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Friday, May 7, 2010

Google Goggles now translates text using your phone's camera


When we reported back in February that Google Goggles -- Google's augmented reality app for Android -- would be able to translate text on the fly using your phone's camera, we didn't know it was going to be available so soon! Our friend (and former DLS editor) Brad Linder has posted a video of the new translation feature in action over at mobiputing. Brad explains that once you've snapped a pic of whatever you're trying to translate, you can swipe the screen to select the specific text to target. Apparently, it sometimes takes a few tries to get Google Goggles to recognize your photo as text, but once it does, it works about as well as you'd expect Google Translate to work. For a glimpse at Google Goggles in action, check out the video after the jump.

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