- For payment, they are taken to a link on PayPal's™ site, where they provide their information and pay for their order.
- They click a link when finished (or wait 5 seconds) and return to your site.
Meanwhile, between steps 2 and 3 above, PayPal's™ server does this:
- Paypal's™ server sends a request to your website...which is waiting and listening for connections from PayPal™ to the /ipn_main_handler.php page.
- Your server sits waiting and listening on ports 80 and 443.
- When your server receives a request, it attempts to validate and be sure that the PayPal™ data provided matches the order details for which it is intended.
- If validation passes, the customer's order is released, and it lets the PayPal™ server know that you received their confirmation. This handshaking happens bidirectionally on ports 80 or 443, depending on how it was originated.
- NOTE: PayPal's™ server will attempt the IPN notification (hourly) for up to four days if it's not successful on the first try. In this case your customer's order will not show up in the Admin until the IPN notification is successful.
Testing PayPal™ Transactions
To test that PayPal™ is properly configured, you should test two methods:
- Test by paying for something using a PayPal™ account (not the same account as your store).
- Test by paying for something with a credit card WITHOUT creating or using a PayPal™ account for payment.
All of these tests are to be performed in "production" or "live" mode. Do NOT use a Sandbox for testing. (If you don't know what this means, just proceed with testing.)
Testing using a PayPal™ account
- You need a second PayPal™ account to do this. PayPal™ allows you to have two accounts per person: one personal and one business. For this test, you will pay for your purchase using funds on account in your personal PayPal™ account. You will be paying money to your store account (and refunding it).
- Create or select a product which has a low price, such as $0.01 or maybe $1.00.
- Purchase that product.
- During checkout, choose the lowest-price shipping option.
- During checkout, choose PayPal™.
- After the Checkout Confirmation screen, you'll be taken to the PayPal™ website to make payment.
- Enter your PERSONAL PayPal™ account username and password.
- Confirm the transaction.
- You will be returned to your store after completion.
- Verify that you received two or three emails: one from PayPal™, one from the store to you as a customer, and one from the store to your Admin address. If you did not receive the emails from the store within five minutes, then go to the Troubleshooting section of this document, above.
- Log in to your BUSINESS PayPal™ account and refund your test transaction.
Testing without a PayPal™ account
To test payment by credit card without using a PayPal™ account, use these steps:
(Before proceeding, find your credit cards, and select one that's not already associated with any PayPal™ account !!)
- Create or select a product in your store which has a low price, such as $0.01 or maybe $1.00.
- Purchase that product.
- During checkout, choose the lowest-price shipping option.
- During checkout, choose PayPal™.
- After the Checkout Confirmation screen, you'll be taken to the PayPal™ website to make payment.
- Underneath the login box for PayPal™ username/password, there is a link to Purchase without a PayPal™ account. Click that link.
- Fill in and/or confirm your personal information.
- Fill in your payment details including credit card number. (You should NOT use a credit card number that's already associated with any PayPal™ account !!)
- Confirm the transaction.
- You will be returned to your store after completion.
- Verify that you received two or three emails: one from PayPal™, one from the store to you as a customer, and one from the store to your Admin address. If you did not receive the emails from the store within five minutes, then go to the Troubleshooting section of this document, above.
- Log in to your BUSINESS PayPal™ account and refund your test transaction.
What's the difference between PayPal Standard, Express, and Pro?
With Express Checkout, the customer can pay without having a PayPal account (as long as you have "PayPal Account Optional" enabled inside your PayPal merchant account settings: Profile->Hosted Payment Settings->Website Payments Preferences->PayPal Account Optional = ON), except for merchants/customers in China.
One important benefit is that Express Checkout does not rely entirely on the IPN communications to your store in order to release the order. Instead, it stores the order immediately when payment is completed. It doesn't have to rely on the PayPal server to talk to your server in order to store the order. Granted, you will still want PayPal's server to be able to send IPN updates to you for any orders, in case you do refunds or adjustments to the order... so that those updates are reflected in your store's order history.
Express Checkout has all the same features as Website Payments Standard, but is more reliable because it completes the transaction directly while the customer is actively engaged on your site. It supports all the currencies, payment methods, etc, just the same, but more efficiently.
PayPal sees Express Checkout as a payment option that's offered in addition to other payment choices such as a credit card gateway, and that adding Express is a way to allow PayPal members a very quick and easy way to pay using their PayPal account. Many merchants do use Express Checkout as their sole payment processing option, even without a credit card gateway.
Website Payments Pro appears to the customer only as a couple fields to enter their credit card number directly on your website. They have no idea that in the background you're processing their card via PayPal. They have to make an account on your site, and supply the address details, but once they confirm the order, the payment is collected immediately and the order saved. It doesn't rely on IPN to release the order. However, it does store any transaction updates done on the PayPal end such as refunds etc as long as IPNs can be received by your server. Website Payments Pro is currently only offered in the USA, UK, and Canada. A monthly service charge applies, and there is an account application process and credit check to complete before the feature can be activated on your account. PayPal Express Checkout must be enabled in order for Website Payments Pro to be offered on your site.
PayPal sees Website Payments Pro as a payment gateway for handling credit cards. That's exactly what it is. Coupled with Express Checkout, it gives your customers the maximum amount of choice about how to pay: either by credit card directly on your site, or by using their PayPal account to submit payment.
PayPal Website Payments Standard (formerly referred to as "PayPal IPN" in older versions of Zen Cart) takes the customer to PayPal's site AFTER the ENTIRE checkout in order to make payment. The customer can pay without having a PayPal account (depending on what country YOU are in ... PayPal limits that feature for some countries). After the payment is completed, your store is notified of the completed payment, after which time the order is stored in your database. If the customer pays without making a PayPal account and closes their browser when presented with the invitation to make one, your store sits in limbo and never gets the order (due to a bug in PayPal's logic, which they've not fixed yet). If they DO have OR make a PayPal account, you get the notification and the order is stored in your database.
**IF there is any problem in PayPal's ability to communicate to your server, you will never see the order in your store (or receive the confirmation email from your store), because it relies entirely on PayPal's server being able to talk to your server in order to store the order.
PayPal sees Website Payments Standard as a solution for merchants wanting to collect payments on their site easily, especially if they have no other payment method available.
Zen Cart recommends using Express Checkout instead of Website Payments Standard.
More information about the various PayPal services can be found on the PayPal website.
Another much-less-commonly-asked-about PayPal service is:
Payflow Pro is essentially *only* a merchant account. Transactions conducted via Payflow Pro (for US Merchants) do not appear in your PayPal account ... instead, they are forwarded directly to your merchant bank account. Basically, Payflow Pro is just like any other traditional payment gateway (akin to Authorize.net etc). In North America you can connect the Payflow Pro service to your own merchant bank account. In the UK, the Payflow Pro service is actually bundled as a hybrid service with Website Payments Pro, connecting all the transactions to your UK PayPal account, and all monies are deposited to your PayPal account, instead of directly to your bank account.
Zen Cart does not have built-in support for the US Payflow Pro service. However, there is a free addon which can be used for this purpose if required.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Obama Begins First Visit to China
SHANGHAI — President Obama arrived here late Sunday on the third leg of his four-nation trip to Asia, where he is working to strengthen ties in the region.
After meeting with world leaders in Japan and Singapore, the president is beginning his first visit to China, where he will have a chance to see for himself this country's spectacular rise.
The President and his advisers, including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, are expected to discuss a wide-range of issues with China's leaders, including North Korea, terrorism, the environment, human rights and the fragile state of the global economy.
The President is expected to praise Beijing for its efforts to stimulate its economy, aiding a global recovery that is now gathering steam. But he is also expected to press Beijing to allow its currency to appreciate and to speed up market reforms and give American companies greater access to its market, which could bolster American exports and help create jobs in the United States.
The three-day visit to China comes after the president traveled to Japan and Singapore, where on Sunday he attended an Asia-Pacific economic summit. During those trips, President Obama pledged to forge closer ties with Japan, a longtime ally, and in a speech in Tokyo said that he does not fear China's rise but welcomes it.
In Singapore on Sunday, the President met world leaders, including Russian President Dmitri A. Medvedev and suggested the two nations may agree to sanctions against Iran because of the slow progress that country has made in negotiations over its uranium enrichment facility.
Now, the President will get his first glimpse of China, which after a sharp slowdown last year and early this year, is in the midst of another growth spurt. The country's economy is likely to grow by about 8 percent, by far the best performing major economy, accounting for much of the world's economic growth this year. The country's real estate and stock markets are once again booming, and hot initial public stock offerings are luring frenzied investors to play in the financial markets.
China's exports have suffered through a sharp slowdown, down more than 20 percent from a year ago, when China racked up a huge trade surplus with the rest of the world. But this year China is expected to surpass Germany as the world's biggest exporter, and record a trade surplus in excess of $200 billion.
Trade tensions with the United States have eased significantly over the past year, largely because a large drop in Chinese imports. But American labor unions and some members of Congress continue to press for trade sanctions, arguing that China manipulates its currency to gain an unfair advantage, costing America jobs.
Other economists, however, contend that the currency is a false issue, noting that only 18 percent of America's imports come from China and that many of those are simply assembled in China, using parts from around the world. Many of China's biggest exporters to the United States are American and European companies that operate factories here.
The president arrived on Air Force One at about 11:15 pm, during a cold rain, and drove through the center of this country's richest and glitziest city, past skyscrapers and bright streets that advertised Chinese brands like Li Ning sportswear, but also Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada.
On Monday, the president is scheduled to meet Shanghai's leaders, and then hold what is being billed as a town hall meeting with "future leaders of China," mostly university students. Mr. Obama is expected to take questions from the young people, but also to field questions submitted through the Internet. The meeting is expected to be broadcast live inside China, according to several Chines journalists, and also on the White House web site, www.whitehouse.gov.
Administration officials say the president is eager to interact directly with the country's young people, with questions unfiltered by the government.
Later Monday, the president will fly to Beijing, where he will hold high level meetings with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. He is also scheduled to attend a state dinner and to visit a section of the Great Wall.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
APT HOWTO - Managing packages
(Click the above link to find out how to install, remove and update packages, HL)
The packaging system uses a private database to keep track of which packages are installed, which are not installed and which are available for installation. The apt-get
program uses this database to find out how to install packages requested by the user and to find out which additional packages are needed in order for a selected package to work properly.
To update this list, you would use the command apt-get update
. This command looks for the package lists in the archives found in /etc/apt/sources.list; see The /etc/apt/sources.list file, Section 2.1 for more information about this file.
It's a good idea to run this command regularly to keep yourself and your system informed about possible package updates, particularly security updates.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Why is My Computer Slowing Down?
Lincoln Spector
Nov 9, 2009 7:23 am
A41202813 asked the Answer Line forum why his once quick PC is slowing down
A number of issues can slow down a once fast PC. Here are some of the most common.
An overloaded and fragmented hard drive. If your drive is too full (more than about 80 percent), or too fragmented (the two often go together), it could be slowing down your PC, especially if you don't have much RAM.
Defragging is the easiest solution, so you should try that first. To defrag in XP, select Start, then My Computer. Right-click your C: drive and select Properties. Click the Tools tab, then Defragment Now. Vista defrags automatically--or at least it does so in theory. See Vista Defrag Problems for details. Or you can go with a third-party defragger. Forum regular Flashorn recommends the free MyDefrag, which looked pretty good when I checked it out.
If your drive is getting full and defragging doesn't help, you may have to make hard decisions about what you can delete or off-loaded to an external drive. Or you could replace the drive with a larger one.
Avoid new programs. Software has a way of cancelling out Moore's Law--as hardware gets faster, software gets slower. (I attended a programming conference once where Bill Gates advised programmers to write for the most powerful PC currently available, because that would match a normal PC when their product was released.) So if you keep buying the latest office suite or photo editor, performance will suffer.
Watch your security software. You can avoid upgrading Office and Photoshop, but you have to keep your security software up to date or you risk infection. Major security suites like Norton and McAfee use a lot of resources, and keep using more with each major upgrade. They can seriously slow down an older PC. Consider switching to smaller, sleeker (and often free) alternatives. See Can You Trust Free Antivirus Software? and What Free Security Programs Can Protect My PC? for product suggestions.
Reduce the autoloaders. Your security programs probably aren't the only ones that load automatically each time you boot and stay in memory, although they may be the only ones that should. Any number of programs you've installed may have inserted a piece of themselves into Windows' Startup list, and could thus be slowing you down. See Why the Slow Boots? for more information.
You could be infected. See Remove a Virus or Other Malicious Infection for details.
And remember, when it comes to upgrading your hardware, adding RAM is relatively cheap and usually very effective.
My thanks to Flashorn and Rgreen for their contributions to the original forum discussion.
Add your comments to this article below. If you have other tech questions, email them to me at answer@pcworld.com, or post them to a community of helpful folks on the PCW Answer Line forum.
Google offers free Wi-Fi in U.S. airports during the holidays
IDG News Service - Hoping to bring holiday cheer to harried travelers, Google is footing the bill for Wi-Fi access at 47 U.S. airports through mid-January, so that people can connect free to the Internet while they wait at airline gates and other areas.
Google is working with airports and Wi-Fi providers, including Boingo Wireless, Advanced Wireless Group and Airport Marketing Income, to offer the service. There 47 cities involved including Las Vegas, San Jose, Boston, Baltimore, Houston, Indianapolis, Seattle, Miami, Orlando, St. Louis and Charlotte.
As part of the service, people who log in to the free Wi-Fi service will have the opportunity to make donations to Engineers Without Borders, the One Economy Corporation and the Climate Savers Computing Initiative. Google will match the donations up to $250,000.
The offer ends Jan. 15, except at the Burbank and Seattle airports, which will offer free Wi-Fi indefinitely as a result of the initiative, Google said today.
Last month, Google and Virgin America announced free Wi-Fi service on the airline's flights during the holidays.
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